
As you may already know, Mathematica is a wonderful piece of software.
However, it has a few characteristics that tend to confuse new (and sometimes not-so-new) users. That can be clearly seen from the the fact that the same questions keep being posted at this site over and over again.

Please help me to identify and explain those pitfalls, so that fewer new users make the mistake of walking into these unexpected traps.

Suggestions for posting answers:

  • One topic per answer
  • Focus on non-advanced uses (it's intended to be useful for beginners/newbies/novices and as a question closing reference)
  • Include a self explanatory title in h2 style
  • Explain the symptoms of problems, the mechanism behind the scenes and all possible causes and solutions you can think of. Be sure to include a beginner's level explanation (and a more advanced one too, if you're in the mood)
  • Include a link to your answer by editing the Index below (for quick reference)

Stability and usability

Syntax and semantics

Assignment and definition

General guidelines

Graphics and images

Tricky functions

  • 7
    $\begingroup$ Few suggestions: 1. old definitions in memory and "overloaded" functions like f[x_]:=a; f[x_Integer]=b; 2. Forgotten underscore in patterns f[x]=a 3. Set vs SetDelayed; 4. m = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}} // MatrixForm and then Eigenvalues[q]; 5. Plotting complex function produces empty plot without any warnings. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 24, 2013 at 22:23
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ I want to throw $HistoryLength in there, a memory management in general category including MaxMemoryUsed and MemoryConstrained etc $\endgroup$
    – ssch
    Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 0:03
  • 5
    $\begingroup$ Suggestion: If appropriate to the problem, force Mathematica to use approximate numerical algorithms to avoid the computational overhead of their symbolic counterparts. There are several ways to do this (e.g., NIntegrate vs. Integrate, using real approximate numbers instead of integers in equations, etc). $\endgroup$
    – Cassini
    Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 3:51
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ Suggestion: mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/18483/193 (Using the result of functions that return replacement rules) $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 26, 2013 at 7:46
  • 7
    $\begingroup$ Maybe there should be a (short) answer about security. Most people don't realize mathematica has a large set of functions that are capable of taking over your computer entirely, or as a more specific example, activating your webcam (CurrentImage). $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 8, 2013 at 11:19

37 Answers 37


What the @#%^&*?! do all those funny signs mean?

Questions frequently arise about the meaning of the basic operators, and I hope it will prove useful to have a sort of index for them. It would be nice to have them organized by sign instead of topic, but they do not have a natural order. One can use the find/search feature of a browser to locate an operator in the list.

Below are links to documentation explanations for most of those shorthand signs together with a short example. Read the documentation for an explanation and more examples. See also the guide to Wolfram Language Syntax, which has links to most of these. In a couple of cases, I give different links that seem more helpful to me.

All those operators come with a specific precedence. Assuming an incorrect precedence of your operators can wreak havoc with your programs. For instance, the & operator, which is part of a pure function specification, has a rather unexpectedly low precedence, and constructions using it quite often need to be protected with parentheses in order to make things work as intended (for instance, as option values). So, please have a look at this gigantic precedence table.

Most (but not all) of these can be looked up using the ?-syntax, for example evaluating ? /@ will show help for Map. They can also be found by searching for them in the Documentation Center (Help menu). In older versions of Mathematica certain operators must be quoted before searching for them, e.g. search for "?" to find PatternTest.

Version information may be found at the bottom of the documentation pages of each command. Consult the online page if you do not have the latest version of Mathematica to see when a function was introduced.

Beginners may have difficulty in identifying shorthand signs correctly. For example, is _? a whole shorthand sign or the combination of _ and ?? In this case, Hold and FullForm can be revealing:

Cases[Range[500], _?PrimeQ] // Hold // FullForm
(* Hold[Cases[Range[500], PatternTest[Blank[], PrimeQ]]] *)

By further searching PatternTest and Blank in document, we'll know _? is actually combination of Blank[] (_) and PatternTest (?).

Function application

  • @, [...], // [ref] -- f @ x = f[x] = x // f (Prefix, circumfix and Postfix operators for function application)
  • ~ [ref] -- x ~f~ y = f[x, y] (Infix; see Join [ref] for a Basic Example.)
  • /@ [ref] -- f /@ list = Map[f, list]     (not to be confused with f @ list, when f is Listable)
  • @@ [ref] -- f @@ list = Apply[f, list]
  • @@@ [ref] -- f @@@ list = Apply[f, list, {1}]
  • //@ [ref] -- f //@ expr = MapAll[f, expr]
  • @* [ref] -- f @* g @* h = Composition[f, g, h]
  • /* [ref] -- f /* g /* h = RightComposition[f, g, h]

Infix ~ should not be confused with:

  • ~~ [ref] -- s1 ~~ s2 ~~ ... = StringExpression[s1, s2, ...]
  • <> [ref] -- s1 <> s2 <> ... = StringJoin[s1, s2, ...]

Pure function notation

  • #, #1, #2, ... [ref] -- # = #1 = Slot[1], #2 = Slot[2], ...
  • ##, ##2, ... [ref] -- ## = ##1 = SlotSequence[1], ##2 = SlotSequence[2], ...
  • #0 [ref] gives the head of the function, i.e., the pure function itself.
  • & [ref] -- # & = Function[Slot[1]], #1 + #2 & = Function[#1 + #2], etc.
  • |-> or \[Function] [ref] -- x \[Function] x^2 () = Function[x, x^2]


  • [, ] -- f[x, y, ...]; function application and the underlying form of all expressions
  • {, } [ref] -- {x, y, ...} = List[x, y, ...]
  • [[, ]] [ref] -- expr[[n]] = Part[expr, n]; also expr[[n1, n2,...]] = Part[expr, n1, n2,...].
  • (, ) -- parentheses, used for grouping only (not function application)
  • <|, |> [ref] -- <| a -> b, c -> d, ... |> = Association[a -> b, c -> d, ...]
  • (*, *) -- (*some text*); an inline comment
  • \[, ] [ref] -- \[charactername]; special characters, e.g. \[CapitalOmega] for Ω
  • \(, \) [ref] -- RowBox, a low-level head used in constructing notebook expressions (rare)


  • = [ref] -- = = Set     (not to be confused with == -- Equal!)
  • := [ref] -- := = SetDelayed
  • =. [ref] -- =. = Unset
  • ^= [ref] -- ^= = UpSet
  • ^:= [ref] -- ^:= = UpSetDelayed
  • /: = [ref] -- /: = = TagSet
  • /: := [ref] -- /: := = TagSetDelayed
  • /: =. [ref] -- /: =. = TagUnset

Special assignments

  • //= [ref] -- x //= f = ApplyTo[x, f]; equivalent to x = f[x]
  • += [ref] -- x += n = AddTo[x, n]; equivalent to x = x + n
  • -=[ref] -- x -= n = SubtractFrom[x, n]; equivalent to x = x - n
  • *= [ref] -- x *= n = TimesBy[x, n]; equivalent to x = x * n
  • /= [ref] -- x /= n = DivideBy[x, n]; equivalent to x = x / n
  • ++
    • [ref] x++ = Increment[x]; sets x = x + 1, then evaluates to the old value of x
    • [ref] ++x = PreIncrement[x]; sets x = x + 1, then evaluates to the new value of x
  • --
    • [ref] x-- = Decrement[x]; sets x = x - 1, then evaluates to the old value of x
    • [ref] --x = PreDecrement[x]; sets x = x - 1, then evaluates to the new value of x


Rules and patterns

  • -> [ref] -- -> = Rule     (also can specify DirectedEdge)
  • <-> [ref] -- <-> = TwoWayRule     (also can specify UndirectedEdge)
  • :> [ref] -- :> = RuleDelayed
  • /; [ref] -- patt /; test = Condition[patt, test]
  • ? [ref] -- p ? test = PatternTest[p, test]     (not to be confused with Information)
  • _, _h [ref] -- Single underscore: _ = Blank[], _h = Blank[h]
  • __, __h [ref] -- Double underscore: __ = BlankSequence[], __h = BlankSequence[h]
  • ___, ___h [ref] -- Triple underscore: ___ = BlankNullSequence[], ___h = BlankNullSequence[h]
  • .. [ref] -- p.. = Repeated[p]
  • ... [ref] -- p... = RepeatedNull[p]
  • : [ref] or [ref] -- x : p = pattern p named x; or, as a function argument, p : v = pattern p to be replaced by v if p is omitted.
  • _. [ref], [ref] -- Represents an optional argument to a function, with a default value specified by Default.
  • | [ref] -- | = Alternatives     (not to be confused with || -- Or!)
  • /. [ref] -- expr /. rules = ReplaceAll[expr, rules]
  • //. [ref] -- expr //. rules = ReplaceRepeated[expr, rules]

Logical operators

  • &&, [ref] -- && = And     (not to be confused with & -- Function!)
  • ||, [ref] -- || = Or
  • !, ¬ [ref] -- ! = Not
  • \[Implies] [ref] -- \[Implies] = Implies ()
  • \[Equivalent] [ref] -- \[Equivalent] = Equivalent ()
  • [ref] -- = Nand
  • [ref] -- = Nor
  • [ref] -- = Xor
  • [ref] -- = Xnor


  • ;; [ref] -- expr[[i ;; j]] = Part[expr, Span[i, j]]; also expr[[i ;; j ;; k]] = Part[expr, Span[i, j, k]].
  • . [ref] -- a.b, a.m.b; the dot product of vectors or matrices (Lists)


  • +, -, *, ^ -- Plus, Subtract (or Minus as a prefix), Times, Power
  • *^ is equivalent to *10^ (e.g. 3*^2=300).
  • ^^ gives a way to enter a number in a different base (e.g. 2^^100101 represents the binary number $100101_2 = 37$). See more info in the documentation of BaseForm.
  • `, `` [ref]/[ref], [ref] -- Indicates Precision, and Accuracy, respectively, when following a number. There is a table of typical examples in the tutorial Numerical Precision. When ` follows a symbol, it denotes a context. More information about contexts can be found in some of the tutorials in this overview.

Graph construction

  • \[DirectedEdge] [ref] -- \[DirectedEdge] = DirectedEdge ( or ->/Rule may be used)
  • \[UndirectedEdge] [ref] -- \[UndirectedEdge] = UndirectedEdge ( or <->/ TwoWayRule may be used)


  • \[Distributed] [ref] -- \[Distributed] = Distributed ()
  • \[Conditioned] [ref] -- \[Conditioned] = Conditioned ()

Evaluation history and control

  • % [ref] gives the last result generated. %% gives the result before last. %n (= Out[n]) gives the result on the nth output line. Not to be confused with Percent [ref].
  • ; [ref] -- a;b;c = CompoundExpression[a,b,c]. ; is an expression separator, used to evaluate some number of expressions in sequence, for example in the body of Module[]. When evaluated with no trailing ;, the value returned is the value of the last expression. Note that x; returns Null.

Files and Packages

Symbol information

  • :: [ref] -- f::usage = MessageName[f, "usage"]. (Note that since v13.1 :: is also experimentally used for TypeSpecifier when the first argument is a string.)
  • ?, ?? [ref] -- ? f = Information[f, LongForm -> False], ?? f = Information[Sin]. See also Definition and its undocumented relatives discussed here. Not to be confused with ? when following a pattern (PatternTest).


  • $ is not an operator; it can be used in variable names (e.g. my$variable). It is commonly used for System` constants and parameters (e.g. $Version) and for local variables generated by scoping constructs (e.g. Module[{x}, x] $\rightarrow$ x$9302).

  • a ** b ** c [ref] = NonCommutativeMultiply[a, b, c] (not given a built-in value)

  • Similar to ** there are numerous operator forms which can be used with their special symbols in unary or infix form and which carry no predefined meaning. A list can be found here.

  • 19
    $\begingroup$ Thank you, thank you, thank you... I don't think I can say it enough times. $\endgroup$
    – Black Milk
    Commented May 23, 2013 at 1:16
  • 6
    $\begingroup$ Nice compilation. $\endgroup$
    – rcollyer
    Commented May 23, 2013 at 13:16
  • 68
    $\begingroup$ and here I always thought that UpSet is :-( ... sorry $\endgroup$
    – jens_bo
    Commented Dec 11, 2013 at 10:20
  • 8
    $\begingroup$ Btw, this is called grawlixes. $\endgroup$
    – m0nhawk
    Commented Oct 21, 2014 at 6:53
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Also `'s meaning in terms of contexts might be good to mention. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 16, 2016 at 13:07

Basic syntax issues

  1. Mathematica is case-sensitive. sin is not the same as Sin.

  2. Symbol names cannot contain underscore. _ is a reserved character used for pattern matching. To make this type of symbol naming possible use Mathematica letter-like form \[LetterSpace], or shorter Esc_Esc, which looks like usual underscore with smaller opacity.

