I have one infinite dimensional tridiagonal matrix whose eigenvalues I have to compute. How can that be done numerically using Mathematica?
Let me expose the concrete case I want to do it. I shall use Dirac's notation to write down the matrix. It is:
$$\rho= \dfrac{1-t^2}{2}\left((1\pm\cos\theta)M_{00}+(1\mp\cos\theta)M_{11}\pm\sin\theta M_{10}\pm\sin\theta M_{01}\right) $$
Where $M_{00},M_{01},M_{10},M_{11}$ are the infinite dimensional matrices:
$$M_{00}=\sum_{n=0}^\infty t^{2n}|n\rangle\langle n|,\quad M_{11}=(1-t^2)\sum_{n=0}^\infty (n+1)t^{2n}|n+1\rangle\langle n+1|$$
$$M_{01}=\sqrt{1-t^2}\sum_{n=0}^\infty\sqrt{n+1} t^{2n}|n\rangle\langle n+1|,\quad M_{10}=M_{01}^\dagger$$
The notation is such that $$M=\sum_{nm}M_{nm}|n\rangle\langle m|$$
where $n$ labels the row and $m$ the colum. So $M_{00}$ and $M_{11}$ are diagonal and the other two parts gives the off-diagonal terms just above and below the diagonal.
According to this paper:
The density matrices $\rho$ are tridiagonal, whose eigenvalues can be obtained easily numerically.
So they claim it is easy to find numerically the eigenvalues of such matrix.
I just have no idea how to do it because first of all these are infinite dimensional matrices which I don't know how to define on Mathematica.
So can I use Mathematica to compute the eigenvalues of such a matrix? If so, how can I do it?
I want in the end to have the eigenvalues defined as functions of $\theta$.