I have a 2D graphic which contains a table of curves within a circular region.
rotateparametric[parfunc_, fixedpoint_, angle_] :=
RotationMatrix[angle].(parfunc - fixedpoint) + fixedpoint;
viewAngle = Pi/3;
ctrVolume = {(Exp[(Pi - viewAngle)*0.5] + 1)/2, 0};
radiusVolume = (Exp[(Pi - viewAngle)*0.5] - 1)/2;
radiusRing = (Exp[(Pi - viewAngle)*0.5] + 1)/2;
FPS = 120*3;
fPlanet = 3;
fOrbit = 10;
radiusEquation = Exp[t*0.5];
planetRotation =
rotateparametric[{radiusEquation*Cos[t], radiusEquation*Sin[t]}, {0,
0}, -2*Pi*i*fPlanet/FPS]
mirrorPlanetRotation =
rotateparametric[{radiusEquation*Cos[t], radiusEquation*Sin[t]}, {0,
0}, Pi - 2*Pi*i*fPlanet/FPS]
orbitRotation =
rotateparametric[planetRotation, ctrVolume, -2*Pi*i*fOrbit/FPS]
mirrorOrbitRotation =
rotateparametric[planetRotation, ctrVolume, Pi - 2*Pi*i*fOrbit/FPS]
TheCurves = Evaluate@Table[orbitRotation, {i, 1, FPS}];
TheMirrorCurves = Evaluate@Table[mirrorOrbitRotation, {i, 1, FPS}];
pp = ParametricPlot[{TheCurves, TheMirrorCurves}, {t, 0,
Pi - viewAngle},
RegionFunction -> (Norm[{#, #2} - ctrVolume] <= radiusVolume &),
PlotRange -> All]
This is the output:
What I want to do is first, divide the region into discrete little regions (meshes) which I will be the decider to the size of the mesh. For example like in below:
Then I need to extract the tangent values of each curve within the mesh so I can calculate its perpendicular vectors angle as below:
If it will be help, I need this to calculate the minimum voxel in a holographic volume. When I find the perpendicular vectors angle I will know the total view angle of the voxel (mesh). If the total angle covers 360 degree than it means I hit my goal. Thanks.