I have made a list plot for an excel data set and I got the graph. However, I need to label each graph by its name that is already in the first cell of each column. I have 647 rows and 21 columns, but here is a simple illustration.
As an example: Suppose I have the following table from excel
73.21428571 69.64285714 70.53571429 71.42857143 85.14851485 65.34653465 84.15841584 73.26732673 88.29787234 82.9787234 75.53191489 97.87234043 86.95652174 69.56521739 66.95652174 78.26086957 79.16666667 68.33333333 74.16666667 76.66666667 100 83.65384615 79.80769231 93.26923077 82.53968254 68.25396825 71.42857143 75.3968254 72.34042553 86.5248227 79.43262411 75.88652482 78.98089172 78.98089172 71.33757962 83.43949045 85.32608696 72.82608696 72.82608696 82.06521739
How I can label the ListPlot
of the first column by A, and the same thing for other columns?
mutaz = SemanticImport["Faressystem.xlsx"]
mutaz[Transpose /* ListLinePlot]
Then I got the graph. The imported file doesn't contain the first letters row $\endgroup$