
I'm trying to solve this problem DFT problem

I'm not a Mathematica expert, but my program works perfect when


This is the program I wrote:

Clear[u, poisson, vhartree]
h = 10^(-2);(*step integration*)
rmax = 20;
rmin = 10^(-30);
Z = 2; (*atomic number*)
points = rmax/h;
vhartree = Table[0, {i, 1, points + 1}];
(*numerov integration*)
g[energy_, j_] :=
If [j < rmax/h, 
a = N[2 (energy + Z/(rmax - j h)) - vhartree[[points - j]]], 
a = N[2 (energy + 1/rmin)] + vhartree[[1]]];
numerov[energy_] := Module[{j},
u = {N[rmax*Exp[-rmax]]};
PrependTo[u, N[(rmax - h)*Exp[-(rmax - h)]]];
alpha = N[h^2/12];
x = u[[1]];
y = u[[2]];
z = (2 (1 - 5 alpha g[energy, 1]) y + (1 + 
      alpha g[energy, 0]) x)/(1 + alpha g[energy, 2]);
PrependTo[u, z];
For[ j = 2, j < points, j++,
x = y;
y = z;
z = (2 (1 - 5 alpha g[energy, j]) y - (1 + 
       alpha g[energy, j - 1]) x)/(1 + alpha g[energy, j + 1]);
PrependTo[u, z];

searchenergy := Module[{k, n, a, b, M, j},
(*searching range where numerov[[1]] change its sign*)
k = 1;
a = -10 ;(*min. energy*)
While[numerov[a][[1]]*numerov[a + 0.1][[1]] > 0,
a = a + 0.1;

b = a + 0.1; (*max energy*)
M = 50;(*max number of iterations*)
wave = {};
n = 0;
epsilon = 10^(-8);
While[(n < M) && (Abs[a - b] > epsilon),
energy = N[(a + b)/2];
If[(numerov[a][[1]])*(numerov[energy][[1]]) > 0, a = energy, 
b = energy];
wave = numerov[energy];
(*normalization, Simpson's rule*)
hsimpson = rmax/(Length[wave]);
integrate = (hsimpson/3) ((wave[[1]])^2 + 
  2 Sum[wave[[2 j]]^2, {j, 1, Length[wave]/2 - 1}] + 
  4 Sum[wave[[2 j - 1]]^2, {j, 1, Length[wave]/2}]);
wave = wave/Sqrt[integrate];
Poisson := Module[{i, beta, t, v, w},
(*Verlet algorithm*)
t = 0;
v = h;
poisson = {t, v};
For[i = 1, i <= points - 1, i++,
w = 2 v - t - (h) wave[[i]]^2/(i);
AppendTo[poisson, w];
t = v;
v = w;
(*adding homogeneus solution*)
beta = (1 - poisson[[Length[poisson]]])/rmax;
For[i = 1, i <= Length[poisson], i++,
poisson[[i]] = poisson[[i]] + beta (i - 1) h;
(*adding vhartre \neq 0*)
lista = {energy};
For[k = 0, k < 5, k++,
vhartree[[1]] = poisson[[1]]/rmin;
For[m = 2, m <= Length[poisson], m++,
     vhartree[[m]] = 2 poisson[[m]]/((m + 1) h);
(*print the number of cycles before self consistency*)
AppendTo[lista, energy];
integrate2 = (hsimpson/3) *(vhartree[[1]] (wave[[1]])^2 + 
vhartree[[Length[vhartree]]] (wave[[Length[vhartree]]])^2 + 
2 Sum[vhartree[[2 j]] (wave[[2 j]])^2, {j, 1, 
   Length[vhartree]/2 - 1}] + 
4 Sum[vhartree[[2 j - 1]] (wave[[2 j - 1]])^2, {j, 1, 

The problem arises when vhartree is not zero. In books: 2energy-integrate2= -2.861, I get: -3.89561. I would appreciate any suggestion, thanks in avance for your help. In this page, you can find the code in Python for the whole problem (including the exchange potential): https://www.leetspeak.org/teaching/cqp_fs14/09-dft.html

