I am experiencing a problem in the evaluation of a sum. I hope that someone can help me, I am not an expert Mathematica programmer. I'm posting just the portion of code that gives problems, I know that this is silly but it is embedded in a more complicated function.
Module[{r = Extract[{0, 0, x, y, 0}, 3],
inf = Extract[{0, 0, x, y, 0}, 5],
sp = x + y},
Sum[t^sp, {r, inf, Infinity},
Assumptions -> {t < 1 && t > 0}]
I need to select the index of the Sum from a list of symbols, for example x or y. While the evaluation of the lower and upper bounds of the Sum is done as expected, I cannot see the way of selecting the index and I obtain that the sum does not converge:
Sum[t^(x + y), {r$42458, 0, Infinity},
Assumptions -> {t < 1 && t > 0}]
Thanks for the help.