  3. Avoid using subscripted symbols in your code. While it can be done, it causes a lot of confusion and is harder to use than just sym[j] or whatever your symbol might be. The reason is that subscripted symbols are not plain symbols, so you can’t assign values (strictly speaking, DownValues) to them directly. See also general discussion about "indexed variables".

  4. Avoid single-capital-letter names for your variables, to avoid clashes (consider using the double-struck EscdsAEsc and Gothic letters EscgoAEsc instead). Mathematica is case-sensitive. More generally, avoid capitalising your own functions if you can. (See this thread for a listing of the reserved capital letters.)

  5. Mathematica uses square brackets [] for function arguments, unlike most other languages that use round parentheses. See halirutan's exemplary answer for more detail.

  6. Learn the difference between Set (=) and SetDelayed (:=). See this question and this tutorial in the Mathematica documentation.

  7. Use a double == for equations. See this tutorial in the Mathematica documentation for the difference between assignments (Set, =) and equations (Equal, ==).

  8. When creating matrices and arrays, don't use formatting commands like //TableForm and //MatrixForm in the initial assignment statements. This just won't work if you then want to manipulate your matrix like a normal list. Instead, try defining the matrix, suppressing the output of the definition by putting a semicolon at the end of the line. Then have a command that just reads nameOfMatrix//MatrixForm -- you can even put it on the same line after the semicolon. The reason for this is that if you define the object with a //MatrixForm at the end, it has the form MatrixForm[List[...]], instead of just List[..], and so it can't be manipulated like a list. If you really want to display the output as MatrixForm on the same line you can do (nameOfMatrix=Table[i+j,{i,5},{j,5}])//MatrixForm

  9. Functions are defined with e.g. func[x_, y_] := x + y — not func[x, y] := x + y, not func(x_, y_), and not func(x, y). The expression x_ is interpreted as Pattern[x, Blank[]]. (See Blank and Pattern.) Parentheses are used only for grouping and not to surround arguments of functions.

  10. Syntax help. WolframAlpha is integrated with Mathematica and can be used to get help with coding simple computations. Begin your input with Ctrl+= or = followed by some text to convert the text to code; or use or =+= to get full WolframAlpha output. For example, Ctrl+= followed by solve sinx=0, or plot gamma(z), or integrate e^(2x).

  • $\begingroup$ I've been using subscripted symbols for simple linear equations, like point slope, i.e (y_1 - y_0)=m(...); Solve[%,y_1]. It works ok; but there is definitely conflicts if I combine a symbol and subscripted version of that same symbol, i.e.( y - y_0)-m(...); Solve[%,y] causes conflicts for me. I guess this problem can become even more severe in more complex operations? Pitty, cause when I use pad and paper, I love mixing 'y' and 'y_0' /etc.. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 26, 2013 at 4:19
  • 13
    $\begingroup$ On point 6, I often use (mat = matrixExpression)//MatrixForm which first evaluates matrixExpression and assigns it to mat and only then displays the result (i.e. mat) in MatrixForm $\endgroup$
    – fairflow
    Commented Nov 19, 2013 at 21:52
  • $\begingroup$ Damn! A lot of these keep coming and coming as questions.Oh Eternal September! $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 10, 2016 at 3:14
  • $\begingroup$ After too many semesters of my physics students calling NDSolve incorrectly, I started an expanded answer for point #7 (Set vs. Equal) just now. $\endgroup$ Commented May 18, 2016 at 17:19

Avoiding procedural loops

People coming from other languages often translate directly from what they are used to into Mathematica. And that usually means lots of nested For loops and things like that. So "say no to loops" and get programming the Mathematica way! See also this excellent answer for some guidance on how Mathematica differs from more conventional languages like Java in its approach to operating on lists and other collections.

  1. Use Attributes to check if functions are Listable. You can avoid a lot of loops and code complexity by dealing with lists directly, e.g. by adding the lists together directly to get element-by-element addition.
  2. Get to know functions like NestList, FoldList, NestWhileList, Inner and Outer. You can use many of these to produce the same results as those complicated nested loops you used to write.
  3. Get to know Map (/@), Scan, Apply (@@ and @@@), Thread, MapThread and MapIndexed. You'll be able to operate on complex data structures without loops using these.
  4. Avoid unpacking/extracting parts of your data (via Part or Extract) and try to handle it as a whole, passing your huge matrix directly to Map or whatever iterative function you use.
  5. See also these Q&As: Alternatives to procedural loops and iterating over lists in Mathematica, Why should I avoid the For loop in Mathematica?

keywords: loop for-loop do-loop while-loop nestlist foldlist procedural

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Rather than post a separate answer perhaps something about packed arrays could be added to this answer. This is a handy link: library.wolfram.com/infocenter/TechNotes/391 $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 3:27
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ What are the performance advantages of avoiding procedural loops? I suppose some people may resort to them for readability. $\endgroup$
    – Black Milk
    Commented May 23, 2013 at 1:17
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ @BlackMilk late answer, I know, but triply nested For loops are NOT more readable than the alternatives. $\endgroup$
    – Verbeia
    Commented Dec 24, 2013 at 3:53
  • 7
    $\begingroup$ @timoftebogdan. I disagree- this is a site about Mathematica, so it is not relevant if nested loop-itis is popular in other languages. And Map is a lot more readable than For...etc $\endgroup$
    – Verbeia
    Commented Dec 11, 2014 at 18:11
  • 5
    $\begingroup$ With present Mathematica technology, one is forced to use loops if the data set being operated on does not fit in physical memory. In these cases the values must be generated and used at each step of possibly nested loops. $\endgroup$
    – John McGee
    Commented Jul 27, 2015 at 11:08

Understand that semicolon (;) is not a delimiter

Although it may look to newcomers that semicolons are used in Mathematica as statement terminators as in C or Java, or perhaps as statement separators as in Pascal and its derivatives, in fact, semicolons are the infix form of the function CompoundExpression, just as plus-signs (+) are the infix form of the function Plus.

You can verify this by evaluating

Hold[a; b; c] // FullForm
Hold[CompoundExpression[a, b, c]]

CompoundExpression is necessary to Mathematica because many of the core programming functions such as SetDelayed (:=), Module, Block, and With take only a single expression as their second argument. This second argument is of course the code body and normally requires the evaluation of many expressions. CompoundExpression provides the construct that bundles an indefinite number of expressions into one.

Wolfram Research chose semicolon for the infix operator form of CompoundExpression to make Mathematica code look more like C code, but this is only syntactic sugar.

The only true delimiter in Mathematica is comma (,).


One often sees code like the following

data = RandomReal[{0., 10.}, {1000, 2}];

The variable data is probably going to be used as test or example data. The semicolon is added to suppress the output from this Set expression because the output is both very large and no one really cares about its details. Because there is no visible output, it would be easy to assume the expression returns nothing, but that is not true. Mathematica expressions always return something, even if it is only the token Null, which does not print in OutputForm. In the case of CompoundExpression, there is an additional twist -- I quote from the Mathematica documentation:

expr1; expr2; returns value Null. If it is given as input, the resulting output will not be printed. Out[n] will nevertheless be assigned to be the value of expr2.

This the only case I know of where evaluating an expression at toplevel doesn't assign its actual output to Out[n].

keywords delimiter terminator separator semicolon compound-expression

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ perhaps a bit more on the actual effect of ;? $\endgroup$
    – Yves Klett
    Commented Jan 28, 2013 at 14:22
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ But a common pitfall is not to suppress output or improper use of , vs. ; in Module etc. $\endgroup$
    – Yves Klett
    Commented Jan 28, 2013 at 14:29
  • 7
    $\begingroup$ Shouldn't binary form be infix form? In fact, CompoundExpression is in general not a binary operation! $\endgroup$
    – halirutan
    Commented Jan 28, 2013 at 15:39
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ It should be noted that ; has a lower precedence than almost everything, including both Set and SetDelayed. So, to use them in conjunction with each other, parentheses or a scoping construct needs to be used. $\endgroup$
    – rcollyer
    Commented Jan 29, 2013 at 21:03
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ @Rojolalalalalalalalalalalalala Love your new Palito-Ortega-inspired name $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 17, 2015 at 5:54

Using the result of functions that return replacement rules

Most new Mathematica users will at some point encounter the seemingly odd formatting of the output given by functions such as Solve or Root.

Let's start with the follwing simple example:

Solve[x^2 == 4, x]

{{x -> -2}, {x -> 2}}

You might find this output strange for two reasons. We'll have a look at both.

What do the arrows mean?

The output that Solve returns, is what is called a replacement rule in Mathematica. A replacement Rule is of the form lhs -> rhs and does not do much on its own. It is used together with other functions that apply the rule to some expression. The arguably most common of these functions is ReplaceAll, which can be written in the short form /.. As the documentation states


applies a rule or list of rules in an attempt to transform each subpart of an expression expr.

In practice, this looks like the following:

x + 3 /. x -> 2


Notice how /. and -> are combined to replace the x in the expression x+3 by 2. And this is also how you can use the Solve output. The simplest form would be:

x /. Solve[x^2 == 4, x]


Since you will often face more complicated problems and Solve and its ilk might take quite some time to evaluate, it makes sense in theses cases to only calculate the solutions once and save them for later use. Just like many other expressions, replacement rules can be assigned to symbols using Set:

sol = Solve[x^2 == 4, x];
x /. sol

{-2, 2}

Why the nested structure?

At first glance, the nested structure of the output looks strange and you might ask: why is the output of the form {{x -> -2}, {x -> 2}} when it could just be {x -> -2, x -> 2}?

To understand this, take a look at the following:

x /. {x -> -2, x -> 2}


Replacement rules can be given in lists to make things like x + y /. {x -> 1, y -> 2} work. When only a single list of rules is given (as in the example above), only one replacement is made for each variable. As the result shows, Mathematica replaces x with the first matching rule it finds. In order to have Mathematica make two (or more) replacements and output a list, the rules have to be given as lists of lists.

The nested structure also makes more sense as soon as you start using Solve and other functions with more than one variable.

Solve[{x + y == 6, x^2 == y}, {x, y}]

{{x -> -3, y -> 9}, {x -> 2, y -> 4}}

You can still apply this list of rules to expressions with either x or y or both. If you only want a certain solution you can access the element you want either before or after replacement, using functions like First, Last or Part (which is usually written in its postfix form [[...]]):

sol2d = Solve[{x + y == 6, x^2 == y}, {x, y}];
First[x - y /. sol2d]
x - y /. First[sol2d]
Last[x - y /. sol2d]
x - y /. sol2d[[2]]






In addition to expr /. rules, one can use Values or the various newer alternative-output versions of solvers that end with Value or Values, which have been introduced over a period from version 10 to version 12.3.

Example: Here are three ways to get the solution values to a system of equations:

sol = Solve[{x + y == 6, x^2 == y}, {x, y}];
{x, y} /. sol
(*  {{-3, 9}, {2, 4}}  *)
SolveValues[{x + y == 6, x^2 == y}, {x, y}]
(*  {{-3, 9}, {2, 4}}  *)
Values@Solve[{x + y == 6, x^2 == y}, {x, y}]
(*  {{-3, 9}, {2, 4}}  *)

The alternative-output solvers are AsymptoticDSolveValue, AsymptoticRSolveValue, DSolveValue, NDSolveValue, NSolveValues, ParametricNDSolveValue, RSolveValue, SolveValues. The easy way to find them is to enter the desired solver and immediately follow with a capital V; command-completion will show you the alternative and whether it ends with an s.

Further reading

For more discussion of using rules, see

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ This seems more like a guide than a "pitfalls" post. I encourage you to consider posting this under one of the questions that specifically deals with this issue instead, e.g. (3175), (6669), (9035). $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Jan 30, 2013 at 6:39
  • 8
    $\begingroup$ The OP asked for things that tend to confuse new users and this certainly confused me. But I totally see your point. (except for the fact that the post about the documentation above e.g. seems more like a guide, too) maybe we can tweak my answer to make it better meet the purpose of this wiki. $\endgroup$
    – einbandi
    Commented Jan 30, 2013 at 9:48
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I see your point after a second read, so +1. Tweaking is fine with me. I commented above partly because you aren't going to get "reputation" for answers in this community-wiki thread as you would if this answer were elsewhere, if that matters to you. $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Jan 30, 2013 at 9:53
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Note that as of V10, one can use Values to extract the values from the lists of rules. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Dec 27, 2015 at 3:40
  • $\begingroup$ The section about the nested structure answered an old question of mine. +1 $\endgroup$
    – ivbc
    Commented Jun 17, 2016 at 16:00

Understand the difference between Set (or =) and SetDelayed (or :=)

A common misconception is that = is always used to define variables (such as x = 1) and := is used to define functions (such as f[x_] := x^2). However, there really is no explicit distinction in Mathematica as to what constitutes a "variable" and what constitutes a "function" — they're both symbols, which have different rules associated with them.