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Do you have to roll your own Poisson solver? Mathematica can do that much more cleanly via NDSolve. Also try NDEigensystem for the Numerov part. It appears to work perfectly. There's also this if J. M. ever comes back and figures out how to do the adaptation he mentions in the comments. $\endgroup$
    – b3m2a1
    Commented Jul 31, 2018 at 19:39
  • $\begingroup$ Hi Niels welcome to Mma.SE. Thanks for taking the tour. Be sure you have learning about asking and what's on-topic. Always edit if improvable, show due diligence, give brief context, include minimal working example of your code and data in formatted form. By doing all this you help us to help you and likely you will inspire great answers. The site depends on participation, as you receive give back: vote and answer questions, keep the site useful, be kind, correct mistakes and share what you have learned. $\endgroup$
    – rhermans
    Commented Jul 31, 2018 at 20:04
  • $\begingroup$ @b3m2a1 Thanks . "Do you have to roll your own Poisson solver? " -Yes I have to. My numerov and Poisson part of the program works perfectly. I compared it with the exact solution and the results are in less than 2% of relative error. My problem is with the hartree potential part. $\endgroup$
    – Niels
    Commented Jul 31, 2018 at 21:26
  • $\begingroup$ @Niels I was asking because you'd likely get better performance speed-wise, more generality, and fewer bugs if you didn't have to. By the way, the NDEigensystem approach works too. $\endgroup$
    – b3m2a1
    Commented Jul 31, 2018 at 21:33
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I felt bad that no one has answered this so I am doing so, but I think you'll find your life to be a lot better if you sit down and read a bit on Mathematica the language. You're using it like a C or python variant, which is a very inefficient way to use it, many of your variables are unscoped and so you'll get nasty side effects, and there are perfomance issues I'm correcting. Once I have your code working and optimized I'll post it as another answer. $\endgroup$
    – b3m2a1
    Commented Aug 1, 2018 at 17:26

3 Answers 3


Here's what I mentioned in the comments. Life is better with NDEigensystem and NDSolve:

rmax = 10;
shift = 100000;
{radialEnergy, radialWavefunction} =
    {shift*u[r] - 1/2 Laplacian[u[r], {r}] - u[r]/r, 
     DirichletCondition[u[r] == 0, True]}, u[r], {r, 0, rmax}, 
    ][[All, 1]];
radialEnergy = radialEnergy - shift;


potentialU =
    U''[r] == -(radialWavefunction)^2/r,
    DirichletCondition[U[r] == 0, r == 0],
    DirichletCondition[U[r] == 1, r == rmax]
   {r, 0, rmax}

Plot[{potentialU, -(r + 1) Exp[-2 r] + 1}, {r, 0, rmax}, 
 PlotRange -> All,
 PlotLegends -> {"DFT Solution", "Analytic Solution"}

enter image description here

Here's that but iterated with the exchange-correlation and Hartree energies from that link (note that you can supply a different exchange-correlation or Hartree energy function via Options if you want):

Options[simpleDFT] =
    MaxIterations -> 100,
    Verbose -> False,
    "HartreeEnergyFunction" ->
     Function[{U, r}, 2.*U/r],
    "ExchangeCorrelationFunction" ->
     Function[{u, r}, 
  minMax : {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} : {0, 25},
  ops : OptionsPattern[]
  ] :=
 Block[{r, u, U},
    rmin = minMax[[1]],
    rmax = minMax[[2]],
     shift = 1000000,
    maxIter = OptionValue[MaxIterations],
    vNuc = potF[r],
    hartreeFunction = OptionValue["HartreeEnergyFunction"],
    vHartree = 0,
    xcFunction = OptionValue["ExchangeCorrelationFunction"],
    vXC = 0,
    its = 0,
    verb = TrueQ@OptionValue[Verbose],
     vTotal = vNuc + vHartree + vXC;
     {radialEnergy, radialWavefunction} =
         {shift*u[r] - 1/2 Laplacian[u[r], {r}] + vTotal*u[r], 
          DirichletCondition[u[r] == 0, True]}, u[r], {r, rmin, rmax}, 
         ][[All, 1]];
     radialEnergy = radialEnergy - shift;
     potentialU =
         U''[r] == -(radialWavefunction)^2/r,
         DirichletCondition[U[r] == 0, r == rmin],
         DirichletCondition[U[r] == 1, r == rmax]
        {r, rmin, rmax}
     vHartree =
      hartreeFunction[potentialU, r];
     vXC =
      xcFunction[radialWavefunction, r];
      Echo[radialEnergy, its],
    FilterRules[{ops}, Options[FixedPoint]]
   hartreeEnergy =
    NIntegrate[vHartree*radialWavefunction^2, {r, rmin, rmax}];
   xcEnergy = NIntegrate[vXC*radialWavefunction^2, {r, rmin, rmax}];
   energy =
    2*radialEnergy - (hartreeEnergy + 1/2 xcEnergy);
    "Energy" -> energy,
    "Energies" ->
      "RadialEnergy" -> radialEnergy,
      "ExchangeCorrelation" -> xcEnergy,
      "Hartree" -> hartreeEnergy
    "Wavefunction" -> Head@radialWavefunction, 
    "Potential" -> Head@potentialU,
    "Iterations" -> its

