I tried to rotate my TickLabels
with another contribution from this website.
I load the package CustomTicks.m
Beta0 = Import["beta0_Monatsende.xls"];
DateListPlot[Beta0, PlotRange -> Full;
FrameLabel -> {Zeit [Monat], Subscript[\[Beta], 0]},
FrameTicks -> {{LinTicks[0, 14, 2, 2],
LinTicks[0, 14, 2,
2]}, {{{1972, 09}, {1975, 09}, {1978, 09}, {1981, 09}, {1984,
09}, {1987, 09}}, Automatic}},
DateTicksFormat -> {"MonthNameShort", " ", "Year"}] /.x : (FrameTicks -> _) :> (x /. s_String :> Rotate[s, 90 Degree])
Now the labels on the x
axis are rotated, but also on the y
axis. Is there any possibility to rotate only the labels on the x axis?
come from? $\endgroup$/.
in the snippet you gave, try this replacement rule instead:x : (FrameTicks -> _) :> MapAt[# /. s_String :> Rotate[s, π/2] &, x, {2, 2, 1}]