This question has appeared in various forms online, but I have not yet seen a complete answer, so I am posting it here.
More specifically, suppose I have a function
F: X->Y
that is not one-to-one. Mathematica can easily plot this function as follows:
Plot[F[x], {x, 0, 30}, PlotRange -> {{0, 30}, {0, 1}}]
This produces a graph that passes the vertical line test, but does not pass the horizontal line test, because F is not one-to-one. My question is, how do I get a plot of the inverse relation (which is not a function) for all Y?
Edit: I am adding the function F for clarity. I originally omitted it because I figured a generic solution would solve it.
F[x_] := (1000 * x) / 24279 * Sqrt[-1 + x^(2/7)]
Edit 2: I am adding the graph (that I am trying to graph the inverse relation of) I produced using Plot for further clarity.
To be clear, this image is produced by the following three commands:
F[x_] := (1000 * x) / (24279 * Sqrt[-1 + x^(2/7)])
myplot = Plot[F[x], {x,0,30}, PlotRange -> {{0,30}, {0,1}}]
Export["foo.png", myplot]