Without going into heavy details, be aware of the following important differences (follow the links for more details):

  • f = x will evaluate x first (the same way as x would be evaluated if given as the sole input), then assigns the result of that evaluation to f. f := x assigns x to f without evaluating it first. A simple example:

     x = 1;
     f1 = x;
     f2 := x;
     In[4]:= Definition[f1]
     Out[4]= f1 = 1
     In[5]:= Definition[f2]
     Out[5]= f2 := x
  • = is an immediate assignment, whereas := is a delayed assignment. In other words, f = x will assign the value of x to f at definition time, whereas f := x will return the value of x at evaluation time, that is every time f is encountered, x will be recalculated. See also: 1, 2, 3

  • If you're plotting a function, whose definition depends on the output of another possibly expensive computation (such as Integrate, DSolve, Sum, etc. and their numerical equivalents) use = or use an Evaluate with :=. Failure to do so will redo the computation for every plot point! This is the #1 reason for "slow plotting". See also: 1, 2

At a slightly more advanced level, you should be aware that:

  • = holds only its first argument, whereas := holds all its arguments. This does not mean however that Set or SetDelayed don't evaluate their first argument. In fact, they do, in a special way. See also: 1
  • = still pattern-matches if pattern names were present in the rhs at definition time. For example, if x is definitionless, f[x_] = x will be the identity function no matter what values x takes on later. This is because at the end of the day, Mathematica still learns a replacement rule due to =, as can be seen with Language`ExtendedDefinition.
  • =, in combination with :=, can be used for memoization, which can greatly speed up certain kinds of computations. See also: 1

So, is there any simple rule helping us to choose between = and :=? A possible summary is:

  1. Don't abuse either of them.
  2. Think about if the right hand side of =/:= can be evaluated instantly.
  3. Think about if the right hand side of =/:= should be evaluated instantly.

Here are some examples to help you explore what's going on.

(* Symbol definitions: *)
Clear[f, x];
x = 1; f = x; x = 2;
f (* 1 *)

Clear[f, x];
x = 1; f := x; x = 2;
f (* 2 *)

(* Function definitions: *)
Clear[f, x];
x = 1; f[x_] = x; x = 2;
f[3] (* 1 *)

Clear[f, x];
x = 1; f[x_] := x; x = 2;
f[3] (* 3 *)

(* Set still pattern-matches if pattern names
   were present in the rhs at definition time: *)
Clear[f, x];
f[x_] = x; x = 2;
f[3] (* 3 *)

keywords: set setdelayed assignment definition function variable

  • $\begingroup$ Nice! Perhaps the behavior of (for example)f = Interpolation[Array[RandomInteger@1000 &, 1000]] with Set and SetDelayedcould be illustrative. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 26, 2013 at 7:03

User-defined functions, numerical approximation, and NumericQ

Frequently there are questions, to which the answer is to use x_?NumericQ, about defining functions that call or sometimes are passed to

  • FindRoot, NIntegrate, NMaximize, NMinimize, FindMaximum, FindMinimum, NDSolve, ParametricNDSolve, FindFit, LinearModelFit, NonlinearModelFit, and so on.

Sometimes the analogous VectorQ, MatrixQ, or ArrayQ is the answer (see this answer).

The Wolfram Knowledge Base Article, "Using ?NumericQ to Affect Order of Evaluation" (Wolfram version (dead link); WayBack Machine version), gave a good explanation of how to use NumericQ; it has been replaced by "How do I use ?NumericQ to affect order of evaluation?"

Edit: This was anticipated over a year ago on Meta.

Answers in which NumericQ figured

Here are links to some of the answers in which NumericQ was a key to the solution of the problem. The headings include the command(s) and sometimes some error messages characteristic of this problem.

Some answers deal with multiple commands and they are not sorted into combinations, except NIntegrate/FindRoot which is a particularly common problem; connections with other functions indicated next to the links.

  • 6
    $\begingroup$ There are many answers in which NumericQ figures. Some have long explanations, some just point out the problem, and some show the solution without much comment. Of the ones I could find, I tried to include those with at least some explanation and include a variety of the circumstances in which the problem arises. No doubt others may know of better examples I've missed, and I hope they will improve this answer. Thanks! $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented May 28, 2013 at 22:54
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ I can't believe this wasn't already on the list. Thanks for adding it, and with lots of references! $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented May 29, 2013 at 3:29
  • $\begingroup$ It looks like newer systems (version 10.3 at least) only issue a message but then continue with the calculation and return the right result, at least with the example from the Wolfram quick answer: NMaximize[NIntegrate[(2 - a) Sin[a x], {x, 0, Pi}], a]. $\endgroup$
    – BoLe
    Commented Jul 5, 2016 at 13:23
  • $\begingroup$ @BoLe This is how it works in V8.0.4 and V9.0.1, too. One issue newbies seem to face is to distinguish warnings from fatal errors. And, aside from their own uncertainty, maybe they need to show their boss/client/advisor/professor code that is red-message free to convince him or her that they're doing things right. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Jul 5, 2016 at 18:18

Understand what Set (=) really does

Because WRI's tutorials and documentation encourage the use of =, the infix operator version of Set, in a manner that mimics assignment in other programming languages, newcomers to Mathematica are likely to presume that Set is the equivalent of whatever kind of assignment operator they have previously encountered. It is hard but essential for them to learn that Set actually associates a rewrite rule (an ownvalue) with a symbol. This is a form of symbol binding unlike that in any other programming language in popular use, and eventually leads to shock, dismay, and confusion, when the new user evaluates something like x = x[1]

Mathematica's built-in documentation doesn't do a good job of helping the new user to learn how different its symbol binding really is. The information is all there, but organized almost as if to hide rather than reveal the existence and significance of ownvalues.

What does it mean to say that "Set actually associates a rewrite rule (an ownvalue) with a symbol"? Let's look at what happens when an "assignment" is made to the symbol a; i.e., when Set[a, 40 + 2] is evaluated.

a = 40 + 2


The above is just Set[a, 40 + 2] as it is normally written. On the surface all we can see is that the sub-expression 40 + 2 was evaluated to 42 and returned, the binding of a to 42 is a side-effect. In a procedural language, a would now be associated with a chunk of memory containing the value 42. In Mathematica the side effect is to create a new rule called an ownvalue and to associate a with that rule. Mathematica will apply the rule whenever it encounters the symbol a as an atom. Mathematica, being a pretty open system, will let us examine the rule.


{HoldPattern[a] :> 42}

To emphasize how really different this is from procedural assignment, consider

a = a[1]; a


Surprised? What happened is the ownvalue we created above caused a to rewritten as 42 on the righthand side of the expression. Then Mathematica made a new ownvalue rule which it used to rewrite the a occurring after the semicolon as 42[1]. Again, we can confirm this:


{HoldPattern[a] :> 42[1]}

An excellent and more detailed explanation of where Mathematica keeps symbol bindings and how it deals with them can be found in the answers to this question. To find out more about this issue within Mathematica's documentation go here.

keywords set assign ownvalue variable-binding

  • 5
    $\begingroup$ +1 But I think the sentence "It is hard but essential to them to learn that Set actually associates a rewrite rule (an ownvalue) with a symbol." deserves further explanation for a new user. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 18:20
  • 12
    $\begingroup$ Not only does the documentation not do a good job of explaining how different Mathematica is to other languages, but in many cases actually attempts to hand-wave the differences away. A user can have read the documentation thoroughly, but then come to a site like this and realise they don't understand the language at all. For this reason I think resources like Leonid's book that deal with things more directly are really essential resources for the newcomer. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 18:22
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Consider adding a link to this question which explains the distinction between OwnValues, DownValues, etc. $\endgroup$
    – rcollyer
    Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 18:22
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @OleksandrR. The book Power Programming With Mathematica: The Kernel by David B. Wagner also does a good job with this issue. $\endgroup$
    – m_goldberg
    Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 18:31
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ a[1] = 2;a = 42;a = a[1]; a $\endgroup$
    – m_goldberg
    Commented Jan 27, 2013 at 1:24

Learn how to use the Documentation Center effectively

Mathematica comes with the most comprehensive documentation I have ever seen in a software product. This documentation contains

  • reference pages for every Mathematica function
  • tutorials for various topics, which show you step by step how to achieve something
  • guide pages to give you an overview of functions about a specific topic
  • a categorised function navigator, to help you find appropriate guide pages and reference pages.
  • finally, the complete interactive Mathematica book

You can always open the Documentation Center by pressing F1. When the cursor (the I-beam) is anywhere near a function, then the help page of this function is opened. E.g. when your cursor is anywhere at the position where the dots are in .I.n.t.e.g.r.a.t.e., you will be directed to the help page of Integrate.

Reference pages:

A reference page is a help page which is dedicated to exactly one Mathematica function (or symbol). In the image below you see the reference page of the Sin function. Usually, some of the sections are open, but here I closed them so you see all parts at once.

enter image description here

  • In yellow, you see the usage. It gives you instantly information about how many arguments the function expects. Often there is more then one usage. Additionally, a short description is given.
  • The Details section gives you further information about Options, behavioural details and things which are important to note. In general, this section is only important in a more advanced state.
  • In some cases, extra information is provided on the mathematical Background of the function explaining the depths of the method, its relation to other functions and its limitations (for example FindHamiltonianCycle).
  • The Examples section is the most important, because there you have a lot of examples, showing everything starting from simple use cases to very advanced things. Study this section carefully!
  • See Also gives you a list of functions which are related. Very helpful, when a function does not exactly what you want, because most probably you find help in the referenced pages.
  • Tutorials shows you tutorials which are related to the function. In the case of Sin it is e.g. the Elementary Transcendental Functions tutorial.
  • Related Guides gives you a list of related guide pages.
  • Related Links references to material in the web: Demonstrations, MathWorld pages, etc.

In general my recommendation for viewing a help page is the following:

  1. Study the usage carefully
  2. Look up basic examples. If you don't find what you need, look up all examples
  3. Read the Details

And of course if you like the how-to style, you should read the referenced tutorials.

Guide pages:

Guide pages collect all functions which belong to a certain topic and they are an excellent resource when you try to find a function you do not know yet.

enter image description here

The guide page itself is often divided into several subsections collecting similar functions. In the image above for instance the Trigonometric Functions. Furthermore, you can find links to tutorials, etc. when you open the Learning Resources tab. At the end of each guide page you will find references to related guide pages.

Function navigator and virtual book:

The rest can be explored by just trying and does not need extensive explanation. To reach the function navigator or the book, you can use the buttons on the top of the Documentation Center.

enter image description here

The rest is mostly self-explanatory. The virtual book is a very nice resource when you like to read something from the beginning to the end. In this way you can be sure that you at least scraped every functionality of Mathematica, which you probably miss when you hop between the help pages. But be warned, it is a lot of material!

Final notes:

  • Since the complete documentation consists of usual Mathematica notebooks, all calculations and examples can be tested inside the help pages. Of course, you cannot destroy the documentation, because everything is reset when you close a help page.

  • You can always search the documentation by typing into the search bar on top of the Documentation Center:

    enter image description here

  • I often find it convenient to browse through the entire contents of a specific documentation page, or to use Mathematica's find function (Cmd/Ctrl+F) to search it. However, doing so requires that all the cells be opened; and since some of the documentation pages can have many cells (Plot has 50), it can be tedious to open them one-at-a-time. Thus, to open them all at once, L-click anywhere in the documentation page, use Cmd/Ctrl+A to select all the cells, and then use Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+[ to open them. [Note: Cmd for Mac, Ctrl for Windows and Linux.]

  • When coming from a different programming language, and you are not sure that a certain Mathematica function is equivalent to what you are used to, be sure to check the Properties & Relations section in the reference page to get ideas on what other functions could be relevant for your case.

  • $\begingroup$ F1 works only on Windows and Linux. Documentation Center is accessed on a Mac using command-shift-F. $\endgroup$ Commented May 27, 2014 at 20:04
  • $\begingroup$ @rhomboidRhipper I use Mathematica on two MacBooks Pro and on several MacPro's and on each of them the F1 short-cut is working fine. Is it possible that your system settings required that you need to press a the command shift combination to access the F keys? $\endgroup$
    – halirutan
    Commented May 27, 2014 at 20:14
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ It should be noted that the V10 documentation works differently. The home page is different and currently the function navigator is missing. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 22, 2015 at 19:55
  • 5
    $\begingroup$ Is it just me, or are there fewer good tutorials on how to use features than there used to be many years ago, now the style seems to be to give a collection of functions related to the feature and little exposition on how to use them other than in the applications section of the function? $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 30, 2015 at 15:23
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ @image_doctor, to this day, I still vastly prefer the pre-version 6 tree-style arrangement of the docs; to me, it encouraged the exploration of functions that can be related to what you were looking for. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 27, 2015 at 8:15

Assuming commands will have side effects when they don't


In[97]:= list = {1, 2, 3}
Out[97]= {1, 2, 3}

In[98]:= Append[list, 4]
Out[98]= {1, 2, 3, 4}

In[99]:= list
Out[99]= {1, 2, 3}

When I was first learning Mathematica, I assumed that Append[list, 4] would take the list list and append the element 4 to it, overwriting the previous list. But this is not right: Append[] returns the result of appending 4 to list without overwriting the input list.

