
I interested to create a weighted graph from the sparse matrix of weights.

The following code works for small examples, but to the graph, with few thousands of node, it does not work.

arrayR = {{1, 2} -> 1.6608834828359216`, {1, 3} -> 
    1.3176250784021715`, {2, 1} -> 1.6608834828359216`, {2, 3} -> 
    3.8979590937707167`, {2, 4} -> 2.058499550409593`, {3, 1} -> 
    1.3176250784021715`, {3, 2} -> 3.8979590937707167`, {3, 4} -> 
    1.0569052092863416`, {4, 2} -> 2.058499550409593`, {4, 3} -> 
    1.0569052092863416`, {_, _} -> 0};

WeightedAdjacencyGraph[SparseArray[arrayR /. {0 -> Infinity}]]

Any suggestion on how to do it with big graphs?

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ try WeightedAdjacencyGraph[SparseArray[Most @ arrayR, {numberofnodes, numberofnodes}, ∞]]? $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 7:01
  • $\begingroup$ thank you, this approach more efficient and save around 15% of running time $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 7:15

2 Answers 2


IGraph/M has a function for this.

enter image description here

Performance test:

g = RandomGraph[{5000, 20000}, EdgeWeight -> RandomReal[1, 20000]];

wam = WeightedAdjacencyMatrix[g];

IGWeightedAdjacencyGraph[wam]; // RepeatedTiming
(* {0.014, Null} *)

A random graph with 1000 nodes and 5000 edges

arrayR = Append[Thread[RandomSample[Tuples[Range[1000], {2}], 5000] -> 
     RandomReal[1, 5000]], {_, _} -> 0];

WeightedAdjacencyGraph[SparseArray[Most@arrayR, {1000, 1000}, ∞]] // AbsoluteTiming

enter image description here


WeightedAdjacencyGraph[SparseArray[arrayR /. 0 -> ∞, {1000, 1000}]] // AbsoluteTiming

enter image description here

(Still on version 9, so cannot use IGraph/M)


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