I have some result in list form and after I build the graph I have: As you can see on the graph there is a spurious peak at the beginning. So when I tried to find maximum peak, I receive value of first point which isn't correct. Code to find maximum:
Position[list1, Max[list1]][[1, 1]]
Than I tried to use another code to find this maximum:
Peaks1=tbl1[[FindPeaks[tbl1[[All, 2]]][[All, 1]]]]
Sort[Peaks1, #1[[1]] > #2[[1]] &][[2]]
Here I have another problem. For example for some data it's correct: and in the same time for anoter data it's not correct So my question is How can I ignore peak at the begining in the first case and What can I do in the second case to avoid incorrect result. Here is link on google disk with list and tables with datas
can certainly help with the task but if the "right answer" is "I'll know it when I see it", then I'd say that's not a consistent or convincing approach. So what is the extra information that you have that would get the peak(s) that you want? $\endgroup$