However, there is AppendTo with the desired side effect

In[100]:= list = {1, 2, 3}
Out[100]= {1, 2, 3}

In[101]:= AppendTo[list, 4]
Out[101]= {1, 2, 3, 4}

In[102]:= list
Out[102]= {1, 2, 3, 4}

In general, a command which alters its inputs, or other global variables, is said to have a side effect. Mathematica in general avoids side effects whenever it would be reasonable to do so, encouraging (but not forcing) a functional programming style, returning values instead of variables (addresses/pointers/names/etc. in other languages). If one wants to store a value (instead of passing it right away to another function) one has to "save" it explicitly into a variable.

I think it is a safe statement that the Mathematica documentation will always say explicitly when a command has a side effect. For example, the documentation (version 7) for Delete[] reads

Delete[expr,n] deletes the element at position $n$ in $expr$.

If I encountered this sentence in the documentation of a language I had never seen before, I would assume that Delete[] altered the expression expr. However, with experience reading Mathematica documentation, I am confident that if this side effect existed, it would be stated explicitly and, indeed, Delete[] has no side effects.

I remember finding many of the list commands confusing because their names are verbs which, in English, would seem to suggest that the list was being restructured. In particular, note that Append[], Prepend[], Take[], Drop[], Insert[], Delete[], Replace[], ReplacePart[], DeleteDuplicates[], Flatten[], Join[], Transpose[], Reverse[] and Sort[] are all side effect free.

For completeness, I should mention that for some functions there are side-effect-having alternatives, usually with an added prefix at the end of the function name, like AppendTo (for Append), AddTo (for Add), SubtractFrom (for Subtract), TimesBy (for Times), etc. These functions not only perform the calculation but also save the new result into the variable they were called with. Because of this, they must be called with a symbol instead of a number or an explicit list.

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ "Special forms of assignment" :reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/tutorial/… $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 14, 2013 at 11:56
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Would the "...prefix at the end..." be a postfix? $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 27, 2015 at 10:29
  • $\begingroup$ @mikuszefski (and DavidSpeyer), I think 'suffix' is the more common English word. $\endgroup$
    – LSpice
    Commented Apr 27, 2015 at 2:42
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Well, sort of... @JadeNB for further reading english SE $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 27, 2015 at 6:48
  • 5
    $\begingroup$ Maybe it should be mentioned that AppendTo can take quite a bit of time, especially for long lists. It's definitely not a constant-time operation, as in other languages. $\endgroup$
    – Axel Boldt
    Commented Oct 17, 2015 at 21:48

Attempting to make an assignment to the argument of a function

Quite frequently new users attempt something like this:

foo[bar_, new_] := AppendTo[bar, new]

x = {1};

foo[x, 2]

To be met with:

AppendTo::rvalue: {1} is not a variable with a value, so its value cannot be changed. >>


f[x_, y_] := (x = x + y; x)

a = 1;
b = 2;

f[a, b]

Set::setraw: Cannot assign to raw object 1. >>

This is because the value of the symbol x, a, etc. is inserted into the right-hand-side definition.

One needs either a Hold attribute for in-place modification:

SetAttributes[foo, HoldFirst]

foo[bar_, new_] := AppendTo[bar, new]

x = {1};

foo[x, 2];

{1, 2}

Or a temporary symbol, typically created with Module, for intermediate calculations:

f[x_, y_] := Module[{t}, t = x + y; t]

a = 1;
b = 2;

f[a, b]

(This definition is of course highly contrived for such a simple operation.)

Other Hold attributes include: HoldAll, HoldRest, and HoldAllComplete.

For some more details, see also this discussion.

Note: Passing held arguments to a function with Attributes is similar to passing arguments by reference in other languages; ByRef keyword in VBA, or passing a pointer or a reference in C++ for example. However note that this similarity is no equivalence; for example, when passing the first element of a list to a reference in C++, only the list member will be passed; in Mathematica, the expression to access the list member will be passed. This can lead to differences if e.g. another item is prepended to the list before accessing the argument: With pass by reference in C++, the argument will refer to the same value, despite it now being the second element; however Mathematica will evaluate the expression only after using the argument, thus giving the new first element:

SetAttributes[foo, HoldFirst]
foo[x_] := (PrependTo[a, 0]; x)
foo[ a[[1]] ]
==> 0
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Passing held arguments to a function with Attributes is similar to passing arguments by reference in other languages. $\endgroup$
    – faysou
    Commented Feb 5, 2013 at 9:40
  • $\begingroup$ @Faysal If you feel that should be part of the answer feel free to edit it. I'm quite unfamiliar with most other languages so I'll not do that myself. $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Feb 5, 2013 at 10:42
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Surprising from someone of your level ! $\endgroup$
    – faysou
    Commented Feb 5, 2013 at 11:14
  • $\begingroup$ @Wizard +1 although I am highly surprised that no answer that I read so far on this post explained the importance of Hold, HoldAll and HoldFirst etc.. I remember Michael Trott mentioning how critical is to the understanding of any Mathematica user $\endgroup$
    – Ali Hashmi
    Commented Mar 19, 2017 at 14:03

Lingering Definitions: when calculations go bad

One aspect of Mathematica that sometimes confuses new users, and has confused me often enough, is the Lingering Definition Problem. Mathematica diligently accumulates all definitions (functions, variables, etc.) during a session, and they remain in effect in the memory until explicitly cleared/removed. Here's a quick experiment you can do, to see the problem clearly.

1: Launch (or re-launch) Mathematica, create a new notebook, and evaluate the following expression:

x = 2 + 2

x = 2 + 2

2: Now close the notebook document without saving (and without quitting Mathematica), and create another fresh notebook. Evaluate this:



The result can be surprising to beginners - after all, you think you've just removed all visible traces of x, closing the only notebook with any record of it, and yet, it still exists, and still has the value 4.

To explain this, you need to know that when you launch the Mathematica application, you're launching two linked but separate components: the visible front-end, which handles the notebooks and user interaction, and the invisible kernel, which is the programming engine that underpins the Mathematica system. The notebook interface is like the flight deck or operating console, and the kernel is like the engine, hidden away but ready to provide the necessary power.

So, what happened when you typed the expression x = 2 + 2, is that the front-end sent it to the kernel for evaluation, and received the result back from the kernel for display. The resulting symbol, and its value, is now part of the kernel. You can close documents and open new ones, but the kernel's knowledge of the symbol x is unaffected, until something happens to change that.

And it's these lingering definitions that can confuse you - symbols that are not visible in your current notebook are still present and defined in the kernel, and might affect your current evaluations.

This also affects subscripted expressions - consider the following evaluation, where the initially innocent symbol i is assigned an explicit value:

Mathematica graphics

If you want to use subscripted symbols in a more robust fashion, you should use e.g. the Notation package.

There are a couple of things you can learn to do to avoid problems caused by Lingering Definitions. Before you provide definitions for specific symbols, clear any existing values that you've defined so far in the session, with the Clear function.


Or you can clear all symbols in the global context, using ClearAll.


When all else fails, quit the kernel (choose Evaluation > Quit Kernel from the menu or type Quit[], thereby forgetting all the symbols (and everything else) that you've defined in the kernel.

Some further notes:

  • Mathematica offers a way to keep the namespaces of your notebooks separate, so that they don't share the same symbols (see here).
  • Mathematica does have garbage collection, but most of the time you don't have to care about it being completely automatic.
  • Some dynamic variables can remain in effect even if the kernel is quit, as such variables are owned by the frontend. Be sure to remove all generated dynamic cells (via the menu option Cell > Delete All Ouput) before quitting/restarting the kernel.
  • See also this Q&A: How do I clear all user defined symbols?
  • 8
    $\begingroup$ I'd mention that the notebooks can be logically separated by setting their default contexts to something other than Global` . $\endgroup$
    – rcollyer
    Commented Jan 27, 2013 at 18:02
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ +1 I'd like more a title like "Lingering definitions: Why your notebook calcs may return weird results", which links the problem with the perceived symptoms $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 27, 2013 at 20:43
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I added a bit about subscript issues, not sure if it should be a separate answer, but it fits nicely into the scope of this one... $\endgroup$
    – Yves Klett
    Commented Jan 28, 2013 at 10:15
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Another important part of this separation is that saving the notebook only saves what is shown, not the values of symbols defined in it. So if you save the notebook with the definition of x and then open it again in a new Mathematica session, you might expect to be able to immediately use x again in the notebook. But you can't do that, you first have to evaluate the definition again. $\endgroup$
    – celtschk
    Commented Jul 26, 2013 at 12:19
  • 5
    $\begingroup$ BTW, another way lingering definitions can bite you is when you change the pattern part of a function definition as well as the corresponding code part by editing the notebook and then executing the cell, but failing to first Clear the old version. Then you don't overwrite the definition, but add a new one, and it may happen that one of your calls happens to better fit the old version. Bugs of that type are very hard to find because all traces of the actually executed code have been removed from the notebook by the edit. $\endgroup$
    – celtschk
    Commented Jul 26, 2013 at 12:29

Understand the difference between exact and approximate (Real) numbers

Unlike many other computational software, Mathematica allows you to deal with exact integers and rational numbers (heads Integer and Rational), as well as normal floating-point (Real) numbers. While you can use both exact and floating-point numbers in a calculation, using exact quantities where they aren’t required can slow computations down.

Also, mixing the data types up in a single list will mess up packed arrays.

The different data types are represented differently by Mathematica. This means, for example, that integer zero (0) and real zero (0.) only equal numerically (0 == 0. yields True) but not structurally (0 === 0. yields False). In certain cases you have to test for both or you will run into trouble. And you have to make sure that List index numbers (i.e. the arguments to Part) are exact integers not real numbers.

As with any computer language, calculations with real numbers is not exact and will accumulate error. As a consequence, your real-valued calculation might not necessarily return zero even when you think it should. There may be small (less than $10^{-10}$) remainders, which might even be complex valued. If so, you can use Chop to get rid of these. Furthermore, you can carry over the small numerical error, unnoticed:

Floor[(45.3 - 45)*100] - 30   (* ==> -1 instead of 0 *)

In such cases, use exact rational numbers instead of reals:

Floor[(453/10 - 45)*100] - 30  (* ==> 0 *)

Sometimes, if you are doing a calculation containing some zeros and some approximate real numbers, as well as algebraic expressions, you will end up with approximate zeros multiplied by the algebraic elements in the result. But of course you want them to cancel out, right? Again, use Chop, that removes small real numbers close to zero (smaller than $10^{-10}$ according to the default tolerance level).

Some solvers (Solve, Reduce, Integrate, DSolve, Minimize, etc.) try to find exact solutions. They work better with exact numbers for coefficients and powers. As just mentioned, if approximate real numbers are used, terms that should cancel out might not, and the solver might fail to find a solution. Other solvers (NSolve, FindRoot, NIntegrate, NDSolve, NMinimize, FindMinimum, etc.) try to find approximate solutions. Generally they work well with either exact or approximate numbers. However, some of them do symbolic analysis and sometimes perform better with functions or equations that are given in terms of exact numbers.

keywords: real integer number-type machine-precision

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Not sure how, but it I guess it would be nice to add that you can add floating-point numbers with greater precision in order to improve results. Something like "45.3`30" might improve upon the result described here... $\endgroup$
    – ivbc
    Commented Jun 17, 2016 at 16:36
  • $\begingroup$ @ivbc And then there's Floor[(1/45.`30)*45] - 1 -- every example contrived to illustrate a limitation as a fix, but that does not mean the fix does not have a similar limitation. However, I agree that a reference to full range of numbers would be helpful, such as the tech note Numbers. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Aug 5, 2023 at 3:14

The displayed form may substantially differ from the internal form

As soon as you discover replacement rules, you are bound to find that they mysteriously fail to replace subexpressions, or replace subexpressions you didn't expect to be replaced.

