
I used the Tag Set Delayed to set

F /: D[F[f_], x_] := F[D[f, x]]

It works if I give as input a single F:

D[F[g[x]],x] = F[g'[x]]

the result is as expected. However if I insert a linear combination of Fs

D[F[g[x]] + F[h[x]], x] = F'[g[x]]g'[x]+F'[h[x]]h'[x]

instead of

D[F[g[x]] + F[h[x]], x] = F[g'[x]] + F[h'[x]]

I was expecting the last result since I thought that first the D would distribute on Fs

D[F[g[x]],x] + D[F[h[x]],x]

and then my Tag Set Delayed would have applied.



d[a_ + b_] := d[a] + d[b];

I gat the expected result

d[F[g[x]]+F[h[x]],x] = F[d[g[x],x]]+F[d[h[x],x]]

Which is what I would like to have with D.


How can I get the same behavior with D?

  • $\begingroup$ Can you provide a MWE? $\endgroup$
    – MaPo
    Commented Feb 11, 2019 at 14:09
  • $\begingroup$ I was thinking F as an operator. Imagine F = Sum. It is linear and a derivative can be moved inside. $\endgroup$
    – MaPo
    Commented Feb 11, 2019 at 14:26
  • $\begingroup$ With F = Sum there is no contradiction in D[Sum[f[x] , ...], x]. How can I have a similar structure with a generic F? $\endgroup$
    – MaPo
    Commented Feb 11, 2019 at 14:33

1 Answer 1


You need to turn off automatic handling of derivatives for your function by adjusting the system options:

With[{old = OptionValue[SystemOptions["DifferentiationOptions"],"DifferentiationOptions"->"ExcludedFunctions"]},
    SetSystemOptions["DifferentiationOptions" -> "ExcludedFunctions" -> DeleteDuplicates[Append[old, F]]]

D[F[a_], r__] ^:= F[D[a, r]]


D[F[g[x]] + F[h[x]], x]

F[g'[x]] + F[h'[x]]


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