On a recent CAS-enabled exam question a few weeks ago I was required to evaluate the following integral:
$$ \int_0^5\left(\sqrt[3]{125-x^3}\right)^2\,dx $$
In Mathematica, using the Integrate
function returns this answer:
$$ 75\cdot 3^{2/3} F_1\left(\frac{5}{3};-\frac{2}{3},-\frac{2}{3};\frac{8}{3};-\frac{1}{-1+(-1)^{2/3}},\frac{1}{1+\sqrt[3]{-1}}\right) $$ Where $F_1$ represents the AppellF1 function.
However, on a TI-Nspire CX CAS, the same integral evaluates to: $$\frac{500\pi}{9\sqrt3}$$
That's a much nicer looking answer!
Both of these have the same numerical value of about $100.767$, which tells me that both answers appear to be equivalent - but is it possible to get the CX's more concise answer in Mathematica? I've tried wrapping each of these functions around Mathematica's answer, but none of them have worked:
- adding
Assumptions -> x \[Element] Reals
to theIntegrate
All of these seem to keep the F1 function in place, sometimes changing the arguments slightly, but still keeping the F1 function there, more or less the same. If it is possible, how could I get the simpler answer in Mathematica? I'm on 11.3.0 for macOS (64-bit), if that helps. Thanks!