Maybe a little preprocessing followed by a little post-processing?
First, let's contrive some random but reproducible data with of the kind you working with.
With[{m = 3, n = 5},
data = RandomInteger[100, {m, n}];
Module[{i, j},
{i, j} = RandomChoice /@ {Range[m], Range[n]};
data[[i, j]] = "3d456";
{{80, 14, 0, 67, 3}, {65, 100, 23, 97, 68}, {74, 15, "3d4", 4, 100}}
Now let's pretend that we have read in a CSV file with the above data as a single string.
csvData = ExportString[data, "CSV"]
which looks like
in a notebook. The preprocessing changes the internal double-quotes into single-quotes.
preData = StringReplace[csvData, {",\"" -> ",'", "\"," -> "',"}]
Now we do the conversion to Mathematica data.
mmaData = ImportString[preData, "CSV"]
{{80, 14, 0, 67, 3}, {65, 100, 23, 97, 68}, {74, 15, "'3d456'", 4, 100}}
It's not quite right because of the single-quotes. The post-processing gets rid of them.
postData = Map[Switch[#, _String, StringTrim[#, "'"], _, #] &, mmaData, {2}]
{{80, 14, 0, 67, 3}, {65, 100, 23, 97, 68}, {74, 15, "3d456", 4, 100}}
postData == data
The OP asked for a function that would implement the procedure described above. I am posting such a function, but without any discussion of file system functions used or why I made the choices that I made. This update would be better if such a discussion were included, but I simply do not have the time to write it.
csv::fail = "import from `1` failed";
csv::ok = "data imported from `1`";
getCSVData[] :=
Module[{filePath, str, csvData},
filePath =
SystemDialogInput["FileOpen", {"*.csv", {"CSV Files" -> {"*.csv", ".CSV"}}}];
If[filePath === $Canceled, Return[{}]];
str = ReadString[filePath];
If[str === $Failed, Message[csv::fail, filePath]; Return[{}]];
csvData =
ImportString[StringReplace[str, {",\"" -> ",'", "\"," -> "',"}], "CSV"];
Map[Switch[#, _String, StringTrim[#, "'"], _, #] &, csvData, {2}]]
in "Possible issues", 3rd example - as suggested there, you could set"Numeric"->False
if you don't have any numeric inputs $\endgroup$d
-notation is used by Fortran if I'm not mistaken. $\endgroup$