I'm trying to solve an admittedly gnarly system of equations:
h11 = 2;
NN = 2;
A = Array[a, NN];
Q = Array[q, {h11, NN}];
\[Rho] = Array[r, h11];
eqs = Table[Sum[A[[i]] Q[[nn, i]] Exp[-Sum[Q[[j, i]] \[Rho][[j]], {j,1,h11}]], {i, 1, NN}] == 0, {nn, 1, h11}];
Reduce[eqs, \[Rho]]
The question comes in two parts:
1) For h11=2, NN=2, it can solve this, but for any higher values it says it can't do it. Is the system really too complicated for Mathematica?
2) For h11=2, NN=2, it solves the equations, but it seems to put a condition on the Q's. It gives a solution for r[2] in terms of r[1], but it also specifies that $$q[2,2] = \frac{q[1,2] q[2,1]}{q[1,1]}$$. Am I really to believe that the only way to get a solution to this equation is if the q's satisfy this relationship? How can I be sure that Mathematica is giving me all the solutions?
Solve[eqs, \[Rho] ] (*{}*)
states there is no solution! $\endgroup$