The documentation of DeleteStopwords
only says that it "uses a standard, built-in list of stopwords".
So what is it exactly?
Now that it is said "standard", does that standard have a name?
A little spelunking of the code for DeleteStopwords[]
yields the internally used stopword list:
DeleteStopwords; (* force auto-load *)
AlphabeticSort[List @@ TextProcessing`TextModificationDump`$stopWords["English"]] // Short
{"a", "A", "about", "above", "across", "after", "again", "against", "all", "almost",
"alone", "along", "already", "also", "although", <<240>>,
"within", "without", "won't", "would", "wouldn't", "yet", "you", "you'd", "you'll",
"you're", "you've", "your", "yours", "yourself", "yourselves"}
as the result on my machine. Did I miss something?
Sep 25, 2018 at 6:24
first. The actual code for DeleteStopwords
and TextProcessing`TextModificationDump`$stopWords
is stored in a file and is loaded only after DeleteStopwords
is evaluated in the current session.
Sep 25, 2018 at 6:29
// Short
at the end of the code provided, since I didn't want to paste the entire list. Thus, only the first few and last few list elements are shown, and the rest are elided. Remove the // Short
to see the entire list.
Sep 25, 2018 at 8:33
The stop-words are documented and can be looked up as (see Details section of WordList
As it might be subject to change so the output below can get outdated, but you can always run the function WordList["Stopwords"]
seems to only remove "i"
from the list.
Sep 25, 2018 at 18:06
Here is a longer list using the following commands:
A = WordList["KnownWords"];
B = DeleteStopwords[A];
c = Complement[A, B]
{ a, A, about, above, across, A.D., add-in, add-on, A.E., after, again, against, a.k.a., all, all-around, all-or-nothing, all-out, almost, alone, along, al-Qur'an, already, also, although, always, a.m., A.M., Am, AM, among, an, AN, and, and/or, another, any, anyone, anything, anywhere, A-one, are, around, as, As, AS, at, At, back, back-to-back, balls-up, bang-up, be, Be, beaten-up, beat-up, because, become, beefed-up, before, behind, being, belly-up, below, between, bicycle-built-for-two, blown-up, booze-up, born-again, both, bottom-up, boxed-in, break-in, bride-to-be, broken-down, brush-off, built-in, built-up, bundled-up, burned-out, burned-over, burnt-out, bust-up, but, button-down, buttoned-down, buttoned-up, by, by-and-by, call-back, caller-out, caller-up, call-in, call-out, camp-made, can, can-do, cared-for, carry-over, cast-off, change-up, check-in, ch'i, Ch'in, chin-up, chock-full, choke-full, chucker-out, chuck-full, churned-up, climb-down, clip-on, coach-and-four, comb-out, come-on, cover-up, crack-up, cure-all, custom-made, cut-in, cut-up, D.A., dead-on, derring-do, do, DO, d.o.a., do-it-yourself, done, do-nothing, do-si-do, down, Down, down-and-out, drawn-out, dressed-up, dried-out, dried-up, drive-in, drop-off, during, each, eighty-four, eighty-one, eighty-three, eighty-two, either, end-all, enough, even, ever, every, everyone, everything, everywhere, eyes-only, face-off, factory-made, fare-thee-well, far-off, far-out, few, fifty-four, fifty-one, fifty-three, fifty-two, fill-in, find, first, F.I.S.C., flame-out, flare-up, fly-by, follow-on, follow-through, follow-up, for, force-out, fore-and-after, forget-me-not, form-only, forty-first, forty-four, forty-one, forty-three, forty-two, foul-up, four, frame-up, free-for-all, from, fucked-up, full, further, get, get-go, get-up-and-go, G.I., gill-less, give, give-and-go, give-and-take, go, go-around, go-between, going-over, good-by, good-for-nothing, goof-off, groom-to-be, half-seas-over, hand-down, handed-down, hand-me-down, hands-down, hands-off, hands-on, hanger-on, hang-up, hard-on, has-been, have, have-not, Hawai'i, he, He, head-on, heads-up, heart-whole, her, here, Here, hers, herself, higher-up, high-interest, high-up, him, himself, his, hold-down, hollow-back, hoped-for, hopped-up, how, how-do-you-do, how-d'ye-do, however, HSV-I, hundred-and-first, hushed-up, i, I, I.D., i.e., I.E.D., if, If, ill-being, in, In, IN, in-between, inside-out, interest, into, I.Q., it, IT, its, itself, I.W.W., jerk-off, Johnny-jump-up, jumped-up, keep, knock-down, knock-down-and-drag-out, knocked-out, know-all, know-how, know-it-all, ladder-back, laid-back, laid-off, lash-up, last, lay-by, lay-up, lead-in, lean-to, least, less, lie-in, lighting-up, lights-out, log-in, longed-for, looker-on, look-over, low-down, low-interest, lying-in, ma'am, machine-made, made, made-up, make-do, make-up, man-made, many, marked-up, match-up, matt-up, may, May, me, ME, mess-up, mid-May, mid-off, mid-on, might, might-have-been, mixed-up, mix-up, mock-up, more, More, most, mostly, much, must, my, myself, ne'er-do-well, never, never-never, Never-Never, new-made, next, next-to-last, ninety-four, ninety-one, ninety-three, ninety-two, no, No, no., nobody, no-go, no-one, nor, no-show, nosh-up, not, nothing, now, nowhere, odds-on, of, off, off-and-on, often, on, once, once-over, one, one-and-one, one-off, one-on-one, one-to-one, only, OR, other, our, ours, ourselves, out, out-and-out, over, own, p.a., P.A., paid-up, part, passer-by, pass-through, paste-up, pegged-down, pent-up, per, perhaps, phase-out, phone-in, pick-me-up, pick-off, pig-a-back, pin-up, piss-up, plug-in, pop-up, Post-It, press-up, pull-in, pull-off, pull-through, pull-up, pumped-up, punch-up, purpose-made, put, put-down, put-on, put-put, put-up, put-upon, rake-off, raree-show, rather, rave-up, read-out, ready-made, right-down, right-side-out, right-side-up, rip-off, roll-on, run-down, run-in, runner-up, run-on, run-through, run-up, same, Same, Sana'a, sauce-alone, save-all, sawed-off, sawn-off, say-so, schoolma'am, see, seem, seeming, see-through, self-interest, self-made, self-will, send-off, set-back, set-to, seventy-four, seventy-one, seventy-three, seventy-two, seven-up, several, shake-up, shape-up, share-out, she, shell-less, shoo-in, shoot-down, shoot-'em-up, show, show-off, shut-in, side, side-to-side, since, sit-down, sit-in, sit-up, sixty-four, sixty-one, sixty-three, sixty-two, slap-up, slip-on, slip-up, smash-up, snarl-up, so, so-and-so, sold-out, some, someone, something, somewhere, so-so, sought-after, spaced-out, spend-all, spin-off, spread-out, stand-alone, stand-down, stand-in, stand-up, start-off, step-down, step-in, step-up, stick-on, still, stock-still, stock-take, stopped-up, straight-out, stripped-down, strung-out, stuck-up, such, sum-up, sure-enough, tailor-made, take, take-in, take-up, tap-off, teach-in, than, that, the, their, theirs, them, themselves, then, there, therefore, these, they, thing-in-itself, thirty-first, thirty-four, thirty-one, thirty-something, thirty-three, thirty-two, this, those, though, three, through, throw-in, thus, tie-in, tie-on, tie-up, time-out, tip-off, tip-up, to, to-do, toe-in, together, too, top-down, top-up, toss-up, touch-and-go, touch-me-not, toward, trade-in, trade-last, trade-off, tricked-out, trip-up, trumped-up, try-on, tumble-down, tune-up, turn-on, twenty-first, twenty-four, twenty-one, twenty-three, twenty-two, two, two-by-four, two-part, uncalled-for, uncared-for, under, unheard-of, unhoped-for, unlooked-for, unthought-of, until, unwished-for, up, up-and-down, upon, upside-down, us, US, U.S.A., very, walk-in, walk-on, walk-through, walk-to, walk-up, warm-up, washed-out, washed-up, washing-up, wave-off, way-out, we, well, well-being, well-done, well-made, well-off, well-thought-of, well-to-do, what, when, where, where's, whether, which, while, whipper-in, white-out, who, WHO, whole, whom, whose, why, will, wished-for, with, within, with-it, without, work-in, worn-out, would-be, write-down, write-in, write-off, wrong-side-out, year-around, yearned-for, yet, you, you-all, your, yours, yourself }
and B
, but lowercase c
Sep 25, 2018 at 17:09
: DeleteStopwords["ne'er-do-well wearing buttoned-down vests"]
Sep 25, 2018 at 17:27
Another way
WordData[All, "Stopwords"] == WordList["Stopwords"]