I have a 2-D array ($360 \times 512$). The 360 rows represents the azimuthal angle from (0° to 359°) and the 512 columns are radial segments.
This is the ArrayPlot
of my data.
ArrayPlot[data, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {{Style["Range", 18], None},
{Style["Azimuth", 18], None}}, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
ImageSize -> 480, AspectRatio -> 1, PlotRangePadding -> None]
I would like to know how to plot the data in polar coordinates. I see there were already some discussions on this topic, e.g. How to make a ArrayPlot/MatrixPlot in polar coordinates?
I tried to follow the steps, but did not succeed. Not sure if my array is too large, the running time is extremely long. For example,
polararrayplot[array_, colourfunc_] :=
SectorChart[Map[Style[{1, 1}, colourfunc[#]] &, array, {2}], SectorSpacing -> None];
polararrayplot[data, ColorData["Rainbow", #] &]
May I know which way of plotting suggested in the above link is more efficient? Or there is any newly available function in Mathematica in recent years? I am using Version 11.1.
I have uploaded the data here or here if anyone would like to take a look.
Many thanks in advance.