For example, consider the definition

foo = (a+b)(c+d)(e-f)/Sqrt[2]

which will cause Mathematica output an expression which looks very much like what you entered; approximately: $$\frac{(a+b)(c+d)(e-f)}{\sqrt{2}}$$ Also the InputForm seems to confirm that no transformation has been done to that expression:

((a + b)*(c + d)*(e - f))/Sqrt[2]

Now try to apply some rules on this (from now on I'll give the output in InputForm):

foo /. {x_ + y_ -> x^2 + y^2, x_ - y_ -> x^2 - y^2, Sqrt[2] -> Sqrt[8]}
==> ((a^2 + b^2)*(c^2 + d^2)*(e^2 + f^2))/Sqrt[2]

What is that? We explicitly requested the difference to be replaced with a difference of squares, not a sum! And why wasn't Sqrt[2] replaced at all?

Well, the reason is that Mathematica expressions are not what they look like. To see the real structure of a Mathematica expression, you can use FullForm:

foo // FullForm
==> Times[Power[2, Rational[-1, 2]], Plus[a, b], Plus[c, d], 
     Plus[e, Times[-1, f]]]

Now, we see why the replacement rules didn't work as expected: e-f is actually e + (-1)*f and thus matched perfectly the first rule (sum of two expressions) which transformed that into e^2 + ((-1)*f)^2 which of course evaluates to e^2+f^2. At the time the second rule is applied, the difference doesn't exist any more. Also, the Sqrt[2] in the denominator is actually a factor of 2^(-1/2). It is also easy to check that Sqrt[2] has Power[2, Rational[1, 2]] (that is, 2^(1/2)) as FullForm. That one is nowhere found in the FullForm of the expression foo evaluates to.

With that knowledge we can correct our replacement rules to work as expected:

foo /. {x_Symbol + y_Symbol -> x^2 + y^2,
        x_Symbol - y_Symbol -> x^2 - y^2,
        1/Sqrt[2] -> 1/Sqrt[8]}
==> ((a^2 + b^2)*(c^2 + d^2)*(e^2 - f^2))/(2*Sqrt[2])

First, we restricted our + rule to only accept symbols as expressions, so that it doesn't match e-f. For consistency, the same is true for the second rule. Finally, we replaced 1/Sqrt[2] instead of Sqrt[2] (Mathematica correctly evaluated 1/Sqrt[8] to 1/(2 Sqrt[2])).

Note that instead of FullForm you can also use TreeForm, which gives you a nice graphical representation of the internal expression).

Two common examples

Complex numbers

An example of this that shows up quite often is when matching expressions with complex numbers. Some common examples are the following:

Cases[-I, I, Infinity]
(* { } *)
Cases[2 I, I, Infinity]
(* { } *)

The reason why I appears nowhere in those expressions is revealed when we look at the FullForm of the expressions:

I // FullForm
(* Complex[0, 1] *)
-I // FullForm
(* Complex[0, -1] *)
1 + 2 I // FullForm
(* Complex[1, 2] *)

All of these expressions are atoms; that is, they are all considered indivisible (structureless) objects in Mathematica (at least as far as pattern-matching is concerned).

Different fixes are useful for different use cases, of course. If one wants to manually conjugate a symbolic expression, one can do

expr /. z_Complex :> Conjugate[z]

If one wants to treat I as a symbol rather than as a complex number, one can do

expr /. Complex[a_, b_] :> a + i b

The moral is as above: it is often useful to look at the FullForm of an expression in order to design patterns for matching subexpressions.

Powers in the denominator

Consider the following:

enter image description here

The reason that the denominator gets replaced in the second case but not the first is revealed by looking at the FullForms of the expressions:

enter image description here

In the first case, the expression is internally represented with a negative power, but it is displayed as being the denominator of a fraction. Thus, the pattern _^2 is not matched, and so the expression is not replaced.

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ A very common mistake, indeed (+1) $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 26, 2013 at 17:58
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks a lot. If I were able, I would upvote it ten times not just one $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 13:55

Don't leave the Suggestions Bar enabled

The predictive interface (Suggestions Bar) is the source of many bugs reported on this site and surely many more that have yet to be reported. I strongly suggest that all new users turn off the Suggestions Bar to avoid unexpected problems such as massive memory usage([1], [2]), peculiar evaluation leaks ([1], [2]), broken assignments, disappearing definitions, and crashes([1], [2]).

how to turn it off

  • 12
    $\begingroup$ I remember I was at one of Wolfram summer schools, and during the first lecture on Mathematica fundamentals the lecturer said something like "The first thing you should do when you get you first copy of Mathematica is to go the Preferences and disable the Suggestions Bar". $\endgroup$ Commented May 4, 2016 at 6:40
  • $\begingroup$ @PeterKravchuk Version 11 is supposed to have an improved interface. Hopefully they polish this feature. $\endgroup$
    – a06e
    Commented Aug 15, 2016 at 13:59
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ Nope, they didn't: It causes disastrous kernel issues on my Win 7 x64 installation, see my post "Mma11 on Windows: Forgetful kernel?" Typical Wolfram... $\endgroup$
    – Pirx
    Commented Aug 16, 2016 at 1:32
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Pirx I added a link to your Q&A from this post; it's a great example of the crazy problems still present. That shouldn't have made it out of alpha, let alone final release! $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Aug 16, 2016 at 1:47

Multiple front-end undo is not available in versions less than 10

It is not possible to undo more than once in Mathematica 9 and earlier. Nevertheless, inside a single cell one can undo as long as one stays inside.

Recommendations to avoid trouble:

  1. Never delete code except if what you were doing was completely wrong.
  2. If you want to create a notebook for presentation, generate an additional file as a sandbox for testing purposes.

Kernel undo is still not available

Starting from version 10, multiple-undo is available. However, it is important to keep in mind that this is a front-end undo, not a kernel one. Thus, defining something like:


and then undoing the clear will not actually change the value of x back to 4.

  • 18
    $\begingroup$ Re Personal recommendation 2: Give your sandbox a separate context, as described here mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/3484/1200 , so that definitions from the Sandbox don't leak into the presentation. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 19, 2013 at 0:08
  • $\begingroup$ @DavidSpeyer: Good recommendation. This is something I should keep in mind! $\endgroup$
    – strpeter
    Commented Aug 11, 2014 at 9:19

Mathematica's own programming model: functions and expressions

There are many books about Mathematica programming, still one sees many people falling to understand Mathematica's programming model and usually misunderstand it as functional programming.

This is, because one can pass a function as an argument, like

plotZeroPi[f_] := Plot[f[x], {x,0,Pi}];
plotZeroPi[Sin] (* produces Plot[Sin[x],{x,0,Pi}] *)

and so people tend to think that Mathematica follows a functional programming (FP) model. There is even a section in the documentation about functional Programming. Yes, looks similar, but it is different - and you will see shortly why.

Expressions are what evaluation is about

Everything in Mathematica is an expression. An expression can be an atom, like numbers, symbol variables and other built-in atoms, or a compound expression. Compound expressions -our topic here- have a head followed by arguments between square brackets, like Sin[x].

Thus, evaluation in Mathematica is the ongoing transformation from one expression to another based on certain rules, user-defined and built-in, until no rules are applicable. That last expression is returned as the answer.

Mathematica derives its power from this simple concept, plus a lot of syntactic sugar you have to write expressions in a more concise way… and something more we will see below. We don't intend to explain all the details here, as there are other sections in this guide to help you.

In fact, what happened above is the definition of a new head, plotZeroPi via the infix operator :=. More over, the first argument is a pattern expression plotZeroPi[f_], with head (as pattern) plotZeroPi and a pattern argument. The notation f_ simply introduces an any pattern and gives it a name, f, which we use in the right hand side as the head of another expression.

That's why a common way to express what f is, is that plotZeroPi has a function argument - although is not very precise-, and we also say that plotZeroPi is a function (or a high-level function in FP lingo), although is now clear that there is a little abuse of the terminology here.

Bottom line: Mathematica looks like functional programming because one is able to define and pass around heads.

Putting evaluation on hold

But, note that Plot does not expect a function, it expects a expression! So, although in a functional programming paradigm, one would write Plot with a function parameter, in Mathematica plot expects an expression. This was a design choice in Mathematica and one that I would argue makes it quite readable.

This works because Plot is flagged to hold the evaluation of its arguments (see non-standard). Once Plot sets its environment internally, it triggers the evaluation of the expression with specific values assigned to x. When you read the documentation, beware of this subtlety: it says function although a better term would have been expression.

Dynamically creating a head

So, what happens if one needs to perform a complex operation and once that is done, a function is clearly defined? Say you want to compute Sin[$\alpha$ x], where $\alpha$ is the result of a complex operation. A naive approach is

func[p_, x_] := Sin[costlyfunction[p] x]

If you then try

Plot[func[1.,x], {x,0,Pi}]

you can be waiting long to get that plot. Even this does not work

func[p_][x_] := Sin[costlyfunction[p] x]

because the whole expression is unevaluated when entering Plot anyway. In fact, if you try func[1.] in the front-end, you will see that Mathematica does not know a rule about it and can't do much either.

What you need is something that allows you to return a head of an expression. That thing will have costlyfunction calculated once before Plot takes your head (the expression's, not yours) and gives it an x.

Mathematica has a built-in, Function that gives you that.

func[p_] := With[{a = costlyfunction[p]}, Function[x, Sin[a x]] ];

With introduces a new context where that costly function is evaluated and assigned to a. That value is remembered by Function as it appears as a local symbol in its definition. Function is nothing but a head that you can use when needed. For those familiar with functional programming in other languages, a is part of the closure where the Function is defined; and Function is the way one enters a lambda construct into Mathematica.

Another way to do it, more imperative if you like, is using Module and what you already know about defining rules -which is more familiar to procedural programming-:

func[p_] := Module[{f, a},
    a = costlyfunction[p];
    f[x_] := Sin[a x];

In it, a new context is introduced with two symbols, f and a; and what it does is simple: it calculates a, then defines f as a head as we want it, and finally returns that symbol f as answer, a newly created head you can use in the caller.

In this definition, when you try say, func[1.], you will see a funny symbol like f$3600 being returned. This is the symbol that has the rule f[x_] := Sin[a x] attached to it. It was created by Module to isolate any potential use of f from the outside world. It works, but certainly is not as idiomatic as function.

The approach with Function is more direct, and there is syntactic sugar for it too; you will see it in regular Mathematica programming

func[p_] := With[{a = costlyfunction[p]}, Sin[a #]& ];

Ok, let's continue.

Now that func really returns a function, i.e. something that you can use as the head of an expression. You would use it with Plot like

With[{f = func[1.]}, Plot[f[x],{x,0,Pi}]]

and we bet that by this time you will understand why Plot[func[1.][x],{x,0,Pi}] is as bad as any of the previous examples.

On returning an expression

A final example is Piecewise (from the documentation)

Plot[Piecewise[{{x^2, x < 0}, {x, x > 0}}], {x, -2, 2}]

So, what if the boundary on the condition is a parameter? Well, just apply the recipe above:

paramPieces[p_] := Piecewise[{{#^2, # < p}, {#, # > p}}] &;

One shouldn't do

paramPieces[p_] := Piecewise[{{x^2, x < p}, {x, x > p}}];

because Piecewise does not have the hold attribute and it will try to evaluate its argument. It does not expect an expression! If x is not defined, you may see a nice output when you use it, but now you are constrained to use the atom (variable name) x and although

Plot[paramPieces[0], {x, -1, 1}]

seems to work, you are setting yourself for trouble. So, how to return something you can use in Plot?

Well, in this case, the parameter is not a burden to the calculation itself, so one sees this kind of definitions being used

paramPieces[p_, x_] := Piecewise[{{x^2, x < p}, {x, x > p}}];
Plot[paramPieces[0, x], {x,-1,1}]

And, if x is undefined, paramPieces[0, x] is nicely displayed in the front-end as before. This works because, again, Mathematica is a expressions language, and the parameter x makes as much sense as the number 1.23 in the definition of paramPieces. As said, Mathematica just stops the evaluation of paramPieces[0, x] when no more rules are applied.

A remark on assignment

We have said above several times that x gets assigned a value inside Plot and so on. Again, beware this is not the same as variable assignment in functional programming and certainly there is (again) abuse of language for the sake of clarity.

What one has in Mathematica is a new rule that allows the evaluation loop to replace all occurrences of x by a value. As an appetizer, the following works

Plot3D[Sin[x[1] + x[2]], {x[1], -Pi, Pi}, {x[2], -Pi, Pi}]

There is no variable x[1], just a expression that gets a new rule(s) inside Plot every time it gets a value for plotting. You can read more about this in this guide too.

