Bug introduced in 11.3 or earlier and persisting through 12.0.0 or later
EDIT: Reported to Wolfram Support, currently CASE:4238258.
For some reason, attempting to evaluate a simple StreamPlot will not only cause the StreamPlot evaluation to "fail" (although no error message is outputted), it will also completely wipe any variables that were generated by Mathematica that session, even if they were unrelated to the StreamPlot.
The following single line of code replicates the issue:
StreamPlot[{v, -Sin[x]*(1/2 - 10*Cos[8*0.525858])}, {x, Pi - 0.05, Pi + 0.05}, {v, -0.05, 0.05}, StreamPoints -> Fine]
Making the plotting range bigger prevents the issue for this case, but it will then occur again for different values in the cosine term. There doesn't appear to be any kind of singularity or obvious scaling issue in the expression, either—is there a simple workaround/fix or is this a bug?
To exemplify the strangeness of the issue, the following nearly identical expression will run just fine:
StreamPlot[{v, -Sin[x]*(1/2 - 10*Cos[8*0.496686])}, {x, Pi - 0.05, Pi + 0.05}, {v, -0.05, 0.05}, StreamPoints -> Fine]