i want to solve this equation and plot it solution w.r.t N2 and theta(0)
theta''[x] + 2*theta'[x] -
Exp[-2*x]*(N2)^2*(theta[x] - 5) + Q1 == 0
anyone please help
It is not clear what you want plotted nor how you want the plots done. Neither have you specified the range of the variables that are of interest. The following will need to be tailored once you understand your needs.
{xmin, xmax} = {0, 1};
Module[{eqns1, sol1},
eqns1 =
{theta''[x] + 2*theta'[x] - Exp[-2*x]*N21^2*(theta[x] - 5) + Q11 == 0,
theta[0] == t01, theta'[0] == tp01};
sol1 = ParametricNDSolve[eqns1, theta, {x, xmin, xmax}, N21];
Plot3D[Evaluate[theta[N21][x] /. sol1],
{x, xmin, xmax}, {N21, 0, 5},
AxesLabel -> (Style[#, 14, Bold] & /@ {"x", "N2", "theta"}),
ClippingStyle -> None]],
{{Q11, 5, Q1}, 0, 10, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{t01, 0, "theta[0]"}, 0, 10, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{tp01, 0, "theta'[0]"}, 0, 10, Appearance -> "Labeled"}]
(* spacer *)
Module[{eqns2, sol2},
eqns2 =
{theta''[x] + 2*theta'[x] - Exp[-2*x]*N22^2*(theta[x] - 5) + Q12 == 0,
theta[0] == t02, theta'[0] == tp02};
sol2 = ParametricNDSolve[eqns2, theta, {x, xmin, xmax}, t02];
Plot3D[Evaluate[theta[t02][x] /. sol2],
{x, xmin, xmax}, {t02, 0, 5},
AxesLabel -> (Style[#, 14, Bold] & /@ {"x", "theta[0]", "theta"}),
ClippingStyle -> None]],
{{Q12, 5, Q1}, 0, 10, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{N22, 5, N2}, 0, 10, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{tp02, 0, "theta'[0]"}, 0, 10, Appearance -> "Labeled"}]
(* spacer *)
and x
and the range of interest for theta[0]
Jan 7, 2019 at 13:10
Jan 7, 2019 at 16:17
in the documentation $\endgroup$ParametricNDSolve
(with capitalP
at the beginning) seems to be relevant. $\endgroup$