Using the same parameters as they did:

dftRes = simpleDFT[-2/# &, {0, 10}, 
   SameTest -> (Abs[# - #2] < .001 &)];




<|"RadialEnergy" -> -0.511851, "ExchangeCorrelation" -> -0.561011, 
 "Hartree" -> 1.94927|>

Seems to reproduce what they had. Here's the radial wavefunction popped out of that:

 Evaluate@dftRes["Wavefunction"][r], {r, 0, 10},
 PlotLabel ->
  TemplateApply["Energy: `` Iterations: ``", 
   Lookup[dftRes, {"Energy", "Iterations"}]
 PlotRange -> All

enter image description here

For fun here's the same but with a different seed potential:

testPot = Evaluate[-2 PDF[NormalDistribution[12, 5], #]] &;
testDFT = 
  simpleDFT[testPot, {0, 25}, SameTest -> (Abs[# - #2] < .001 &)];
  {r, 0, 25},
  PlotLabel ->
   TemplateApply["Energy: `` Iterations: ``", 
    Lookup[testDFT, {"Energy", "Iterations"}]
  PlotRange -> All
 Plot[testPot[r], {r, 0, 25}, PlotStyle -> Directive[Dashed, Gray]]

enter image description here

We can compare this to the wavefunctions for a particle of mass 1 on this potential:

dvr1D = ChemDVRObject["Cartesian1DDVR"];
  "Energies", "Points" -> 150, "Range" -> {0, 25}, 
  "PotentialFunction" -> testPot][[1]]


  "WavefunctionSelection" -> 1,
  "Points" -> 150, "Range" -> {0, 25}, 
  "PotentialFunction" -> testPot,
  "PlotDisplayMode" -> List,
  "WavefunctionRescaling" -> None,
  PlotRange -> {-.2, .2}

enter image description here

I guess the exchange-correlation is actually doing something here, though.

  • $\begingroup$ This is great! Next you can scale it up to simple alkanes right? $\endgroup$
    – Jason B.
    Commented Jul 31, 2018 at 22:32
  • $\begingroup$ @JasonB. I'll leave that to you, as I don't actually ever do anything with DFT and am fuzzy on its operation. I just implemented what was in the picture / link :) $\endgroup$
    – b3m2a1
    Commented Jul 31, 2018 at 22:34
  • $\begingroup$ @b3m2a1 Thank you. I appreciate your effort but unfortunately that was not my problem :(. I can see what you did. But I did it too. My problem is with the Hartree part. :/ $\endgroup$
    – Niels
    Commented Jul 31, 2018 at 22:37
  • $\begingroup$ @b3m2a1 this part: lista = {energy}; For[k = 0, k < 5, k++, vhartree[[1]] = poisson[[1]]/rmin; For[m = 2, m <= Length[poisson], m++, vhartree[[m]] = 2 poisson[[m]]/((m + 1) h); ]; Print[k]; searchenergy; AppendTo[lista, energy]; Poisson; ] $\endgroup$
    – Niels
    Commented Jul 31, 2018 at 22:38
  • $\begingroup$ @Niels I know, but I found a reworking in more idiomatic Mathematica code to be more exciting. I'm hoping someone else comes along and handles that part of your question. $\endgroup$
    – b3m2a1
    Commented Jul 31, 2018 at 22:48

I tried to patch up your code but there were too many bugs and inconsistencies so I just reimplemented it in full. Before you try to implement other big things I'd suggest reading up on Mathematica programming. In particular, if you're going to write procedural code (like one does in python, C, Java, etc.), read about Compile. It will be your friend.

