
When my daughter asked me help with her spelling homework, for me the obvious thing to do was to write a Mathematica program for it.

The words:

words = {"lightning", "thunder", "cloudy"};

The code:

 Module[{x = 0, t = 0},
     Button["Start", t = Hold@AbsoluteTime[] - AbsoluteTime[]], 
     Button[Style["\[Checkmark]", Darker@Green], t = ReleaseHold[t]; x++],
     Button[Style[    "\[Times]",        Red  ], t = ReleaseHold[t]; x--],
     Dynamic[Clock[]; ReleaseHold[t]]
    ] & /@ words]

Which produces this output:


So when I ask her a word, I click "start". Then I click ✔ or × if her answer is right or wrong respectively. I plan to keep track of time to answer, so the timer now shows how much time it took to answer.

So my question is: Why do I have to use Module instead of DynamicModule? For some reason the Grid command does not work if I use DynamicModule. On the other hand, if I use Module (as it is shown), then the syntax highlighter shows my "t" and "x" variables in red as if I am doing something wrong: enter image description here

Update: I have just realized that using Module instead of DynamicModule is not a viable option as the scores are lost when you reopen the notebook.

Update 2: For the record, this is the finished program incorporating the advice from Mr.Wizard and kguler

DynamicModule[{x, t, status, h},
 x[_] = 0;
 t[_] = 0;
 status[_] = False;
 h[_] = {};
              Speak@#; status[#2] = True; 
              t[#2] = Hold@AbsoluteTime[] -AbsoluteTime[], 
              Enabled -> Dynamic[! status[#2]]],
       Button[Style["\[Checkmark]", Darker@Green], 
              t[#2] = ReleaseHold[t[#2]]; x[#2]++; AppendTo[h[#2], t[#2]]; 
              status[#2] = False,
              Enabled -> Dynamic[status[#2]]],
       Button[Style["\[Times]", Red],
              t[#2] = ReleaseHold[t[#2]]; x[#2]--; AppendTo[h[#2], -t[#2]];
              status[#2] = False, 
              Enabled -> Dynamic[status[#2]]],
       Button["spell", Speak@StringJoin[Riffle[Characters[#], ","]]],
       Dynamic[Clock[]; ReleaseHold[NumberForm[t[#2], 2]]],
        If[Length@h[#2] > 0, 
         Module[{z = Transpose[{Abs[#], Sign[#]} & /@ h[#2]]}, 
           (Rectangle @@@ 
            (Partition[{Accumulate[First@z],Last@z}\[Transpose],2,1,{2,2},{{0, 0}}] /.
             {{x1_, y1_Integer}, {x2_, y2_Integer}} -> {{x1 + 0.2, 0}, {x2, y2}})) /.
             {Rectangle[{x1_,0}, {x2_, 1}] -> {Darker@Green, Rectangle[{x1, 0}, {x2, 1}]}, 
              Rectangle[{x1_,0}, {x2_,-1}] -> {Red, Rectangle[{x1,0}, {x2, -1}]}},
           ImageSize -> {Automatic, 20}, 
           PlotRange -> {-1, 1}]], 
    } &, words],
    Alignment -> Left],
      "reset", (x[{#}] = 0; t[{#}] = 0; h[{#}] = {}) & /@ 
       Range@Length@words], Spacer[10]}]}]]

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ You should really look at Anki (which of course doesn't mean that we shouldn't solve this in Mathematica!) $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Feb 16, 2012 at 13:16
  • 5
    $\begingroup$ +1 for doing spelling homework using Mathematica! $\endgroup$
    – Eli Lansey
    Commented Feb 16, 2012 at 16:13
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ +1. Using Beep is perhaps going too far, but ... Speak and Characters might come handy in this task: Speak["potatoes"] and StringJoin[Riffle[Characters["potatoes"], " "]]. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Feb 16, 2012 at 18:36
  • $\begingroup$ I happened to glance at this again and I noticed that you did not localize pattern names with RuleDelayed. For example Rectangle[{x1_,0}, {x2_,-1}] -> {Red, Rectangle[{x1,0}, {x2, -1}] should be written Rectangle[{x1_,0}, {x2_,-1}] :> {Red, Rectangle[{x1,0}, {x2, -1}] to protect x1 and x2. $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Feb 14, 2013 at 19:52

1 Answer 1


This is because the object created by DynamicModule does not actually evaluate until it is displayed, therefore Grid has nothing to format other than the outer list.

words = {"lightning", "lightning", "cloudy"};

dynlist = 
  DynamicModule[{x = 0, t = 0},
     Button["Start", t = Hold@AbsoluteTime[] - AbsoluteTime[]], 
     Button[Style["\[Checkmark]", Darker@Green], t = ReleaseHold[t]; x++],
     Button[Style[    "\[Times]",        Red  ], t = ReleaseHold[t]; x--],
     Dynamic[Clock[]; ReleaseHold[t]]
    ] & /@ words;

ToString[ dynlist[[1]] ]

"DynamicModule[{x = 0, t = 0}, {lightning, Button[Start, t = \ Hold[AbsoluteTime[]] - AbsoluteTime[]], Button[[Checkmark], t = \ ReleaseHold[t]; x++], Button[[Times], t = ReleaseHold[t]; x--], \ Dynamic[x], Dynamic[Clock[]; ReleaseHold[t]]}, DynamicModuleValues :> \ {}]"

You could build the rows inside the module:

 DynamicModule[{x = 0, t = 0},
     Button["Start", t = Hold@AbsoluteTime[] - AbsoluteTime[]], 
     Button[Style["\[Checkmark]", Darker@Green], t = ReleaseHold[t]; x++],
     Button[Style[    "\[Times]",        Red  ], t = ReleaseHold[t]; x--],
     Dynamic[Clock[]; ReleaseHold[t]]
    ] & /@ words]

Mathematica graphics

Addressing your comment you could move the map operation inside Grid like this:

DynamicModule[{x, t},
 x[_] = 0;
 t[_] = 0;
    {#, Button["Start", t[#2] = Hold@AbsoluteTime[] - AbsoluteTime[]], 
     Button[Style["\[Checkmark]", Darker@Green], 
      t[#2] = ReleaseHold[t[#2]]; x[#2]++], 
     Button[Style["\[Times]", Red], t[#2] = ReleaseHold[t[#2]]; 
      x[#2]--], Dynamic[x[#2]], 
     Dynamic[Clock[]; ReleaseHold[t[#2]]]} &,

Mathematica graphics

  • $\begingroup$ Yes, but it needs to be on a grid. Otherwise it looks ugly as you have shown. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 16, 2012 at 15:49
  • $\begingroup$ @Gustavo see edit; sorry for sloppy formatting but I don't have time to make it pretty. $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Feb 16, 2012 at 16:41
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you! I had tried unsuccessfully with Map, but I see you cleverly solved it using MapIndexed. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 16, 2012 at 17:00

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