Can we solve the following PDE by Mathematica,
where $\Omega$ is a bounded domain of $\mathbb{R}^n$, $\Gamma =\partial \Omega$ is the boundary of $\Omega$, $\partial_\nu$ is the normal derivative, and $\nu$ is the outer unit vector.
First I tried to solve the equation by Matlab, but the tools (pdepe
, pde toolbox.. etc) not include dynamic boundary conditions $(2)$.
I tried the NDSolve
with mathematica, but this not work for me:
NDSolve[{D[u[t, x], t] == D[u[t, x], {x, 2}], u[0, x] == 1,
Derivative[1, 0][u][t, 0] == Derivative[0, 1][u][t, 0],
Derivative[1, 0][u][t, 1] == -Derivative[0, 1][u][t, 1]}, u, {t, 0, 10}, {x, 0, 1}]
It generate the following error:
NDSolve::bdord: Boundary condition -(u^(0,1))[t,0]+(u^(1,0))[t,0] should have derivatives of order lower than the differential order of the partial differential equation.