A few issues you had:

  • Variables are not sufficiently localized
  • Global variables are used inconsistently
  • Variable naming is opaque and inconsisten
  • Loops are not done functionally, leading to serious performance degredation
  • Return is used when I should not be

and I think there were actual issues with your Numerov procedure, especially as it related to the Hartree energy

Finally, I found you really do need exchange-correlation to get the expected result. (It took me 3 hours to realize I was using expr^1/3 instead of expr^(1/3) and this converges incredibly slowly and to the wrong number).

With no further ado, here's the code.

First we start with a compiled, general purpose Numerov integrator:

numerovIntegrator[vol_, init_] :=

  numerovIntegrator[vol, init] =(* caching for later *)
     {energy, _Real}, {potential, _Real, 1}
      psi2 = init[[2]], psi1 = init[[1]], psi0 = 0.,
      k2, k1, k0,
      c2, c1, c0
     (* Work backwards from the end; 
     psi2 is always for the smallest gridpoint *)
      {psi0, psi0},
       (* Numerov step *)
       k0 = potential[[i - 2]]; 
       c0 = (1 + vol*k0);
       k1 = potential[[i - 1]]; c1 = 2 (1 - 5*vol* k1);
       k2 = potential[[i]]; c2 = (1 + vol*k2);
       psi2 = (c1*psi1 - c0*psi0)/c2;
       psi0 = psi1;
       psi1 = psi2,
       {i, 3, Length@potential}

We use this in the Numerov eigensolver to speed up the bisection significantly (note that most of this code is just protecting the user from kernel crashes):

  potential_, grid_,
  {emin_, emax_}, M_, tol_
  ] :=
   h = grid[[2]] - grid[[1]],
   energy, eMin = emin, eMax = emax,
   nodes, numiter, psiInit,
   psi, norm,
  (* Validate potential *)

  If[! VectorQ[potential, Internal`RealValuedNumberQ],

       "MessageTemplate" :> 
        "Potential isn't a proper potential vector",
       "MessageParameters" -> {}
  If[Length[potential] =!= Length[grid],

       "MessageTemplate" :> 
        "Potential and grid have different lengths (`` and ``)",
       "MessageParameters" -> {Length[potential], Length[grid] }
  (* Create integrator potential *)
  numerov =
     N[(grid[[-2]])*Exp[-(grid[[-2]])]]} (* initial psi *)
  (* bisection *)
  numiter = \[Infinity];
   energy = N@Mean@{eMin, eMax};
   psi =
      numerov[energy, 2*(energy - Reverse@potential)], 

         "MessageTemplate" :> 
          "Numerov integration failed for energy ``",
         "MessageParameters" -> {energy}
   nodes = Count[UnitStep[Most[psi]*Rest[psi]], 0];
    nodes == 0 && Abs[psi[[1]]] < tol,
    numiter = i;
    nodes == 0 && psi[[1]] > 0,
    eMin = energy,
    nodes > 0,
    eMax = energy,

       "MessageTemplate" :> 
        "Solution is negative but nodeless. Numerov integration is \
       "MessageParameters" -> {}
   {i, M}
  (* Straight-up Riemann Integration *)
  norm = h*psi.psi;
  {energy, psi/Sqrt[norm], numiter}

Next we do that Poisson integrator via Verlet:

verletPoissonSolver[grid_] :=
    {f, _Real, 1}
    {U0, U1, U2, U, vol},
    vol = (grid[[2]] - grid[[1]])^2;
    U0 = 0.;
    U1 = grid[[2]];
    U =
      {U0, U1},
       U2 = 2*U1 - U0 + f[[i - 1]]*vol;
       U0 = U1;
       U1 = U2,
       {i, 3, Length@f}
    U - (U[[-1]] - 1)/grid[[-1]]*grid

This is again a compiled function that will only be compiled once and will speed up the entire process.

Finally we build our full sloppy DFT implementation. Again, many of the lines here are just protecting the user.

