Sorry to post a long piece of code. There are two places in here where I Print[] 'path2' when the count == 984
, because for some reason, that list is getting truncated in between those two points. I can only guess that there's some kind of conflict of local variables between calls to the function tryNext
. But I'm at a lost to prevent it.
This codes searches for a Knight's Journey on a chessboard, a path that makes knight moves covering the entire board and returns where it started. ks
is a list of legal knight-steps. The algorithm actually starts two paths at {1, 1}
and extends them both out one step at a time until one can't move anymore or until they have covered all 64 squares and are one knight-step apart.
is just a time-saver that forces the search to handle the board corners correctly and not search dead ends. For example, if the knight lands on {6, 7}
, he has to go to {8, 8}
and {7, 6}
immediately or he will never be able to hit the {8, 8}
calls itself recursively adding a step to both paths with each recursion. And, for some reason, path2
gets truncated between the two places I print it, but I can't figure out why.
ks = {{-2, -1}, {-2, 1}, {-1, -2}, {-1, 2}, {1, -2}, {1, 2}, {2, -1}, {2, 1}};
chCorners[kp_] :=
{2, 6}, {{2, 6}, {1, 8}, {3, 7}},
{3, 7}, {{3, 7}, {1, 8}, {2, 6}},
{6, 2}, {{6, 2}, {8, 1}, {7, 3}},
{7, 3}, {{7, 3}, {8, 1}, {6, 2}},
{6, 7}, {{6, 7}, {8, 8}, {7, 6}},
{7, 6}, {{7, 6}, {8, 8}, {6, 7}},
_, {kp}];
tryNext[p1_, p2_] :=
Module[{path1 = p1, path2 = p2, lp, ns1, ns2, np1, np2},
count = count + 1;
ns1 = Table[Last[path1] + ks[[i]], {i, 1, 8}]; (*All possible next steps on path1*)
ns2 = Table[Last[path2] + ks[[j]], {j, 1, 8}]; (*All possible next steps on path2*)
If[count == 984, Print[Length[path2], " a ", path2]]; (*Where the bug happens*)
(*Check that we haven't found a solution, the next step being examined is actually on the chessboard and hasn't been visited already on either path1 or path2*)
(! done) && (0 < ns1[[i, 1]] < 9) && (0 < ns1[[i, 2]] < 9) &&
! (MemberQ[path1, ns1[[i]]] || MemberQ[path2, ns1[[i]]]),
np1 = Join[path1, chCorners[ns1[[i]]]];
lp = Length[np1] + Length[path2] - 1;
If[(count == 984), Print[Length[path2], " b ", path2]]; (*Where the bug happens*)
done = (lp == 64) && MemberQ[ks, Last[np1] - Last[path2]];
If[lp < 64,
(! done) && (0 < ns2[[j, 1]] < 9) && (0 < ns2[[j, 2]] < 9) &&
! (MemberQ[np1, ns2[[j]]] || MemberQ[path2, ns2[[j]]]),
np2 = Join[path2, chCorners[ns2[[j]]]];
tryNext[np1, np2]] (*Both paths okay so far but not yet connected; press on*),
{j, 1, 8}]]],
{i, 1, 8}]];
(*Starting point of program*)
done = False;
count = 0;
(* Starting two paths from lower left corned, {1,1} *)
tryNext[{{1, 1}, {2, 3}}, {{1, 1}, {3, 2}}];