I've written some code that's been getting longer and longer, Is there a way to "hide" the section of the code that does not require input so that i can just give it my two inputs and jump straight to the results?
p1 = {-5, 4};
m = 9/8;
p2 = {First[Take[p1, 1]] + 1, First[Drop[p1, 1]] + m};
m = (Drop[p1, 1] - Drop[p2, 1])/(Take[p1, 1] - Take[p2, 1]);
StringForm["The slope is: `1`", First[m]]
bb = Solve[Drop[p1, 1] == m*Take[p1, 1] + b];
StringForm["The y intercept is `1`", First[bb[[All, 1, 2]]]]
StringForm["Slope Intercept form: y=`1`x`3``2`", First[m],
Abs[First[bb[[All, 1, 2]]]],
If[First[bb[[All, 1, 2]]] >= 0, "+", "-"]]
denom = Max[Denominator[m]];
StringForm["Standard Form: `1`x`4``3`y=`2`",
If[Max[m] < 0, -denom*First[m], denom*First[m]],
If[Max[m] > 0, -denom*First[bb[[All, 1, 2]]],
denom*First[bb[[All, 1, 2]]]], If[Max[m] > 0, -denom, denom],
If[Max[m] > 0, "", "+"]]
StringForm["General Form: `1`x`4``3`y`5``2`=0",
If[Max[m] < 0, -denom*First[m],
denom*First[m]], -If[Max[m] > 0, -denom*First[bb[[All, 1, 2]]],
denom*First[bb[[All, 1, 2]]]], If[Max[m] > 0, -denom, denom],
If[Max[m] > 0, "", "+"],
If[If[Max[m] < 0, -denom*First[m], denom*First[m]] > 0, "+", ""]]
StringForm["Point Slope Form: y`4``1`=`2`(x`5``3`)",
Abs[Max[Drop[p1, 1]]], Max[m], Abs[Max[Take[p1, 1]]],
If[Max[Drop[p1, 1]] >= 0, "-", "+"],
If[Max[Take[p1, 1]] >= 0, "-", "+"]]
I would like to hide or collapse the code after the first 2 lines and still be able to run it.