
I essentially have two questions, both are related.

1) How do I change a value within a list of lists (I provided a example problem)?

2) Why does my code not work?

I have a list which was created from the Tally function on a text file. The result is shown below...

tally = {{"tree", 5}, {"State", 6}, {"swimming", 3}, {"began", 
2}, {"season", 8}, {"Force", 2}, {"Sooners", 10}, {"three", 
4}, {"second", 14}, {"medley", 6}, {"relay", 17}, {"junior", 
5}, {"sophomore", 3}, {"freshman", 5}, {"coach", 2}, {"Pratt", 
2}, {"think", 2}, {"close", 2}, {"thought", 2}, {"events", 
8}, {"finished", 9}, {"individual", 4}, {"collected", 
4}, {"honors", 4}, {"along", 2}, {"third", 13}, {"showing", 
4}, {"swept", 2}, {"first", 5}, {"Junior", 2}, {"star", 
22}, {"freestyle", 4}, {"runner", 2}, {"Sooner", 2}, {"scored", 
2}, {"respectively", 2}, {"finishes", 4}, {"Sophomore", 
2}, {"opening", 3}, {"finish", 2}, {"lifetime", 2}, {"times", 
2}, {"posted", 3}, {"marks", 2}, {"Championships", 
3}, {"conference", 2}, {"recorded", 2}, {"vital", 2}, {"relays", 
4}, {"school", 3}, {"records", 2}, {"earned", 3}, {"fourth", 
3}, {"campaign", 2}, {"against", 5}, {"Northern", 6}, {"Colorado",
 5}, {"helped", 2}, {"Arizona", 2}, {"Idaho", 2}, {"named", 
2}, {"Academic", 2}, {"backstroke", 2}, {"fifth", 3}, {"regular", 
2}, {"winning", 2}, {"victorious", 2}, {"sixth", 2}, {"RioRancho",
 4}, {"School", 2}};

I want to be able to find the string "star" within the list and change the associated number with that string to 1000. I tried using the following code:

tally /. _?Last@(First@# == "star" &) -> 1000

It does not work the way I want. The number value associated with "star" remains unchanged. I know there is a way to do this. I just can't see it...

Thank you for any assistance!

  • 7
    $\begingroup$ Why not just tally /. {"star", _} -> {"star", 1000} ? $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 24, 2013 at 20:47
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ The First part of your pattern works alright, but you can't take the Last of that. It doesn't mean that the last part of your matching is replaced by 1000. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 24, 2013 at 21:22
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Simon gave you the solution. Why your version doesn't work is twofold: 1. ? must be followed by a function. First@# == "star" & is a function but (Last@(First@# == "star" &)) is not 2. you are replacing the whole thing that _ ? ... matches not just the second part of that subexpression. $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Jan 24, 2013 at 21:31

4 Answers 4


Here are another 3 options:

If[#[[1]] == "star", {"star", 1000}, #] & /@ tally

But this is a terrible option, I just wrote for pedagogical reasons. Let's see another one:

Replace[tallyBig, {"star", _} -> {"star", 1000}, 1];

This is better, due too level specification, I believe MMA does't waste time looking where it's not necessary. Now the quickest that I get was:


Let's compare performance:

tallyBig = RandomChoice[tally, 1*^6]

(*Murta1*)   If[#[[1]]=="star",{"star",1000},#]&/@tallyBig;//AbsoluteTiming
(*Szabolcs*) tallyBig/.{"star",_}->{"star",1000};//AbsoluteTiming
(*Murta2*)   Replace[tallyBig,{"star",_}->{"star",1000},1];//AbsoluteTiming
(*Stefan*)   Scan[(tallyBig[[#,2]]=1000)&,Position[tallyBig,"star",{2}][[All,1]]];//AbsoluteTiming
(*Murta3*)   ReplacePart[tallyBig,Position[tallyBig[[All,1]],"star",1]->{"star",1000}];//AbsoluteTiming

{1.294130, Null}
{0.843827, Null}
{0.141805, Null}
{0.133081, Null}
{0.092666, Null}

Now Murta3 is the best option and Murta2 and Stefan gets almost the same result.

  • $\begingroup$ +1 for options, timings, and a fast method. BTW, tallyBig = RandomChoice[tally, 1*^5]; might be a better test list. $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Feb 15, 2013 at 1:17
  • $\begingroup$ Tks! I agree, tallyBig updated. :) $\endgroup$
    – Murta
    Commented Feb 15, 2013 at 1:27
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you very much for a further analysis of my question. This will be good for a much larger data evaluation and analysis, which is coming soon for me! $\endgroup$
    – Joseph
    Commented Feb 15, 2013 at 19:45
  • $\begingroup$ I'm glad to help. Thank you for choosing my answer. :) $\endgroup$
    – Murta
    Commented Feb 15, 2013 at 21:08

You could also try to get the positions of your string

pos = Position[tally, "star", {2}][[All, 1]]

and then you could use these positions to replace the value.

Scan[(tally[[#, 2]] = 1000) &, pos]

The variable tally is directly modified.

  • $\begingroup$ Nice Scan and Position combination. +1 $\endgroup$
    – Murta
    Commented Feb 15, 2013 at 0:41

You can use the replacement

tally /. {"star", _} -> {"star", 1000}

Why your version doesn't work is twofold:

  1. ? must be followed by a function. First@# == "star" &is a function but (Last@(First@# == "star" &)) is not

  2. you are replacing the whole thing that _ ? ... matches not just the second part of that subexpression.


This answer shows how to define functions that do what is requested.

The first two solutions generate a brand new list. They do not modify the list in place. The third solution modifies the list in place.

Solution 1

replaceViaCopy[lis_, key_, rep_] := 
  ReplacePart[lis, {Position[lis, {key, _}][[1, 1]], 2} -> rep];

test = {{"tree", 5}, {"State", 3000}, {"swimming", 
   3}, {"began", 2}, {"season", 8}, {"Force", 2}, {"Sooners", 

replaceViaCopy[test, "State", 6000]


{{"tree", 5}, {"State", 6000}, {"swimming", 3}, {"began", 
  2}, {"season", 8}, {"Force", 2}, {"Sooners", 10}}

Solution 2

This definition is clearer and shorter.

replaceViaCopy2[lis_, key_, rep_] := lis /. {key, _} -> {key, rep}

Solution 3

To change the list without creating a new copy

SetAttributes[replaceInPlace, HoldFirst];

replaceInPlace[lis_, key_, rep_] := 
         (lis[[Position[lis, {key, _}][[1, 1]], 2]] = rep;)


replaceViaCopy[test, "State", 6000]

will not return anything, but will modify test.


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