I wrote a package and when I import it I'd like it to print something like:
"Bla bla bla. Click HERE for the example notebook." and the the list of functions defined in the package.
I'd like HERE to be an clickable hyperlink to the example notebook that is in the package folder.
My first problem is that if I put, for example, SystemOpen[NotebookDirectory[]] in the package, when I load it it will open the notebook directory and not the package one (which makes sense, but I don't know how to automatically point to the package folder without writing the path by hand). I know that the usual path would be $UserBaseDirectory[]<>"/Applications", but I'd like to keep it general to wherever the package folder is located.
The second problem is that I can't find the command (if there is one) for creating an "hyperlink" to a mathematica command (in this case would probably be SystemOpen[path_to_notebook]).
At the moment all I have is the following (not much really):
Print["Bla bla bla. Click HERE for the example notebook."]
(I know it might be not usual to display all the functions of the package at the beginning, but it's quite useful to me at the moment).
Thanks :)