Options[sloppyDFT] =
   MaxIterations -> 100,
   Tolerance -> .001,
   "NumerovIterations" -> 50,
   "NumerovTolerance" -> 10^-8,
   "NumerovSearchRange" -> {-10, 0},
   "DampingCoefficient" -> 0.,
   "ExchangeCorrelationFunction" ->
    Function[{u, r}, -((3./Pi)*(2*u^2)/(r^2*4*Pi))^(1/3)],
   "HartreeEnergyFunction" ->
    Function[{U, r}, 2*U/r]
sloppyDFT[potFunc_, {min_, max_, pts_},  ops : OptionsPattern[]] :=

    h, grid,
    tol =
      Except[_?(NumericQ[#] && Positive[#] &)] -> .001
    maxiter =
      Except[_?(IntegerQ[#] && Positive[#] &)] -> 100
    energy, energyOld,
    u, numerovits,
    numERange = OptionValue["NumerovSearchRange"],
    numIterMax = OptionValue["NumerovIterations"], 
    numTol = OptionValue["NumerovTolerance"],
    poissonSolver, U,
    hartreeFunc = OptionValue["HartreeEnergyFunction"],
    xcFunc = OptionValue["ExchangeCorrelationFunction"],
    vNuc, vHartree, vXC,
    iterNum = \[Infinity],
    hatreeEV, xcEV,
   h = (max - min)/pts;
   grid = min + h*Range[pts] // N;
   energy = \[Infinity];
   vNuc = potFunc /@ grid;
   vHartree = ConstantArray[0, Length@grid];
   vXC = ConstantArray[0, Length@grid];
   V = vNuc;
   poissonSolver = verletPoissonSolver[grid];
   energies = ConstantArray[None, maxiter];
   damp =
         Except[_?NumericQ] -> 0.], 1.
    energyOld = energy;
    If[! VectorQ[vNuc, Internal`RealValuedNumberQ],

        "MessageTemplate" -> 
         "Nuclear potential is not a real-valued function"
    If[! VectorQ[vHartree, Internal`RealValuedNumberQ],

        "MessageTemplate" -> 
         "Hatree potential is not a real-valued vector"
    If[! VectorQ[vXC, Internal`RealValuedNumberQ],

        "MessageTemplate" -> 
         "Exchange-Correlation potential is not a real-valued vector"
    If[Length@DeleteDuplicates[Length /@ {vNuc, vHartree, vXC}] > 1,
        "MessageTemplate" ->
         "Potential components have invalid dimension (``, ``, and \
        "MessageParameters" -> Length /@ {vNuc, vHartree, vXC}
    V = damp*V + (1 - damp)*(vNuc + vHartree + vXC);
    numSoln = 
     numerovEigenSolve[V, grid, numERange, numIterMax, numTol];
    If[! ListQ@numSoln && NumericQ@numSoln[[1]],

        "MessageTemplate" -> 
         "Numerov integration failed to find a solution. Returned ``.",
        "MessageParameters" -> numSoln
    {energy, u, numerovits} = numSoln;
    If[Abs[energy - energyOld] < tol, 
     iterNum = i;
    U = poissonSolver[-u^2/grid];
    vHartree = hartreeFunc[U, grid];
    vXC = xcFunc[u, grid];
    energies[[i]] = energy;,
    {i, maxiter}
   hatreeEV = h*vHartree.(u^2);
   xcEV = .5*h*vXC.(u^2);
    "Energy" -> 2*energy - hatreeEV - xcEV,
    "Wavefunction" -> Interpolation@Thread[{grid, u}], 
    "SingleElectronCDF" -> Interpolation@Thread[{grid, U}],
    "TotalPotential" -> Interpolation@Thread[{grid, V}],
    "Grid" -> grid,
    "ComponentPotentials" ->
      "NuclearPotential" -> Interpolation@Thread[{grid, vNuc}],
      "HartreePotential" -> Interpolation@Thread[{grid, vHartree}],
      "ExchangeCorrelationPotential" -> 
       Interpolation@Thread[{grid, vXC}]
    "ComponentEnergies" ->
      "RadialEnergy" -> energy,
      "HartreeEnergy" -> hatreeEV,
      "ExchangeCorrelationEnergy" -> xcEV
    "IterationCount" -> iterNum, 
    "IterationEnergies" -> DeleteCases[energies, None]

