
I have a large jagged list, that is each sub-list has a different length. I would like to Flatten this list for Histogram purposes, but it seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time and memory


Just to illustrate, length of each of elements of the main list


list lengths

Full Flatten takes a long time, my real data is several times larger, it gets painfully slow


I noticed flattening non-jagged sub-lists is not a problem


Memory usage is huge on the final result of the full list, even though number of elements is the same:


Would super appreciate any tips on what I can change to make this faster / more memory compact !


2 Answers 2


Applying Join is much faster than Flatten:

jaggedList = Table[RandomReal[1, RandomSample[Range[400000, 800000], 1]], {n, 100}];

fullFlatten = Flatten@jaggedList; // AbsoluteTiming // First


fullFlatten2 = Join @@ jaggedList; // AbsoluteTiming // First


fullFlatten2 == fullFlatten


ByteCount /@ {fullFlatten, fullFlatten2, jaggedList}

{1462957016, 487652456, 487667608}

  • $\begingroup$ Super appreciate it, that's exactly what I needed ! Now just to speed up the Histogram! $\endgroup$
    – Anatoly
    Commented Oct 24, 2018 at 22:56

The difference between using Flatten and using Join as in @kglr's answer is that Flatten unpacks. Here is a smaller example:

list = Table[RandomReal[1, RandomSample[2;;5, 1]], 3]

{{0.269558, 0.445678, 0.158104, 0.751213, 0.965444}, {0.0518202, 0.675946, 0.698472}, {0.344389, 0.830322, 0.556863}}

Turn on packing messages:


Then, using Flatten:


Developer`FromPackedArray::unpack: Unpacking array in call to HoldForm.

Developer`FromPackedArray::punpack: Unpacking array with dimensions {5} in call to Flatten.

Developer`FromPackedArray::unpack: Unpacking array in call to HoldForm.

Developer`FromPackedArray::punpack: Unpacking array with dimensions {3} in call to Flatten.

Developer`FromPackedArray::unpack: Unpacking array in call to HoldForm.

General::stop: Further output of Developer`FromPackedArray::unpack will be suppressed during this calculation.

Developer`FromPackedArray::punpack: Unpacking array with dimensions {3} in call to Flatten.

General::stop: Further output of Developer`FromPackedArray::punpack will be suppressed during this calculation.

{0.269558, 0.445678, 0.158104, 0.751213, 0.965444, 0.0518202, 0.675946, 0.698472, 0.344389, 0.830322, 0.556863}

and using Join:

Join @@ list

{0.269558, 0.445678, 0.158104, 0.751213, 0.965444, 0.0518202, 0.675946, 0.698472, 0.344389, 0.830322, 0.556863}

As you can see, using Join generates no unpacking messages, which is why it is much faster.

  • $\begingroup$ Appreciate the point about packing, this is helping me troubleshoot more! $\endgroup$
    – Anatoly
    Commented Oct 26, 2018 at 18:32

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