Note to readers: Although these guides are not meant to be comprehensive, please, feel free to leave comments to help improve them.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I have heard Mathematica being called a multi paradigm language. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 30, 2013 at 10:08
  • $\begingroup$ +1 I believe that once you understand the Mathematica evaluation and the use of With you can do almost anything with Mathematica. $\endgroup$
    – faysou
    Commented Dec 30, 2013 at 10:15
  • $\begingroup$ @JacobAkkerboom, I've heard the same, so I will add some notes to reach a wider audience. Thanks! $\endgroup$
    – carlosayam
    Commented Dec 31, 2013 at 0:10
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ An easy way to understand Mathematica's evaluation: consider a function/tree f[a,b]. Without any particular attribute for f the leafs/arguments will be evaluated before the parent f. With f having a HoldAll attribute you don't evaluate the leafs but go directly in the evaluation of f. a and b will be evaluated as soon as they are used in a function that doesn't hold again their evaluation. Example SetAttributes[f, HoldAll]; f[a_,b_]:= a Hold[b]; f[2^2,2^2] $\endgroup$
    – faysou
    Commented Dec 23, 2014 at 20:38
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ "Everything in Mathematica is an expression" - not Dataset, which has its own type system under the hood and doesn't work with external pattern matching and replacement. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 1, 2015 at 18:29

The default $HistoryLength causes Mathematica to crash!

By default $HistoryLength = Infinity, which is absurd. That ensures Mathematica will crash after making output with graphics or images for a few hours. Besides, who would do something like In[2634]:=Expand[Out[93]].... You can ensure a reasonable default setting by including ($HistoryLength=3), or setting it to some other small integer in your "Init.m" file.

  • $\begingroup$ Is it similar if one quits the kernel from time to time? I'm putting my computer to sleep without closing Mathematica. $\endgroup$
    – BoLe
    Commented Jul 8, 2016 at 5:49
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Bole, I am not sure what the answer to your question is, But I often have Mathematica crash if I leave it running more than 24 hours with Dynamic output (e.g. Manipulate). $\endgroup$
    – Ted Ersek
    Commented Jul 17, 2016 at 22:58

Use Consistent Naming Conventions

This is basic, and good practice in any programming language, but Mathematica's slow-to-fail nature makes it in a sense a less forgiving language than others, so those of us who have in the past gotten away with bad habits may run into trouble. Suppose I have a function


which I later try to invoke thusly:


In some other languages this would result in a compile error, and is easily spotted, but in Mathematica, what usually happens is either

  1. the unevaluated expression loseMemoryLikeTearsInRain[] gets passed on to some other function,
  2. Mathematica silently moves on without performing the side effects the function is supposed to perform, or
  3. both.

For this reason, I have found it especially important to have a consistent set of conventions for naming things. The exact choice is to some extent a matter of taste, but here are some things that have tripped me up:

  1. inconsistent capitalization,
  2. starting function names with a capital letter (can conflict with predefined Mathematica functions),
  3. inconsistent use of singular and plural (I now try to favor the singular whenever possible),
  4. names that do not distinguish between pure functions and those with side effects (I now use noun-clauses and verb-clauses respectively),
  5. generally inconsistent, idiosyncratic, or poorly thought out use of terminology,
  6. attempts to abbreviate beyond what is reasonable or memorable. (One consistent convention is to drop all vowels other than the first letter of the word, whch mks evrythng lk lk ths.)
  • 10
    $\begingroup$ Autocompletion is useful for this purpose $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 8, 2013 at 14:14
  • 7
    $\begingroup$ Concerning Mathematica, I would not recommend abbreviating function names. Lengthy function names isn't really a big issue performance-wise, and in my experience it is more important that you remember years later what your function does than to save some typing. Mathematica itself is very eminent on giving informative though long names (think of FrequencySamplingFilterKernel, SymmetrizedIndependentComponents, etc.). $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 18, 2013 at 20:37
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @István As a proponent of terse coding I do not fully agree. For library functions that are used many times it saves considerable typing, even with auto-completion, to use short names, and the purpose of the function is unlikely to be forgotten. For one-off functions I strongly prefer including a description of the function in a Text cell and for global functions a usage Message to long function names or in-line comments, in most cases. Perhaps such coding style is worthy of a community wiki? It would be interesting to have an exhibit of different styles to compare I think. $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Jun 14, 2015 at 19:43
  • $\begingroup$ @Mr.Wizard Sure, you're right about using shortcut names (I do that myself a lot during development), but since this thread is mostly for new users, I think it's useful for them to stick to telltale function names. I'm afraid a coding-style wiki (though might be interesting) would fall into the fuzzy, "personal taste"-type questions. At least I know that my style has changed a lot during the years... $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 15, 2015 at 8:48

Using Sort incorrectly

Sorting mathematical expressions without numeric conversion

New users are often baffled by the behavior of Sort on lists of mathematical expressions. Though this is covered in the documentation of Sort itself they expect that expressions will be ordered by numeric value but they are not. Instead expressions are effectively ordered with Order which compares expression structures. (The full details of that ordering remain undisclosed but any specific pairing can be tested with Order.)

To sort a list of expressions by their numerical values one should use NumericalSort, or somewhat more verbosely SortBy or Ordering.

exp = {Sqrt[2], 5, Sin[4]}

SortBy[exp, N]
exp[[Ordering @ N @ exp]]
{5, Sqrt[2], Sin[4]}

{Sin[4], Sqrt[2], 5}

{Sin[4], Sqrt[2], 5}

{Sin[4], Sqrt[2], 5}

An independent Q&A on this issue: Ordering problem

Using the ordering parameter of Sort when SortBy is adequate

From a computational complexity standpoint it is far preferable to use SortBy, if it can be applied (see below), rather than the ordering parameter of Sort. Using Sort[x, p] causes pairs of elements in x to be compared using p. If a problem can be recast such that every element is independently given a value that can sorted by the default ordering function faster vectorized application can be used. Taking the problem above as an example:

Needs["GeneralUtilities`"]  (* Mathematica 10 package *)

  {Sort[#, Less] &, NumericalSort, SortBy[N]},
  Array[Sin, #] &,
  "IncludeFits" -> True

enter image description here

Working with a fixed precision can lead to unwanted results

Though faster, SortBy[N] can return a wrong answer for large enough inputs. One workaround is to increase the working precision by a sufficient amount. Alternatively one can use NumericalSort which does not have this problem.

exp = {π^100, π^100 - 1};

SortBy[exp, N]
SortBy[exp, N[#, 100]&]
NumericalSort[{Pi^100, Pi^100 - 1}]
{π^100, π^100 - 1}

{π^100 - 1, π^100}

{π^100 - 1, π^100}

Converting to a List before sorting

Sort is capable of natively operating on all normal non-atomic expressions:

Sort /@ {7 -> 2, Hold[2, 1, 4], Mod[c, b, a], 1 | 4 | 1 | 5, "b"^"a"}
{2 -> 7, Hold[1, 2, 4], Mod[a, b, c], 1 | 1 | 4 | 5, "a"^"b"}

Additional reading:

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Interestingly, if I try the benchmark plot in 10.2 I get this (check the legends!). $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 12:53
  • $\begingroup$ @Sjoerd is there a material improvement or is this internal to BenchmarkPlot? $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 13:17
  • $\begingroup$ Can't test it right now. I'm on vacation with an old laptop with only a 10.2 trial version on it. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 14:23
  • $\begingroup$ I get the same result as Sjoerd C. de Vries in v10.4. It's impressive to see that SortBy can do this in O(n). $\endgroup$
    – luyuwuli
    Commented Apr 1, 2016 at 7:20

Why is my picture upside-down?

Sometimes, when moving from data-based representations into image-based representations, odd things happen. For example, the left-most leaf in the rose

img = ColorConvert[Import["ExampleData/rose.gif"], "grayscale"]

enter image description here

points downwards. Yet if we extract the data in the image and plot by another means

imgData = ImageData[img];

enter image description here

the left-most leaf points upwards. The image is rendered upside-down! This can be seen numerically by contrasting the dimensions of the imageData and the dimensions of the image itself:

imgData = ImageData[img]

which return {223, 164} and {164, 223} respectively.

This problem is endemic to all programs that handle images/graphics and as well as data/matrices. Why? Because there are two different coordinate systems in common use. Images, like graphics, use regular Cartesian coordinates. For example, the point (1,2) means one to the right and two up. The point (10, 3) means 10 to the right and 3 up. The origin is effectively in the bottom-left and the two coordinates are indices into the (column, row).

Contrast this with matrices. Here the convention is

 a11 a12 a13
 a21 a22 a23
 a31 a32 a33

In this arrangement, the origin is effectively at the top left and the two coordinates index into the (row, column). The symptom you see (having to Reverse the ImageData) is a result of this dual-origin problem.

You can see this dual-system at work by clicking on an image. Choose "get coordinates" and the coordinate system for the image has (1,1) in the lower left. But if you choose "get indices" then the coordinate system starts in the top left. Coordinates are the image coordinates, indices index into ImageData. So for instance, ImageValue[img, {1, 1}] gives the bottom left pixel value. The documentation tries to reduce this confusion by using words like "gives the pixel value of image at position {x,y}" (for example, see the help for ImageValue) to refer to image (Cartesian) coordinates, while it uses "row," "column," and "index" when it is using matrix-indices (for example, see the help file for ImageTake).

Fortunately, there is a simple fix: to use the option DataReversed.

imgDataRev = ImageData[img, DataReversed -> True];

enter image description here

Several other plotting commands require similar processing. For example:

ListPlot3D[1 - imgDataRev]

enter image description here

again requires the datareversal in order to not be turned upside-down.

Two related questions with associated answers can be found here and here.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I think it's better for one to learn and live with the differences. I'm not trying to be cynical, but it seems to me that using (completely useful) DataReversed option can produce additional troubles with understanding. $\endgroup$
    – BoLe
    Commented Jul 6, 2016 at 16:47

Mathematica can be much more than a scratchpad

My impression is that Mathematica is predominately used as a super graphical calculator, or as a programming language and sometimes as a mathematical word processor. Although it is in part all of these things, there is a more powerful usage paradigm for Mathematica. Mathematica stackexchange itself tends to be strongly oriented towards specific programming techniques and solutions.

The more powerful and broader technique is to think of Mathematica as a piece of paper on which you are developing and writing your mathematical ideas, organizing them, preserving knowledge in an active form, adding textual explanation and perhaps communicating with others through Mathematica itself. This requires familiarity with some of the larger aspects of Mathematica. These suggestions are focused toward new users who are either using Mathematica to learn mathematical material or want to develop new and perhaps specialized material.

Most beginners use the notebook interface - but just barely. They should learn how to use Titles, Sections and Text cells. If I was teaching a beginner I would have the first assignment be to write a short essay without any Input/Output cells at all. I would have them learn how to look at the underlying expression of cells, and how to use the ShowGroupOpener option so a notebook could be collapsed to outline form.

Most subjects worthy of study or development require extended treatment. This means there may be multiple types of calculation or graphical or dynamic presentations. And multiple is usually simpler for a beginner with Mathematica. Notebooks will be more to the long than the short side.

New users should be encouraged to write their own routines when necessary. It certainly pays to make maximum use of built-in routines, and difficult to learn them all, but Mathematica is more like a meta-language from which you can construct useful routines in specific areas. Sometimes it is useful to write routines simply for convenience in usage. It's also worthwhile to think of routines as definitions, axioms, rules and specifications rather than as programs. Perhaps it is just a mindset but it is Mathematica and not C++. Routines can be put in a section at the beginning of a notebook. Again, I would teach new users how to write usage messages, SyntaxInformation[] statements, and define Options[] and Attributes[] for routines. Most new users would probably prefer not to be bothered with this but it represents the difference between ephemeral material and permanent active useful aquired knowledge. Writing useful routines is probably the most difficult part. Using them in longish notebooks will always expose flaws in the initial design.

A new user working on a new project should create a folder for the project in the $UserBaseDirectory/Applications folder. This is THE place to gather material on a specific project. Then, if many useful routines have been created in the Routines sections of various notebooks, they could be moved to a package in the same Application folder. Again, it is not very difficult to write packages (especially if the routines have already been written and tested) and this makes the accumulated routines available to all notebooks. If one gets more advanced, style sheets and palettes can be added to the same application, along with an extended folder structure.

None of the things I have discussed here (except writing actual useful routines) is especially difficult to learn. It does provide a stable framework for using Mathematica and accumulating knowledge and experience. It is the present Mathematica paradigm.