Finally we use it with the parameters in the link and note that we're ~8 times faster now:

dftResult = sloppyDFT[-2/# &, {0, 20, 50000}]; // 
  AbsoluteTiming // First


And we see we have a reasonable wavefunction, the correct energy, and it only took a few iterations:

Plot[dftResult["Wavefunction"][r] // Evaluate, {r, 0, 20},
 PlotRange -> All,
 PlotLabel ->
  TemplateApply["Energy: `Energy` Iterations: `IterationCount`", 

enter image description here

We can also see how the energies converged to this result:

dftResult["IterationEnergies"] // ListLinePlot[#, PlotRange -> All] &

enter image description here

Or look at the pieces of the potential here:

 Values[dftResult["ComponentPotentials"]][r] // Through // Evaluate, 
 {r, .1, 20},
 PlotRange -> All,
 PlotLegends -> Keys[dftResult["ComponentPotentials"]]

enter image description here


Just to drive home that the exchange-correlation is needed, we can see what happens if we turn it off. I'll do that by modifying the "ExchangeCorrelationFunction option:

dftResultNoXC =
  sloppyDFT[-2/# &, {0, 20, 50000}, 
   "ExchangeCorrelationFunction" -> Function[{u, r}, 0*r]];

This never converges, the energy is far off, and the wavefunction looks terrible:

Plot[dftResultNoXC["Wavefunction"][r] // Evaluate, {r, 0, 20},
 PlotRange -> All,
 PlotLabel ->
  TemplateApply["Energy: `Energy` Iterations: `IterationCount`", 

enter image description here

Further, we can see how the energy changes from iteration to iteration:

dftResultNoXC["IterationEnergies"] // ListLinePlot

enter image description here

And it clearly never converges

We can get convergence by introducing damping:

dftResultNoXC =
  sloppyDFT[-2/# &, {0, 20, 50000}, 
   "ExchangeCorrelationFunction" -> Function[{u, r}, 0*r],
   "DampingCoefficient" -> .1

dftResultNoXC["IterationEnergies"] // ListLinePlot

enter image description here

But the result still isn't quite right:

Plot[dftResultNoXC["Wavefunction"][r] // Evaluate, {r, 0, 20},
 PlotRange -> All,
 PlotLabel ->
  TemplateApply["Energy: `Energy` Iterations: `IterationCount`", 


Although interestingly the energy appears not to depend strongly on the damping we choose:

sloppyDFT[-2/# &, {0, 20, 50000}, 
  "ExchangeCorrelationFunction" -> Function[{u, r}, 0*r],
  "DampingCoefficient" -> .5
  ]~Lookup~{"Energy", "IterationCount"}

{-1.94891, 11}
  • $\begingroup$ ¡Oh man!! You are amazing. Thank you! As you can see I am a begginer programmer :( . I appreciate your time and effort. I think it would take me a long time to fully understand what you did, Would you please suggest me a book, or a page where I can learn to code propperly in Mathematica? Can I ask you one last favor? what's your energy result with no exchange potential, only Hartree, is it near of -2.861? Thanks again $\endgroup$
    – Niels
    Commented Aug 2, 2018 at 1:34
  • $\begingroup$ @Niels I think the best place is actually this site. That's how I learned. My suggestion is to start here and pay close attention to anything Leonid Shifrin has written on this site. I think he has a rather comprehensive set of answers detailing the fundamental ways in which Mathematica differs from other languages. In terms of turning off the exchange correlation I'll run that and let you know. I expect it will be further from -2.861 than what I and the person in the link got, though. $\endgroup$
    – b3m2a1
    Commented Aug 2, 2018 at 1:39
  • $\begingroup$ @Niels see the update at the bottom $\endgroup$
    – b3m2a1
    Commented Aug 2, 2018 at 1:42
  • $\begingroup$ In this page there is a solution to that problem... Well, thank you again. edu.itp.phys.ethz.ch/fs12/cqp/exercise08.pdf $\endgroup$
    – Niels
    Commented Aug 2, 2018 at 1:54
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Niels you're welcome. One final thing is that it's a point of etiquette on this site that if an answer was helpful (or a question interesting) you up-vote it. I don't really mind if you do or not, but it's just good to keep in mind. $\endgroup$
    – b3m2a1
    Commented Aug 2, 2018 at 2:23

Well, I just solved the problem. It was a silly problem (a parentheses, dough!).This is the new code:

