I'm trying to get a constant/uniform size on the arrow heads for the “$x$” and “$y$” axis in 2D plots for all my plots but they seem to change depending on the aspect ratio. I have managed to get the tick mark and label fonts constant/uniform, but have not found a solution to the arrow heads “problem”. Is there a solution to this?
There seem to be “solutions” to the problem for individual arrows using Line
and polygons but none(?) for the automatic arrows on the plot axis?
I tried constructing an arrow head using polygons but it cannot be placed over the axis (only half of the arrow head is visible)
Are there any function/commands that I can use to place a graphical object in a plot, even outside the plotting 'border'?
a = -15;
location = {π + 0.5, 0};
arrow =
Offset[{a, 5}, location],
Offset[{0.7 a, 0}, location],
Offset[{a, -5}, location]
arr = Graphics[arrow];
Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, π},
PlotRange -> {{0, π + 0.5}, {0, 1.5}},
ImageSize -> Medium,
Epilog -> {arrow}]