Assuming[{Element[S, Reals],S>0},Integrate[Exp[-I*S*w]/(w^2 + 1)^(3/2)
,{w, 0, Infinity}]]
1/2 S(I π BesselI[1, S] + 2 BesselK[1, S] - I π StruveL[-1, S])
However Mathematica cannot do the indefinte integral with a variable lower or upper limit so differentiation cannot be used to see how it did this integral. Is there any way to find out or person who can figure it out, please. Change of variable to Sw would give leading S as a divisor not a factor. Not clear where the 3 parts come from.
Thanks JM
LaplaceTransform[1/(w^2 + 1)^(3/2), w, s]
-(1/2) π s (BesselY[1, s] + StruveH[-1, s])
is down to 2 terms. But still unclear where they come from
LaplaceTransform[1/(w^2 + 1)^(3/2), w, s]
? $\endgroup$