  • $\begingroup$ I am not certain how to make the link above so perhaps someone can help with that. I don't know how to select a specific object to link to. $\endgroup$
    – David Park
    Commented Dec 23, 2013 at 21:40
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks, I already did it :). In the future you can get the link from under your answer (labeled share) $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 23, 2013 at 21:41
  • 9
    $\begingroup$ I definitely agree with this, but as a beginner I would appreciate if this post included references to some learning material. For example, a page describing the conventions for writing comments and documentation would be extremely helpful. $\endgroup$
    – A.P.
    Commented Dec 8, 2015 at 17:51
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ Newer systems have introduced a number of little functions, like MinMax for example, which aren't indispensable. Is this a good or bad thing? One can live with or without them, but without them there is a better chance for one being creatively active. Isn't it fun and instructive and rewarding for a novice to think about how to code the functionality of MinMax? These functions' existence promote instead a strange path it seems to me, where every little "math thought or procedure" will have its own method name, and learning the system will feel like learning the index. $\endgroup$
    – BoLe
    Commented Jul 7, 2016 at 7:35
  • $\begingroup$ I think you might be right, but this answer does not help me as a beginner. After reading this I looked up Titles and Sections in the documentation and easily learned how they work. But I still have no idea why I would want to use them. Maybe for my purposes they are not useful. I write my mathematics up in LaTeX, often for publication, and Mathematica is not going to replace that. What advantage would i get from using titles and sections? $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 24, 2017 at 15:59

Why do I get an empty plot?

Often new Mathematica users (and some not-so-new users) post questions asking why their plot of some expression just shows axes, with no plotted curve appearing. The key thing to keep in mind is that this will almost never have to do with the Plot command itself. It invariably occurs because the expression is not evaluating to a real numeric value when supplied a numeric value for the plot variable. The troubleshooting step is to evaluate the expression outside of the Plot statement, so that you can see what it's actually producing. This is necessary because Plot will not complain when given non-numeric values to plot -- it just won't plot.

For example, new users will sometimes do

y = sin[x] + cos[x]
Plot[y, {x, 0, 2 Pi}]

and then wonder why the plot is empty. The first check is to supply a numeric argument for x and apply N:

y /. x -> Pi // N

cos[3.14159] + sin[3.14159]

If you don't get a numerical result, that is why the plot is empty. (The next step would be to look up sin and cos and find the correct spellings.)

A second common situation is if the expression is numeric but complex, such as in these questions. Again, evaluate the expression outside the plot to see that there is an imaginary part, and then apply Re or Chop as appropriate to obtain the plot.

In other cases, the problem may be due to an incorrectly defined function, such as in this question:

a = (b + c)/d;
plotFunction[b_, c_] := Plot[a, {d, 0, 10}];
plotFunction[2, 3]

Define the function without the plot statement to see the problem:

plotFunction[b_, c_] := a /. d -> 5 // N;
plotFunction[2, 3]

0.2 (b + c)

The result is not numeric because the patterns (b_ and c_) don't correspond to the global variables b and c and so the arguments are not substituted.

There are some cases in which the attributes of Plot are important to the problem -- for example in these questions the empty plot is a consequence of the HoldAll attribute of Plot.

  • $\begingroup$ It is strange that Plot silently fails while e.g. NIntegrate gives a helpful error message: y = sin[x] + cos[x]; NIntegrate[y, {x, 0, 2 Pi}] NIntegrate::inumr: The integrand cos[x]+sin[x] has evaluated to non-numerical values for all sampling points in the region with boundaries {{0,6.28319}}. >>. Is there any sound reason for that omission or should this really be a feature? $\endgroup$
    – masterxilo
    Commented Jul 3, 2016 at 23:50
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @masterxilo There used to be such an error message in Mathematica -- it was removed in version 6. And it looks like Szabolcs complained about that then. Maybe the thinking was that a graphics command does not need to provide a mathematically rigorous result, so it should just do the best it can and not bother you with error messages. That makes it less annoying when plotting a function that is only real over a restricted range, but I agree that a message might be helpful when the function is nonnumerical everywhere. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 4, 2016 at 7:39
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @masterxilo At one point the message could be turned back on with On[General::plnr], but that doesn't seem to work any more. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 4, 2016 at 7:42

Misunderstanding Dynamic

Although this FAQ is to "focus on non-advanced uses" and Dynamic functionality is arguably advanced it seems simple and is one of the more important pitfalls of which I am aware. I have observed two primary misunderstandings which may be countered in two statements:

  1. It does not provide continuous independent evaluation; it works only when "visible."

  2. It remains part of an expression though it is not usually displayed; it is not magic.

Dynamic is fundamentally a Front End construct, though the Front End communicates with the Kernel over special channels for its evaluation. It is typically only active while it is within the visible area of a Mathematica window. (e.g. Notebook or Palette.) To demonstrate this simply create a Notebook with enough lines to scroll completely off screen and evaluate:

Dynamic[Print @ SessionTime[]; SessionTime[], UpdateInterval -> 1]

This creates an expression which appears as a number that changes roughly once a second, and as a side effect it also prints to the Messages window. One may observe that when the expression is scrolled out of the visible area of the Notebook or the Notebook is minimized the printing ceases. I put "visible" in quotes because it is not really the visibility of the expression that is key. For example if the Notebook is behind another window it still updates and if the expression is outside the visible area it may still update while the Notebook is being edited, etc.

The point is that Dynamic does not spawn an independent parallel process but rather it is a Front End formatting construct with special properties. Realizing this will help one to understand why something like this doesn't work as presumably intended:

  Dynamic[SessionTime[], UpdateInterval -> 1] > 10,
  Print["Ten second session"]

You get an output expression that appears like this:

If[19.9507407 > 10, Print[Ten second session]]

This cannot work however because:

  1. You are comparing a numeric expression 10 to one with the head Dynamic.
  2. In this output If it not an active construct and it cannot print anything.

The formatted expression displayed by the Front End is actually:

   If[SessionTime[] > 10, 
    Print["Ten second session"]], StandardForm],
  ImageSizeCache->{48., {0., 13.}},
  UpdateInterval->1]], "Output"]

Dynamic does nothing but result in this formatted output which is specially handled by the Front End.

It is possible to make the example work at least superficially by wrapping the entire If expression in Dynamic instead but it is important to understand that this does not avoid the fundamental limitations of the construct, it merely defers them. For example instead of evaluating and printing once, which is what I think people usually intend when they write something like this, If evaluates (and prints) repeatedly with every update.

Although it can be disappointing to realize that Dynamic is not as "magical" as it may first appear it is still a very powerful tool and works over channels that are not otherwise directly accessible to the user. It needs to be understood before it is applied indiscriminately and other functionality should also be known, for example:

A concise and more authoritative post about Dynamic by John Fultz that opened my eyes:

  • $\begingroup$ Nice answer, I think you identified some nice common mistakes. Re: "Dynamic is fundamentally a Front End construct", I just wanted to rant here. We have that MakeBoxes[Dynamic[x]] evaluates to DynamicBox[ToBoxes[x,StandardForm]]. It is then the DynamicBox that is a "Front End construct", that is probably tracked by the Front End in a special way. At this point we can imagine that no expression with head Dynamic needs to be handled anymore, we are just evaluating an expression with head ToBoxes when the Front End asks for it. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 10:28
  • $\begingroup$ @Jacob Thanks. I am trying to keep this answer approachable for new users while not being inaccurate. (And I admit that I may not correctly understand all this myself.) I did write "The formatted expression displayed by the Front End is actually:" and show DynamicBox[ToBoxes[ . . . and then "Dynamic does nothing but result in this formatted output which is specially handled by the Front End." That is how I chose to describe what I think you are commenting on above. Do you think you can improve it without making this answer too advanced? $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 17:08
  • $\begingroup$ I am sorry I must say I had a follow up comment before, in which I also said everything was probably fine. I deleted that comment because I confused myself. Most likely I had some lingering DynamicBoxes evaluating expressions when I didn't expect them to get evaluated. If you can still see that comment, it was probably correct :). I really like your statements in quotes in your comment, which do a good job of providing more details. It also makes sense to make a global (possibly slightly ambiguous) statement first and provide details later on. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 11, 2015 at 10:24
  • $\begingroup$ I'm a bit rushed and probably still confused writing this, so I should probably not edit, as I would probably only cause more confusion :). Thanks for the reply, it is a kind thing to reply to a rushed comment or rant :). $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 11, 2015 at 10:27
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @BoLe If I understand you I think one can look at it that way, but critically it only listens or triggers when its DynamicBox expression is visible in the Front End. $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Jul 8, 2016 at 8:17

Use Rasterize[..., "Image"] to avoid double rasterization

[UPDATE: starting from version 11.2.0 Rasterize[...] defaults to Rasterize[..., "Image"].]

When working with image processing functions like ImageDimensions, ImageResize etc. it is important to know that these functions always expect an object with Head Image as input and not Graphics. It is somewhat counterintuitive but Rasterize by default produces not an Image but a Graphics object which will be tacitly rasterized again with potential loss of quality when one feeds it as input for any Image-processing function. To avoid this one should ensure to set the second argument of Rasterize to "Image".

Here is an illustration (I upsample with no interpolation to make the difference more evident):

gr = Rasterize[x^2 + y^2, ImageSize -> 100, RasterSize -> 300]
i = Rasterize[x^2 + y^2, "Image", ImageSize -> 100, RasterSize -> 300]

ImageResize[gr, Scaled[3], Resampling -> "Constant"]
ImageResize[i, Scaled[3], Resampling -> "Constant"]


Detailed explanations

For elucidating what happens here, it is handy to use my shortInputForm function:

gr // shortInputForm


From the output it is seen that gr is a Graphics object with option ImageSize -> 100 containing a Raster with 300 columns of pixels. These are due to the options ImageSize -> 100, RasterSize -> 300 passed to Rasterize. We can also get the dimensions of the Raster array in the following way:

gr[[1, 1]] // Dimensions
{104, 300, 3}

(the first number is the number of rows, the second is the number of columns and the third is the length of the RGB triplets in the array).

One should understand that Graphics is by definition a container for vector graphics (but can contain as well raster objects represented via Raster). And hence there is no general way to convert Graphics into Image (a container for purely raster graphics) other than rasterization.

Since gr has option ImageSize -> 100, after re-rasterization the final Image will contain 100 columns of pixels:

Image[gr] // ImageDimensions
{100, 35}

Hence we have irreversibly resized the original raster image contained in gr from 300 pixels wide to 100 pixels wide! This automatically happens when we pass gr to ImageResize because the algorithms of the latter are for the rasters only and hence can work only with Image, not with Graphics. Actually the same is true for any Image* function, not just ImageResize. For example, gr // ImageDimensions will produce the same as Image[gr] // ImageDimensions since Image is tacitly applied when you apply any Image* function to a non-Image:

gr // ImageDimensions
{100, 35}

The fact of the second rasterization can be directly proven by tracing the evaluation with Trace:

trace = Trace[ImageDimensions[gr], Image, TraceInternal -> True, TraceDepth -> 2]


Let us investigate the output:

trace[[1, 1]] // shortInputForm
trace[[1, 2, 1]] // Head


So we see that Image is applied to gr directly and as the result an object with Head Image is returned.

To produce the final result ImageResize resizes the intermediate Image 3 times as requested by the second argument (Scaled[3]), and produces an Image with dimensions

{100, 35}*3
{300, 105}

For the case of i the intermediate rasterization does not happen and hence we get the final image with dimensions

{900, 312}

This is because i is already an Image:


Final remarks

It is worth to note that Raster can be converted into Image directly without loss of quality:

rasterArray = gr[[1, 1]];
i2 = Image[Reverse[rasterArray], "Byte"];
i2 // ImageDimensions
{300, 104}

Another method is to apply Image directly to Raster container:

i3 = Image[gr[[1]]];
i3 // ImageDimensions
{300, 104}

Opposite conversion is also straightforward:

Reverse[ImageData[i2, Automatic]] == rasterArray == Reverse[ImageData[i3, Automatic]]

The obtained images are essentially equivalent to the one obtained with "Image" as the second argument of Rasterize:

ImageData[i3, Automatic] == ImageData[i2, Automatic] == ImageData[i, Automatic]

The only difference is in options:

Options /@ {i, i2, i3}

{{ColorSpace -> "RGB", ImageSize -> 100, Interleaving -> True}, 
 {ColorSpace -> Automatic, Interleaving -> True}, 
 {ColorSpace -> "RGB", Interleaving -> True}}
  • $\begingroup$ Can you comment on why the two ImageResize results have different sizes? In what way (with what resolution) is gr "rasterized again" when passed to ImageResize? $\endgroup$
    – masterxilo
    Commented Jul 3, 2016 at 23:47
  • $\begingroup$ @masterxilo I have added detailed explanations. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 4, 2016 at 0:37
  • $\begingroup$ @AlexeyPopkov would you expect to need explicit PageWidth -> 500, LineBreakWithin -> Automatic inside a cell in Rasterize[ Cell[boxdata, "Code", PageWidth -> 500, LineBreakWithin -> Automatic], ImageFormattingWidth -> 500] to make ImageFormattingWidht working? $\endgroup$
    – Kuba
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 13:14
  • $\begingroup$ @Kuba Certainly not. Moreover, checking the Documentation examples for ImageFormattingWidth and $ImageFormattingWidth shows that this functionality is currently broken. Worth to report. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 13:50

Fourier transforms do not return the expected result

Many users know a particular definition of the Fourier transform. When Mathematica returns an unexpected result and users cannot comprehend what is happening, often it is because Mathematica is using a different definition. In particular, this is the general definition of a transform pair:

$$ F(\omega) = \sqrt{\frac{|b|}{(2\pi)^{1-a}}}\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(t)e^{i b \omega t} \mathrm{d}t,\quad f(t) = \sqrt{\frac{|b|}{(2\pi)^{1+a}}}\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(t)e^{-i b \omega t} \mathrm{d}t $$

Clearly there is not just one definition of the Fourier transform, but an infinite number of definitions. Some common choices are:

  • $(a,b) = (0,1)$ (default in Mathematica)
  • $(a,b) = (-1,1)$
  • $(a,b) = (1,-1)$

$(a,b)$ can be set through the option FourierParameters -> {a,b} in Fourier related functions, e.g. Fourier, FourierSeries and FourierTransform.

