Using Vers. 11.3.0, I've prepared Maps of the various Japanese Prefectures (ken). Here, I create 3 such maps, as follows:
ken = EntityValue[EntityValue[Entity["Country", "Japan"], "AdministrativeDivisions"]];
kenname = EntityValue[ EntityValue[Entity["Country", "Japan"], "AdministrativeDivisions"], "Name"];
Table[DynamicGeoGraphics[{GeoStyling["ReliefMap", FaceForm[Opacity[.6], Red]], EdgeForm[{Red, Thick}], GeoZoomLevel -> 10, EntityValue[ken[[1, i]], "Polygon"], Frame -> {True, Black, Thick}, FrameLabel -> Text[EntityValue[ken[[1, i]], "Name"]], GeoScaleBar -> {"Metric"}, GeoLabels -> Text[kenname[[i]]], ImageSize -> {500, 500}}], {i, 1, 3}]
I get my maps, but with a few issues I am unable to resolve:
1) How do I get the GeoLabels to appear? Ideally, these prefectural names should be in a larger block text than the city names and placed in the center of the polygon? I tried to follow comments from a similar issue appearing in another question about GeoLabels, but couldn't make the suggestions work.
2) Why do my scale bars not appear on the map at any zoom? Aichi (first map) is small so would have expected it to have appeared at least in this map.
3) Is there a way to get more accurate polygons for these political subdivisions or improve on those that are curated with these administrative subdivisions? Those drawn from CountryData, outline coastal margins poorly as one increases the zoom level.
4) Is there a way to tint the interior of the polygon using a color with low opacity so that the relief map shows through but is tinted, say "Red" as I am trying to do without success using FaceForm?
5) Is there a way to generate both Japanese (Kanji) labels (such as appear for some of the larger cities), as well instead of the English (Romanji) labels that are intrinic to the background street map? I'd really like to place these side by side, since Kanji for Japanese place names are hard to read and learn.