Semi-smooth Newton solver
This is supposed to solve constrained optimization problems of the form
$$ \text{Minimize } F(x) \text{ subject to } \varPhi(x) = 0 \text{ and } \varPsi(x) \leq 0.$$
More precisely, it attempts to solve the KKT conditions for $x$ and the Lagrange multipliers $\lambda$ and $\mu$:
$$ \begin{array}{rcl}
DF(x) + \lambda^T D\varPhi(x) + \mu^T D\varPsi &=&0,\\
\varPhi(x) &= &0,\\
\varPsi(x) &\leq &0,\\
\mu & \geq &0,\\
\mu^T \varPsi(x) &=&0.
\end{array} $$
These conditions are necessary conditions for a local minimum if $\varPhi$ and $\varPsi$ satisfy certain constraint qualifications (e.g., Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification or Slater condition (for convex problems)) and are sufficient if the optimization problem is convex. The current problem is a quadratic program with strictly convex objective, so it is convex.
For some more mathematical background of the algorithm, see chapter 2 in these great lecture notes by Michael Hintermüller.
Options[SemiSmoothNewton] = {
"EqualityMultiplier" -> Automatic,
"InequalityMultiplier" -> Automatic,
"MaxIterations" -> 1000,
"Tolerance" -> 10^-8,
"ArmijoSlope" -> 0.001,
"BacktrackingFactor" -> 0.25,
"InitialStepSize" -> 1.,
"MaxBacktrackingIterations" -> 20,
"PrintReport" -> True
SemiSmoothNewton[x0_, F_, Φ_, Ψ_, OptionsPattern[]] :=
Module[{iter, biter, x, y, z, λ, μ, τ, xτ, λτ, μτ, n, mΦ, mΨ, TOL, τ0, residual, maxiter, maxbiter, σ, γ, Fval, ΦQ, ΨQ, Θ0, DΘ0, Θτ, DΘτ, ϕ0, ϕτ, u, δx, δλ, δμ, timing, maxstepsize},
ΦQ = Φ =!= None;
ΨQ = Ψ =!= None;
x = x0;
n = Length[x];
If[ΦQ, mΦ = Length[Φ[x]], mΦ = 0];
If[ΨQ, mΨ = Length[Ψ[x]], mΨ = 0];
λ = OptionValue["EqualityMultiplier"];
If[λ === Automatic, λ = ConstantArray[0., mΦ]];
μ = OptionValue["InequalityMultiplier"];
If[μ === Automatic, μ = ConstantArray[0., mΨ]];
iter = 0;
maxstepsize = 0.;
TOL = OptionValue["Tolerance"];
maxiter = OptionValue["MaxIterations"];
maxbiter = OptionValue["MaxBacktrackingIterations"];
σ = OptionValue["ArmijoSlope"];
γ = OptionValue["BacktrackingFactor"];
τ0 = OptionValue["InitialStepSize"]/γ;
residual = 2 TOL; (*enforce first iteration*)
timing = AbsoluteTiming[
residual > TOL && iter < maxiter
{Θ0, DΘ0} = SSNΘDΘ[x, λ, μ, F, Φ, Ψ];
ϕ0 = Θ0.Θ0;
u = -LinearSolve[DΘ0, Θ0];
δx = u[[1 ;; n]];
δλ = u[[n + 1 ;; n + mΦ]];
δμ = u[[n + mΦ + 1 ;; n + mΦ + mΨ]];
(*backtracking line search*)
biter = 0;
τ = τ0;
ϕτ = 2 ϕ0; (*enforce first iteration*)
ϕτ >= (1. - σ τ) ϕ0 && biter < maxbiter,
τ = γ τ;
xτ = x + τ δx; λτ = λ + τ δλ; μτ = μ + τ δμ;
Θτ = SSNΘ[xτ, λτ, μτ, F, Φ, Ψ];
ϕτ = Θτ.Θτ;
residual = Sqrt[ϕτ/n];
If[biter === maxbiter, Print["Oops. Backtracking was interrupted."]];
x = xτ; λ = λτ; μ = μτ;
maxstepsize = Max[maxstepsize, τ];
Fval = F[x];
If[iter === maxiter, Print["Oops. Maximal number of iterations reached without satisfying the tolerance goal."]];
"Solution" -> x,
"EqualityMultiplier" -> λ,
"InequalityMultiplier" -> μ,
"ObjectiveValue" -> Fval,
"Iterations" -> iter,
"Timing" -> timing,
"Residual" -> residual,
"MaxStepSize" -> maxstepsize
SSNΘ[x_, λ_, μ_,F_, Φ_, Ψ_] := Join[F'[x] + λ.Φ'[x] + μ.Ψ'[x], Φ[x], Ramp[Ψ[x] + μ] - μ]
SSNΘDΘ[x_, λ_, μ_, F_, Φ_, Ψ_] := With[{A = Φ'[x], B = Ψ'[x], zμ = Ψ[x] + μ},
With[{a = SparseArray[UnitStep[zμ - $MachineEpsilon] + $MachineEpsilon]},
Join[F'[x] + λ.A + μ.B, Φ[x], Ramp[zμ] - μ],
{F''[x] + λ.Φ''[x] + μ.Ψ''[x], A\[Transpose], B\[Transpose]},
{A, 0., 0.},
{a B, 0., DiagonalMatrix[a - 1.]}
SSNΘ[x_, λ_, {}, F_, Φ_, Ψ_] := Join[F'[x] + λ.Φ'[x], Φ[x]]
SSNΘDΘ[x_, λ_, {}, F_, Φ_, Ψ_] := With[{A = Φ'[x]},
Join[F'[x] + λ.A, Φ[x]],
{F''[x] + λ.Φ''[x], A\[Transpose]},
{A, 0.}
SSNΘ[x_, {}, μ_, F_, Φ_, Ψ_] := Join[F'[x] + μ.Ψ'[x], Ramp[Ψ[x] + μ] - μ]
SSNΘDΘ[x_, {}, μ_, F_, Φ_, Ψ_] := With[{B = Ψ'[x], zμ = Ψ[x] + μ},
With[{a = SparseArray[UnitStep[zμ - $MachineEpsilon] + $MachineEpsilon]},
Join[F'[x] + μ.B, Ramp[zμ] - μ],
{F''[x] + μ.Ψ''[x], B\[Transpose]},
{a B, DiagonalMatrix[a - 1.]}
SSNΘ[x_, {}, {}, F_, Φ_, Ψ_] := F'[x];
SSNΘDΘ[x_, {}, {}, F_, Φ_, Ψ_] := {F'[x], F''[x]};
Casting the problem into a constrained optimization problem
Problem specifications.
