Say a list is given as
list = {a, b, c, d, r, m, n};
Suppose I want to insert 2 and 3 at position 3 and 7, respectively.
Insert[list, 2, 3]
puts 2 at position 3, but Insert[list, {{2, 3}, {3, 7}}]
does nothing.
How is it possible?
Look what I found after spelunking:
{a, b, c, d, r, m, n},
{2, 3}, {3, 7}
{a, b, 2, c, d, r, 3, m, n}
Well, it is not entirely correct for it does not revert the order of insertion... =/
How about this
myInsert[list_, valuePosList_] := Fold[Insert[#, Sequence @@ #2] &,
SortBy[valuePosList, -Last[#] &]
myInsert[list, {{2, 3}, {3, 7}}]
{a, b, 2, c, d, r, m, 3, n}
insertList[list_, valuePosList_] := ReplacePart[
Rule[#2, Sequence[#1, list[[#2]]]] &,
, {1}
list = {a, b, c, d, r, m, n};
elems = {{2, 3}, {3, 7}};
Fold[Insert[#1, First@#2, Last@#2] &, list, SortBy[elems, First]]
{a, b, 2, c, d, r, 3, m, n}
list = {a, b, c, d, r, m, n};
p = {3, 7};
v = {2, 3};
Using Riffle
and TakeList
(new in 11.2)
take = Flatten[{{First[#], Differences[#]} - 1, All}] & [Sort @ p]
{2, 3, All}
Flatten @ Riffle[TakeList[list, take], v]
{a, b, 2, c, d, r, 3, m, n}
results in an unevaluated form. Can you please modify it?
Query[ReverseSort[{3 -> (Splice[{2, #}] &), 7 -> (Splice[{3, #}] &)}]]@list
(* {a, b, 2, c, d, r, 3, m, n} *)
A variant of @Syed's answer using Fold
InsertList[list1_, list2__List /; AllTrue[{list2}, Length[#] == 2 &]] :=
modlist = Fold[Insert[#1, Sequence @@ #2] &, list1, SortBy[{list2}, Last]];
Testing InsertList
l = {a, b, c, d, r, m, n};
InsertList[l, {2, 3}, {3, 7}]
{a, b, 2, c, d, r, 3, m, n}
Block[{k = 0}, Insert[{a, b, c, d, r, m, n}, Unevaluated[{2, 3}[[++k]]], {{3}, {7}}]]