I don't know if you find this elegant. But I give it a try.
maxdepth = 5;
Join @@ MapIndexed[
{x, i} \[Function] Join @@ Transpose[ConstantArray[Range @@ x, (i + 1)]],
Join[{{1}}, Partition[Accumulate[Range[maxdepth - 1]!], 2, 1] + ConstantArray[{1, 0}, maxdepth - 2]]
Range[2, Total[Range[maxdepth]!]]
DirectedEdges -> True,
GraphLayout -> "BalloonEmbedding"
Out of curiosity, I adapted the algorithm above to produce also other symmetric trees.
SymmetricTree[branchlist_?(VectorQ[#, IntegerQ] &)] :=
levelnodecounts = FoldList[#1 #2 &, 1, branchlist];
Join @@ MapIndexed[
{x, i} \[Function] Join @@ Transpose[ConstantArray[Range @@ x, branchlist[[i[[1]]]]]],
Partition[Accumulate[Most[levelnodecounts]], 2, 1] + ConstantArray[{1, 0}, Length[branchlist] - 1]
Range[2, 1 + Total[Rest[levelnodecounts]]]}],
DirectedEdges -> True
Regarding speed, it seems to be on par with IGSymmetricTree
. Of course, I cannot provide such a detailed user interface as Szabolcs so I would suggest to use IGraphM whenever possible.
Edit 2
Adapting my (slow) code for fractal trees, here is another way to embedd the tree:
BoccoliEmbedding[branchlist_] :=
Module[{data0, data, θ, stem, thickness, s1, s2, f, F},
θ = Pi/4.;
s1 = 1/GoldenRatio // N;
s2 = 1/GoldenRatio // N;
stem = {0., 0., 1.};
thickness = 0.15;
data0 = {Join[
{{0., 0., 0.}},
{{thickness, 1., 0.}},
RotationMatrix[2. k Pi/branchlist[[1]], {0, 0, 1}].{Cos[θ], 0.,Sin[θ]},
{k, 0, branchlist[[1]] - 1}]
f = {U, n} \[Function] Table[
{U[[1]] + U[[2]]},
{s2 U[[3]]},
s1 Table[RotationMatrix[2. Pi j/n, U[[2]]].U[[i]], {j, 0, n - 1}],
RotationMatrix[{U[[i]], U[[2]]}]
{i, 4, Length[U]}];
F = {data, n} \[Function] Join @@ (f[#, n] & /@ data);
data = Join @@ FoldList[F, data0, Join[Rest[branchlist], {1}]];
data[[All, 1]] + data[[All, 2]]
And this is how we apply it:
b = Range[2, 7];
plot = Graph[
VertexCoordinates -> BoccoliEmbedding[b]