ToPack = Developer`ToPackedArray;
A = ToPack[N[{{0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1}, {-10.169, 1.406, 10.848, 0, 0, 0}, {-15.135, -17.618, 16.146, 0, 0, 0}, {26.186, -3.62, -10.883, 0, 0, 0}}]];
B = ToPack[N[{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {-0.03, -0.045,0.0789}, {-0.0456, 0.571, 0.117}, {0.0789, 0.1174, -0.0791}}]];
x0 = ToPack@N@{-0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0, 0, 0};
xT = ToPack@N@{0.2, -0.2, 0.2, 0, 0, 0};
umin = {-100., -50., -50.};
umax = {100., 50., 50.};
T = 1.;
Discretization of ODE (n
time steps, Crank-Nicolson scheme, control piecewise-constant in time).
n = 1000;
τ = N[T/n];
ndofs = n Dimensions[B][[2]];
dim = Length[A];
uumin = Flatten[ConstantArray[umin, n]];
uumax = Flatten[ConstantArray[umax, n]];
AA = SparseArray`SparseBlockMatrix[{
{1, 1} -> IdentityMatrix[dim, SparseArray],
Band[{2, 2}] -> IdentityMatrix[dim, SparseArray] + τ/2 SparseArray[A],
Band[{2, 1}] -> -IdentityMatrix[dim, SparseArray] + τ/2 SparseArray[A]
{n + 1, n + 1}, 0.
BB = SparseArray`SparseBlockMatrix[{Band[{2,2}] -> τ SparseArray[B]}, {n + 1, n + 1}, 0.];
AAinv = LinearSolve[AA];
A1 = Transpose[AAinv[Join[ConstantArray[0., {(n + 1) dim - dim, dim}], N@IdentityMatrix[dim]], "T"]];
A2 = A1[[All, dim + 1 ;;]].BB;
b = A1[[All, 1 ;; dim]].x0;
trajectory[u_] := Partition[AAinv[Join[x0, BB.u]], dim];
Defining objective funtion F
, equality constraint mapping Φ
and inequality constraint mapping Ψ
along with their first two derivatives.
F[u_?VectorQ] := 1/(2 n) u.u;
F'[u_?VectorQ] := u/n;
F''[u_?VectorQ] = N[1/n IdentityMatrix[ndofs, SparseArray]];
Φ[u_?VectorQ] := b + A2.u - xT;
Φ'[u_?VectorQ] = SparseArray[A2];
Φ''[u_?VectorQ] = SparseArray[{}, {dim, ndofs, ndofs}, 0.];
Ψ[u_?VectorQ] := Join[u - uumax, uumin - u];
Ψ'[u_?VectorQ] = Join[N@IdentityMatrix[ndofs, SparseArray], -N@ IdentityMatrix[ndofs, SparseArray]];
Ψ''[u_?VectorQ] = SparseArray[{}, {2 ndofs, ndofs, ndofs}, 0.];
Creating a starting point for Newton search and performing the actual search.
u0 = LeastSquares[A2, xT];
data = SemiSmoothNewton[u0, F, Φ, Ψ, "Tolerance" -> 10^-8]; // AbsoluteTiming // First
u = data[["Solution"]];
Plotting the results.
ListLinePlot[Transpose[{Rest@Subdivide[0., T, n], #}] & /@ Transpose[Partition[u, 3]],
AxesLabel -> {"t", "u"},
PlotLegends -> Table["u" <> ToString[i], {i, 1, Dimensions[B][[2]]}],
PlotLabel -> "Controls"
Transpose[{Subdivide[0., T, n], #}] & /@ Transpose[trajectory[u]],
AxesLabel -> {"t", "u"},
PlotLegends -> Table["x" <> ToString[i], {i, 1, dim}],
PlotLabel -> "Trajectories"
should be able to solve that if you don't use a too fine discretization of the ODE. In general, I would advice the semi-smooth Newton algorithm. I have an implementation on it on my hard drive. Interested? $\endgroup$