I am preparing pdf's with an image, a description and a QR code linking to that image hosted on the web.
However for now the QR code is always positioned just bellow the description. I would like to have it always at the same position at the bottom right, not matter how long the description is.
m = Import[
exportIm =
SpanFromLeft}, {TextCell[
Row[{"balabalaablabalb balabalbalbalba"}],
TextJustification -> 1, Hyphenation -> False],
SpanFromLeft}, {}, {"Notes: "}, {SpanFromLeft,
Item[BarcodeImage["123456789", "QR", 7], Alignment -> Right]}},
Frame -> {{False, False}, {True, True, True, False}, {False}},
BaseStyle -> ImageSizeMultipliers -> 1], 7,
FontFamily -> "Helvetica", Background -> Gray], Background -> Gray,
ImageSize -> {210, 297}*2]
But what I would like is (QR code bottom right):