First I entered the data and graph it, then I used the non-linear adjustment command to have a model of my data, I asked Mathematica for the square r, to know how good the model was, then I put together the graphs of the data and the adjustment , but I'm not satisfied with the result. I think it can be improved. Thank you.
DATA = {{16, 2508}, {18, 2518}, {20, 3000}, {22, 3423}, {24,
3507}, {26, 3400}, {28, 3500}, {30, 3883}, {32, 3823}, {34,
3646}, {36, 3708}, {38, 3333}, {40, 3517}, {42, 3214}, {44,
3103}, {46, 2276}};
gt = ListPlot[DATA]
agt = NonlinearModelFit[DATA, b x^a, {a, b}, x]
Show[ListPlot[DATA, PlotStyle -> Red], Plot[agt[x], {x, 0, 45}]]