Initializing some variables:

Clear[u, poisson, vhartree]
h = 10^(-2);(*step integration*)
rmax = 30;
rmin = 10^(-30);
Z = 2; (*atomic number*)
points = rmax/h;
vhartree = Table[0, {i, 1, points + 1}];

Now, one must run g in numerov (FYI take a look in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numerov%27s_method):

g[energy_, j_] :=
If [j < rmax/h, 
a = N[2 ((energy + Z/(rmax - j h)) - vhartree[[points - j]])], 
a = N[2 (energy + Z/rmin + vhartree[[1]])]];

Secuentially run the following numerov integrator:

numerov[energy_] := Module[{j, alpha, x, y, z},
u = {N[rmax*Exp[-Z rmax]]};
PrependTo[u, N[(rmax - h)*Exp[-Z (rmax - h)]]];
alpha = N[h^2/12];
x = u[[1]];
y = u[[2]];
z = (2 (1 - 5 alpha g[energy, 1]) y + (1 + 
      alpha g[energy, 0]) x)/(1 + alpha g[energy, 2]);
PrependTo[u, z];
For[ j = 2, j < points, j++,
x = y;
y = z;
z = (2 (1 - 5 alpha g[energy, j]) y - (1 + 
       alpha g[energy, j - 1]) x)/(1 + alpha g[energy, j + 1]);
PrependTo[u, z];

Now, this part looks for a 0 in the wave function.

(*Bisection Method*)
searchenergy := Module[{k, n, a, b, M, j},
(*searching range where numerov[[1]] change its sign*)
k = 1;
a = -10 ;(*min. energy*)
While[numerov[a][[1]]*numerov[a + 0.1][[1]] > 0,
a = a + 0.1;

b = a + 0.1; (*max energy*)
M = 50;(*max number of iterations*)
wave = {};
n = 0;
epsilon = 10^(-8);
While[(n < M) && (Abs[a - b] > epsilon),
energy = N[(a + b)/2];
If[(numerov[a][[1]])*(numerov[energy][[1]]) > 0, a = energy, 
b = energy];
wave = numerov[energy];
(*normalization, Simpson's rule*)
hsimpson = rmax/(Length[wave]);
integrate = (hsimpson/3) ((wave[[1]])^2 + 
  2 Sum[wave[[2 j]]^2, {j, 1, Length[wave]/2 - 1}] + 
  4 Sum[wave[[2 j - 1]]^2, {j, 1, Length[wave]/2}]);
wave = wave/Sqrt[integrate];

Solving Poisson with -wave^2/r source:

Poisson := Module[{i, beta, t, v, w},
(*Verlet algorithm*)
t = 0;
v = h;
poisson = {t, v};
For[i = 1, i <= points - 1, i++,
w = 2 v - t - (h) wave[[i]]^2/(i);
AppendTo[poisson, w];
t = v;
v = w;
(*adding homogeneus solution*)
beta = (1 - poisson[[Length[poisson]]])/rmax;
For[i = 1, i <= Length[poisson], i++,
poisson[[i]] = poisson[[i]] + beta (i - 1) h;

Last, but not least, this part computes vhartree and the respective energies.

Clear[k, energyhartree]
vhartree = Table[0, {i, 1, points + 1}];
lista = {energy};
For[k = 0, k < 5, k++,
vhartree[[1]] = poisson[[1]]/rmin;
For[m = 2, m <= Length[poisson], m++,
     vhartree[[m]] = poisson[[m]]/((m - 1) h);
energyhartree = 
Table[vhartree[[c]] (wave[[c]])^2, {c, 1, Length[vhartree]}];
integralsimpson = (h/24) (9 energyhartree[[2]] + 
 28 energyhartree[[3]] + 23 energyhartree[[4]] + 
 24 Sum[energyhartree[[n]], {n, 4, Length[vhartree] - 3}] + 
 9 energyhartree[[-1]] + 28 energyhartree[[-2]] + 
 23 energyhartree[[-3]]);
AppendTo[lista, 2 energy - integralsimpson];

Results: eigenvalue:-0.91. HartreeCorrection:1.022. 2*eigenvalue-HartreeCorrection: -2.85369. Results in literature -2.861 Thanks all, specially to @b3m2a1, for your suggestions.


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