I need to fill a region in my plot (The white area in the bottom between the two graphs going to the x axis. I cannot figure out a way to do this, please help.
mbbNH[s12sq_, s13sq_, m1_, dmatm_, dmsol_, α_, β_] := Abs[(1 - s12sq) (1 - s13sq) m1 + Exp[I α] s12sq (1 - s13sq) Sqrt[m1^2 + dmsol] + Exp[I β] s13sq Sqrt[m1^2 + dmatm]];
NO = LogLogPlot[
mbbNH[0.272, 0.02436, m1, 2.593 10^-3, 6.80 10^-5, π, 0],
mbbNH[0.346, 0.02436, m1, 2.593 10^-3, 8.02 10^-5, π, π],
mbbNH[0.346, 0.02436, m1, 2.593 10^-3, 6.80 10^-5, 0, 0]
{m1, 10^(-4), 1},
PlotRange -> {{10^(-4), 1}, {10^(-4), 1}},
PlotStyle -> Directive[Opacity[1], Red],
Filling -> {1 -> {3}, 1 -> {2}, 2 -> {3}},
AxesLabel -> {HoldForm[Subscript[m, light] "(eV)"], HoldForm[Subscript[m, ββ] "(eV)"]},
PlotLabel -> None, LabelStyle -> {GrayLevel[0]},
GridLines -> {
{{0.061, Red}, {0.165, Red}, {0.11, Blue}, {0.52, Blue}, {0.19, Green}, {0.45, Green}, {0.2, Purple}, {0.4, Purple}, {0.3, Gray}, {0.9, Gray}}
GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Gray, Dashed]
I am trying to get it like the this, but uniformly colored red:
. $\endgroup$