
I need to write numbers out to a file without using the scientific notation. How do I tell Mathematica to do that?

This is the code I am using:

ExportString[RandomReal[{0, 10^9}, {1, 5}], "CSV"]
7.554498937472847e8, 8.890561732721748e8, 3.1844080035953116e8, 6.011904915821908e8, 9.281223697983398e8

1 Answer 1


You can suppress the exponential format as you like with ScientificNotationThreshold, e.g.

NumberForm[#, ScientificNotationThreshold -> {-5, 9}] & /@ 
 RandomReal[{0, 10^9}, {1, 5}]

resp., as you wrote,

 NumberForm[#, ScientificNotationThreshold -> {-5, 9}] & /@ 
  RandomReal[{0, 10^9}, {1, 5}], "CSV"]


{580474481., 128820835., 306427380., 712012070., 390581871.}

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