I'm trying to plot multiple plots in just one. I need to have small markers inside the plot, but in the legend it would be more convenient to have bigger markers.
I'm trying to change LegendMarkerSize
, but it only changes the shape of the whole legend (without changing the size of the points). Here's an example of my struggle:
I have:
ListPlot[{Prime[Range[25]], Sqrt[Range[40]]},
PlotMarkers -> {Automatic, 3},
PlotLegends ->
PointLegend[{"Primes", "Roots"}, LegendMarkerSize -> 3,
LegendFunction -> None, LegendLabel -> "Legend"]]
And changing only LegendMarkerSize
from 3
to (say) 23
, I get:
ListPlot[{Prime[Range[25]], Sqrt[Range[40]]},
PlotMarkers -> {Automatic, 3},
PlotLegends ->
PointLegend[{"Primes", "Roots"}, LegendMarkerSize -> 23,
LegendFunction -> None, LegendLabel -> "Legend"]]
As you can see, only the text have shifted. How can I increase the size of the markers inside the legend without modifying the size of the markers in the plot on itself?
Thank you very much.