Three common usage scenarios are presented below.

Make a Fourier transform agree with its table expression

If you are reading a math book on Fourier analysis it might say that $$ \mathcal{F}(e^{-at^2})=\frac{\pi}{a}e^{-\omega^2/4a}, $$ but this is not what Mathematica returns by default. By looking at how the book defines the Fourier transform you realize that you need to use FourierParameters -> {1,-1}.

Related questions:

Change the periodicity of a Fourier series

A close inspection of the expression above shows that the parameter $b$ affects the periodicity of the Fourier transform. Below is a demonstration of how to approximate a $4\pi$ periodic sine curve with a Fourier series. The leftmost figure shows the sine curve, the middle figure shows the Fourier series without changing FourierParameters and the right figure shows the sine series after changing FourierParameters.

pl1 = Plot[Sin[0.5 t], {t, 0, 2 Pi}];

fs[t_] = FourierTrigSeries[Sin[0.5 t], t, 10];
pl2 = Plot[fs[t], {t, 0, 2 Pi}];

fs2[t_] = FourierTrigSeries[Sin[0.5 t], t, 10, FourierParameters -> {0, 0.5}];
pl3 = Plot[fs2[t], {t, 0, 2 Pi}];

GraphicsRow[{pl1, pl2, pl3}]

Mathematica graphics

Since the curve is $4\pi$ periodic, $b = \frac{2\pi}{4 \pi} = 0.5$. When $b=1$ as it is by default the signal is assumed to be $2\pi$ periodic, which causes our $4\pi$ periodic curve to be truncated. The middle figure shows the segment $(-\pi,\pi)$ starting over at $\pi$ because of this.

Related questions

Affecting the FFT

FourierParameters also affects the discrete Fourier transform. In fact, the discrete Fourier transform of a list $\mu_r$ with length $n$ is given in Mathematica by $$ F(s) = \frac{1}{n^{(1-a)/2}}\sum_{r=1}^n\mu_re^{2\pi i b(r-1)(s-1)/n},\ s\in\{1, ..., n\}. $$ Confusion over the Fourier spectrum can arise when switching from MATLAB – or another software – to Mathematica for example since MATLAB uses a different set of Fourier parameters. Below is an example that shows how the amplitude of the FFT is affected by Mathematica's choice of parameters and MATLAB's choice of parameters, respectively.

data = Table[10 Cos[4 t], {t, -Pi, Pi, 0.1}];

ft1 = Fourier[data];
pl2 = ListPlot[Abs[ft1], PlotRange -> Full];

ft2 = Fourier[data, FourierParameters -> {1, -1}];
pl3 = ListPlot[Abs[ft2], PlotRange -> Full];

GraphicsRow[{pl2, pl3}]

Mathematica graphics

Related questions


How to use both initialized and uninitialized variables

A variable in Mathematica can play two different roles. As an initialized variable, the variable's value will replace its name when an expression is evaluated. By contrast, upon evaluation, the name of an uninitialized variable will be propagated throughout every expression in which it takes part.

For example, starting with the more familiar behavior of an initialized variable in Mathematica, as in most programming languages, we have

a = 5.3;

(5 a)^2

===> 702.25

But if the variable a becomes uninitialized again, as by the use of Clear, we see the following result from the identical input expression:


(5 a)^2

===> 25 a^2

This behavior makes perfectly good mathematical sense, but it is very different from that of most other programming languages, and can indeed be quite confusing to a newcomer. Mathematica can even seem to be perverse or crazy when this distinction has not been understood.

But propagating the names of variables through mathematical operations is a great feature when you want to perform algebraic manipulation. For example, assuming a, b and c are all uninitialized,

Expand[ (a + 2 b + 3 c)^2 ]

===> a^2 + 4 a b + 4 b^2 + 6 a c + 12 b c + 9 c^2

As a particularly important case, variables whose values are to be found by Solve (and similar functions such as Reduce and FindInstance) MUST be uninitialized.

Fortunately in Mathematica's front end the color of an initialized variable is different from the color of an uninitialized variable. Check your system to see what colors are in use. Getting into the habit of noticing the colors of variables will also make clear how Mathematica keeps certain variables local to their contexts.

  • 6
    $\begingroup$ Using scoping constructs like Block[ ] or formal symbols like \[FormalX] is more robust than looking at the syntax coloring, I believe $\endgroup$ Commented May 13, 2015 at 1:10
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ I'm sure you are right. My answer is only about understanding what is going on with the language. New users often type in things which don't work, and then get more confused when Mathematica returns answers that they find incomprehensible. $\endgroup$ Commented May 21, 2015 at 4:37

Understand the difference between Set (or =) and Equal (or ==)

Suppose you want to solve the system of equations $x^2 + y^2 = 1$ and $x = 2y$ in Mathematica. So you type in the following code:

Solve[{x^2 + y^2 = 1, x = 2 y}, {x, y}]

You then get the following output:

Set::write: Tag Plus in x^2+y^2 is Protected. >>

Solve::ivar: 2 y is not a valid variable. >>

Solve[{1, 2 y}, {2 y, y}]

What's going on?

The answer is that unlike some other programming languages, Mathematica has separate commands for setting a variable to a given value (Set, denoted by a single equals sign) and checking to see whether two variables are equal (Equal, denoted by a double equals sign.) To illustrate the difference, consider the following two pieces of code:

a = 1;
b = 2;
a = b
==> 2


a = 1;
b = 2;
a == b
==> False

In both sets of code, we first set a equal to 1 and b equal to 2. In the first code, we then set a equal to b; this means that a is now equal to 2 in memory, and any further commands that refer to a will return 2. In the second one, however, we ask Mathematica whether a is equal to b; it returns False, since 1 is not equal to 2. However, Mathematica has not overwritten the value for a (or b) stored in memory; any further commands that refer to a will assume that a is equal to 1.

For this reason, when you call one of Mathematica's many equation-solving commands (e.g., Solve, NSolve, DSolve, NDSolve, and FindRoot), you need to provide the equations using Equal rather than Set:

Solve[{x^2 + y^2 == 1, x == 2 y}, {x, y}]
==> {{x -> -(2/Sqrt[5]), y -> -(1/Sqrt[5])}, {x -> 2/Sqrt[5],  y -> 1/Sqrt[5]}}

In the first code that I typed out above, the following series of events happened:

  • Mathematica came to the first entry in the first list. It interpreted it as "take the expression x^2 + y^2 and set it equal to 1." Since the "head" of this expression is Plus, this was effectively an attempt to overwrite the notion of addition in Mathematica (at least for these two expressions), and so Mathematica returned the first error.
  • Mathematica came to the second entry in the first list. It interpreted it as "take the expression x and set it equal to 2y". It dutifully did so, without complaint.
  • Mathematica attempted to solve the equations. However, since we had already set x equal to 2y above, it thought that we were trying to solve a system of equations for 2y and y simultaneously. Hence, it generated the second error message.

Finally: if you make this error and then correct it, you must clear the old variable definitions before your code will work! Otherwise, those definitions that you accidentally made will still be in memory, and you'll get a result like

Solve[{x^2 + y^2 == 1, x == 2 y}, {x, y}]
==> Solve[{5 y^2 == 1, True}, {2 y, y}]

The True above is Mathematica basically saying "well, you already told me to set x equal to 2y, so when I check whether x is equal to 2y, it's true." Usually, the quickest and easiest way to fix things if you make this mistake is to quit the kernel; this clears all the lingering erroneous definitions away, and gives you a clean slate to work on.

  • $\begingroup$ Instead of quitting kernel, clearing global space may be better. Also, if one uses formal variable symbols that are protected, like \[FormalX] (or, typing escape $x escape), one cannot assign them values, they can only be compared. $\endgroup$
    – BoLe
    Commented Jul 8, 2016 at 11:32
  • $\begingroup$ Perhaps you should bring together the miscellaneous discussions of SameQ under this topic as well? $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 20, 2016 at 5:05
  • $\begingroup$ If you're going to present the difference between = and ==, why not immediately include === (SameQ)? I see people using == when you really should be using === quite regularly. It's quite an insidious mistake because it will work for a while and then your code suddenly screws up when you least expect it. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 13, 2017 at 17:03
  • $\begingroup$ How about including := in this article? $\endgroup$
    – Maesumi
    Commented Dec 31, 2017 at 23:14

Association/<||> objects are Atomic and thus unmatchable before 10.4

AtomQ@Association[] yields True.

This is confusing because it is not stated anywhere in the manual. For example tutorial/BasicObjects#15871 claims that only numbers (including complex ones), Strings and Symbols are atomic objects. guide/AtomicElementsOfExpressions does not mention Association either, neither does guide/Associations.

Association@@{a -> b, c -> d} does not act like association @@ {a -> b, c -> d}, although the FullForm suggests it does

association @@ {a -> b, c -> d} // FullForm
Association @@ {a -> b, c -> d} // FullForm

The Association[] constructor function does a non trivial job, such that the following are both False:

MatchQ[Association[], Unevaluated@Association[]]
MatchQ[Unevaluated@Association[], Association[]]

Also, MatchQ[<|x->1|>, Association[___]] === False. Note: MatchQ[<|x->1|>, Association[___]] should evaluate to True (checked with version 11.1)

standard pattern matching inside the structure will not work.

You are probably best off converting associations to rule lists before pattern matching via Normal: MatchQ[Normal@<|x -> 1|>, {___}] === True.

Statement from WRI

It just so happens that Association is currently AtomQ, though I've argued strongly against that fact internally, and I've got SW's say-so that we'll change that eventually. But that doesn't have all that much to do with pattern matching not working inside associations: we all agree it should, it's just hard to do efficiently and we couldn't deliver it for 10. So, to sum up: Association will not be AtomQ forever, and it will support pattern matching eventually. There's a correlation here, not a causation.

Further reading

How to match Association[]?

MatchQ-ing Associations (MMA 10)

Fixed in 10.4

In Mathematica 10.4, Association can now be used in pattern matching.

There's now also KeyValuePattern which is a pattern object specifically to match elements of an Association or list of rules.



How to work always in WYSIWYG mode?

How to get in PDF format exactly what I see in my Notebook?

It is counterintuitive and undocumented, but Mathematica by default prints to PostScript printers and also exports in PDF and EPS formats using a set of style definitions which differs from the one used for displaying Notebooks on screen. Hence you often unexpectedly get your graphics in PDF/EPS damaged: font sizes and magnification of different elements may differ significantly from what you carefully tuned during your interactive work with Notebook. The reason is that FrontEnd uses for on-screen display a set of styles determined by ScreenStyleEvironment option, but for printing (exporting to PostScript) the styles are determined by PrintingStyleEnvironment option:

Options[$DefaultFrontEnd, {ScreenStyleEnvironment, PrintingStyleEnvironment}]
{PrintingStyleEnvironment -> "Printout", ScreenStyleEnvironment -> "Working"}

(Note that for the all other formats Export uses ScreenStyleEnvironment, exporting to PostScript is the only exception.) So for turning on the WYSIWYG mode you should set the value of the global $FrontEnd option PrintingStyleEnvironment identical to the value of the ScreenStyleEnvironment option:

SetOptions[$FrontEnd, PrintingStyleEnvironment -> "Working"]

Note also that Export ignores the value of this option set on the Notebook[] level and always uses the global ($FrontEnd) setting!

Further details

Apart from ScreenStyleEnvironment the on-screen display is also influenced by such options as StyleDefinitions, Magnification, GraphicsBoxOptions and StyleHints (starting from version 10). From them Magnification and GraphicsBoxOptions affect only on-screen display and do not affect Export, while StyleHints affects both on-screen display and Export.

For vector formats Export ignores StyleDefinitions set on the Notebook level and uses global DefaultStyleDefinitions setting instead. More information can be found in

For raster formats Export uses local StyleDefinitions. Some additional information can be found in

Related (publication quality export, using Mathematica as desktop publishing tool):


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