some days ago I did a question about a problem with a findroot. The solution was to convert the FindRoot in a "fake" NDSolve. How can I do the same if the FindRoot has more equation ? I make here an example, this is the FindRoot version:
This the NDSolve versione:
This is more or less clear to me, the problem is that now i would like to solve in this way a FindRoot with two equations:
tabexp=ParallelTable[{FindRoot[{Pinjx-Fun[y1,y2]- Loss[y1,1],Fun[y1,y2]-Loss[y2,1]},{y1,5},{y2,5},AccuracyGoal->25,PrecisionGoal->25,MaxIterations->2000]},{Pinjx,0.2,10,9.8/50}];
The rest of the code is here
n[ω_?NumericQ,y_?NumericQ]:=(Exp[ ω/y]-1)-1;
Fun[y1_?NumericQ,y2_?NumericQ]:= NIntegrate[ω (n[ω,y1]-n[ω,y2]),{ω,0,10},MinRecursion->4,Method->{"GlobalAdaptive","MaxErrorIncreases"->100000,"SymbolicProcessing"->0,"SingularityHandler"->None},PrecisionGoal->5,WorkingPrecision->16];