Like the previous answer mentions, excel imports as a list Datasets corresponding to each sheet. There's a couple approaches you can take. If you have multiple sheets of interest, anything you do will need to be mapped.
data = Import[..];
Length /@ data
To get Rows/Cols count, do something like
Dimensions /@ data
I wouldn't be surprised if upcoming versions had elements to get the number of sheets/dimensions of each sheet in a more efficient way as well....
However, in this case you only have one sheet of interest, so to import that sheet directly as a Dataset rather than list of Datasets, do this:
Import["etcetcetc.xlsx", {"Dataset", 1}, "HeaderLines" -> 1]
And you can work with your flat Dataset how you were expecting originally.
If you had multiple sheets and wanted to combine them into a dataset, the other answer was sort of on the right path, but you'd still need to separate the datasets so there's a clear barrier between sheets, something like:
Dataset@AssociationThread[Import[.., "Sheets"], Import[.., "Dataset", "HeaderLines" -> 1]]
You can easily trim off the totals by changing the "Dataset"
to {"Dataset", All, ;; -3}