Linked lists - based solution
The real reason for the slowdown seems to be the same as usual for ReplaceRepeated
- multiple copying of large arrays. I can offer a solution which would still be rule-based, but uses linked lists to avoid the mentioned slowdown. Here are auxiliary functions:
zeroVectorQ[x_] := VectorQ[x, IntegerQ] && Total[Unitize[x]] == 0;
toLinkedList[l_List] := Fold[ll[#2, #1] &, ll[], Reverse[l]]
rzvecs[mat_List] := rzvecs[ll[First@#, ll[]], Last@#] &@toLinkedList[mat];
rzvecs[accum_, rest : (ll[] | ll[_, ll[_, ll[]]])] :=
List @@ Flatten[ll[accum, rest], Infinity, ll];
rzvecs[accum_, ll[head_?zeroVectorQ, ll[_?zeroVectorQ, tail : ll[_?zeroVectorQ, Except[ll[]]]]]] :=
rzvecs[accum, ll[head, tail]];
rzvecs[accum_, ll[head_?zeroVectorQ, ll[_?zeroVectorQ, tail_]]] :=
rzvecs[ll[ll[accum, head], head], tail];
rzvecs[accum_, ll[head_, tail_]] := rzvecs[ll[accum, head], tail];
Now the main function:
removeZeroVectors[mat_] := Nest[Transpose[rzvecs[#]] &, mat, 2]
Now the benchmarks:
m = RandomVariate[BinomialDistribution[1, 10^-3], {600, 600}];
(res = removeZeroVectors[m]); // AbsoluteTiming
(res1 = Transpose[Transpose[m //. rule] //. rule]); // AbsoluteTiming
res == res1
{0.046875, Null}
{3.715820, Null}
I have been promoting the uses of linked lists for some time now. In my opinion, in Mathematica they allow one to stay of the higher level of abstraction while achieving very decent (for the top-level code) performance. They also allow one to avoid many non-obvious performance-tuning tricks which take time to come up with, and even more time to understand for others. The algorithms expressed with linked lists are usually rather straight-forward and can be directly read off from the code.