This is not an answer but an extended comment.
The results of the study below can be summarized as follows
1) the root cause of problems (i.e. discontinuities in the antiderivative) is the apperance of f[x]Abs[]
in the integrand when f[x]!=const.
(The EDIT in the end done afterwards points to the necessity of Abs[Sin[x]]
or Abs[Cos[x]]
) to get in trouble.
2) The antiderivative is returned only if the integral is two-sided AND symmetric.
3) As the one sided integral does not have the numerical problems pointed out in this OP we conclude tentatively (and boldly) that the numerical results are correct if Mathematica can NOT find an anitidrivative. Sounds a little paradoxial ...
4) Replacing Sin[x]
by Cos[x]
gives an antiderivative with clearly visible jumps
Let us consider some related cases and see if there are problems or not.
Case (a1) replacing the Exp[-x^2] factor by unity: no problems
zmax = 4;
a = Integrate[ Abs[Sin[x]], {x, -z, z}] /. z -> zmax ;
b = NIntegrate[ Abs[Sin[x]], {x, -zmax, zmax}] ;
a - b
Hence the problem is not due to Abs[] alone.
The antiderivative in this case
Integrate[ Abs[Sin[x]], {x, -z, z}]
Out[22]= ConditionalExpression[
4 IntegerPart[z/\[Pi]] -
2 (-1 + Cos[\[Pi] FractionalPart[z/\[Pi]]]) Sign[
FractionalPart[z/\[Pi]]], z \[Element] Reals]
despite its apperance seems to have no jumps.
Case (a2) Replacing Exp[-x^2] by x^2 : problems
zmax = 4;
a = Integrate[x^2 Abs[Sin[x]], {x, -z, z}] /. z -> zmax ;
b = NIntegrate[x^2 Abs[Sin[x]], {x, -zmax, zmax}] ;
a - b
The reason is already known: the antideriative
Integrate[x^2 Abs[Sin[x]], {x, -z, z}]
2 (-2 + Abs[Sin[z]] (2 z - (-2 + z^2) Cot[z])),
Re[z] >= 0 && Im[z] == 0]
has jumps at z = k pi.
This is perhaps the most elementary example exhibiting the problems here.
Case (a3) Replacing Exp[-x^2] by Abs[x]: problems
zmax = 4; a =
Integrate[Abs[x] Abs[Sin[x]], {x, -z, z}] /. z -> zmax ; b =
NIntegrate[Abs[x] Abs[Sin[x]], {x, -zmax, zmax}] ; a - b
Out[21]= -12.5664
The antiderivative
Integrate[Abs[x] Abs[Sin[x]], {x, -z, z}]
ConditionalExpression[-2 Abs[Sin[z]] (-1 + z Cot[z]),
Re[z] >= 0 && Im[z] == 0]
has jumps at z = k pi.
Case (b) the one-sided integral: no problems
zmax = 4;
a = Integrate[Exp[-x^2] Abs[Sin[x]], {x, 0, z}] /. z -> zmax ;
b = NIntegrate[Exp[-x^2] Abs[Sin[x]], {x, 0, zmax}] ; a - b
6.05072*10^-15 + 0. I
This is surprising (at least for me).
It is intesting that neither for the one sided integral
Integrate[Exp[-x^2] Abs[Sin[x]], {x, 0, z}]
nor for the indefinite integral
Integrate[Exp[-x^2] Abs[Sin[x]], x]
nor for the unsymmtric two sided integral, e.g.
Integrate[E^-x^2 Abs[Sin[x]], {x, -z, 2 z}]
Mathematica provides an antiderivative but returns the input unchanged.
For comparison we repeat here the antidrivative of the two sided integral:
Integrate[Exp[-x^2] Abs[Sin[x]], {x, -z, z}]
Out[30]= ConditionalExpression[(
Sqrt[\[Pi]] (2 Erfi[1/2] -
Abs[Sin[z]] Csc[z] (Erfi[1/2 - I z] + Erfi[1/2 + I z])))/(
2 E^(1/4)), Re[z] >= 0 && Im[z] == 0]
EDIT 30.08.18 15:15
case "truncated sin"
This case makes me wonder if my conclusions are correct.
Taking a "truncated sine" x(1 - (x/\[Pi])^2)
instead of Sin[x] gives an antideriative without jumps:
Integrate[E^-x^2 Abs[x (1 - (x/\[Pi])^2)], {x, -z, z}]
Out[53]= ConditionalExpression[(
E^-z^2 (1 - \[Pi]^2 + E^z^2 (-1 + \[Pi]^2) + z^2))/\[Pi]^2,
0 < Re[z] < \[Pi] && Im[z] == 0]
Cos instaed of Sin
If we replace Sin[x]
by Cos[x]
there is no hiding of tiny jumps anymore
Integrate[E^-x^2 Abs[Cos[x]], {x, -z, z}]
Out[66]= ConditionalExpression[(
I Sqrt[\[Pi]]
Abs[Cos[z]] (Erfi[1/2 - I z] - Erfi[1/2 + I z]) Sec[z])/(
2 E^(1/4)), \[Pi] + z + Conjugate[z] <= 0]
The graph is
The jumps are at the zeroes of Cos[]
, i.e. at z= (2 k + 1) \[Pi]/2
And the jump sizes are
j[k_] := -((
I Sqrt[\[Pi]] (Erfi[1/2 - ((2 k + 1) I \[Pi])/2] -
Erfi[1/2 + ((2 k + 1) I \[Pi])/2]))/(2 E^(1/4)))
The sequnce of j[k] is extremely slowing decreasing
Table[N[j[k], 30], {k, 0, 4}] // Chop
Case explizit numbers for integration limits
Explizit numbers instead of a variable z leads to numerically correct results.
Example is the comparison of a sum with its integral representation
sN =
NSum[Exp[-n^2]/(1 - 4 n^2), {n, -\[Infinity], \[Infinity]},
WorkingPrecision -> 20]
Out[210]= 0.7522978984722431448
Then the sum is increasingly well approximated by the integral
Table[N[Sqrt[\[Pi]]/2 Integrate[E^-x^2 Abs[Sin[x]], {x, -n, n}] - sN,
20], {n, 1, 6}]
{-0.22995897048993183416 + 0.*10^-21 I,
-0.0058037201019733100 + 0.*10^-23 I,
-3.67451669256173*10^-6 + 0.*10^-26 I,
-1.99280197442*10^-8 + 0.*10^-28 I,
-2.2294568*10^-12 + 0.*10^-32 I,
-6.9*10^-18 + 0.*10^-37 I}