
I define a function called VoutCoin:

VoutCoin[Mut_, \[Omega]_, Lc_, Rc_] = 
ComplexExpand[Abs[I1coin* (j \[Omega] L1 + (j \[Omega] Mut)^2/(j \[Omega] Lc + Rc))]] /. values

I have the suffixes and the values defined:

M = 10^6;
k = 10^3;
m = 10^-3;
u = 10^-6;
n = 10^-9;
pf = 10^-12;

values = {
R1 -> 180,
C1 -> 9.4 n,
L1 -> 1.7 m,
Vin -> LaplaceTransform[Cos[2*\[Pi]*138 k*t - \[Pi]], t, s]

j = I;
s = j*\[Omega];

if I invoke the function as defined above with the following arguments, I get:

In[1030]:= VoutCoin[.5, 2*\[Pi]*10 k, 10 u, .1]

Out[1030]= {0. + 8.40133*10^-8 I}

if I remove the ComplexExpand preceding the Abs in the function, I get:

VoutCoin[Mut_, \[Omega]_, Lc_, Rc_] = Abs[I1coin* (j \[Omega] L1 + (j \[Omega] Mut)^2/(j \[Omega] Lc + Rc))] /. values // Simplify

In[1095]:= VoutCoin[.5, 2*\[Pi]*10 k, 10 u, .1]

Out[1095]= {8.40133*10^-8}

What is going on? Why would ComplexExpand[Abs[]] return a complex numnber?

In case anyone wants plugs this into Mathematica, I'm including I1coin below

In[1092]:= I1coin = I1 /. sol1

Out[1092]= {(Vin (Rc + I Lc \[Omega]))/(Mut^2 \[Omega]^2 - (-R1 + I/(C1 \[Omega]) - I L1 \[Omega]) (Rc + 
 I Lc \[Omega]))}

Thank you in advance for your help....

--------Edit Per Request_----------------------

M = 10^6;
k = 10^3;
m = 10^-3;
u = 10^-6;
n = 10^-9;
pf = 10^-12;

values = {
R1 -> 180,
C1 -> 9.4 n,
L1 -> 1.7 m,
Vin -> LaplaceTransform[Cos[2*\[Pi]*138 k*t - \[Pi]], t, s]

j = I;

s = j*\[Omega];

eq1 = Vin - I1 (R1 + 1/(j \[Omega] C1) + j \[Omega] L1) -j \[Omega] Mut I2 == 0;
eq2 = I2 (j \[Omega] Lc + Rc) + j \[Omega] Mut I1 == 0;

sol1 = Solve[eq1 && eq2, {I1, I2}]

I1coin = I1 /. sol1

VoutCoin[Mut_, \[Omega]_, Lc_, Rc_] = ComplexExpand[Abs[I1coin* (j \[Omega] L1 + (j \[Omega] Mut)^2/(j \[Omega] Lc + Rc))]] /. values // Simplify

 In[1159]:= VoutCoin[.5, 2*\[Pi]*10 k, 10 u, .1]

 Out[1159]= {0. + 8.40133*10^-8 I}

Question is about result out[1159] --- I don't understand why Mathematica returns a complex number for a magnitude. It seems to happen when I precede Abs with ComplexExpand

  • $\begingroup$ I seem to get results in terms of s when I run your code. Are you sure you included all definitions? $\endgroup$
    – MarcoB
    Commented Apr 24, 2018 at 16:25
  • $\begingroup$ maybe one more.....thank you.... $\endgroup$
    – jrive
    Commented Apr 24, 2018 at 16:56
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ CopmlexExpand assumes all variables are real. If they're not you'll get unexpected errors. check out ComplexExpand[Abs[t]] /. t -> I $\endgroup$
    – yohbs
    Commented Apr 24, 2018 at 17:11
  • $\begingroup$ @yohbs I do not understand your point. Your replacement rule is not injecting the value I inside the ComplexExpand; it is simply changing it in the result of the evaluation. For injection, you could try: With[{t = I}, ComplexExpand[Abs[t]]], which returns $1$, as I would expect. $\endgroup$
    – MarcoB
    Commented Apr 24, 2018 at 17:35
  • $\begingroup$ You define VoutCoin with = and not := which means that the value is precacluated assuming I1coin is real. then you probably inject a non-real number. sol1 is not defined in your question so it's hard to tell. It would be easier if you provided one contiguous block of code with all definitions that produces the error. $\endgroup$
    – yohbs
    Commented Apr 24, 2018 at 17:54

1 Answer 1


Consider your values rule:

Vin /. values

-((I ω)/(76176000000 π^2 - ω^2))

So, values is replacing Vin with a pure imaginary number. Now, your VoutCoin function is basically:

f[ω_] = ComplexExpand[Sqrt[Vin^2]] /. values

Sqrt[-(ω^2/(76176000000 π^2 - ω^2)^2)]

Here, ComplexExpand[Sqrt[Vin^2]] evaluates to just Sqrt[Vin^2], and then you replace Vin with a pure imaginary number, hence you get the square root of a manifestly negative number. So, naturally:


(* 0. + 1.33009*10^-12 I *)

is imaginary.

If you move the closing bracket of the ComplexExpand so that it include the values replacement, then you will get a real answer:

VoutCoin[Mut_,ω_,Lc_,Rc_] = ComplexExpand[
    Abs[I1coin*(j ω L1+(j ω Mut)^2/(j ω Lc+Rc))] /.values
] //Simplify;

VoutCoin[.5,2*π*10 k,10 u,.1]


  • $\begingroup$ thank you for taking the time to explain and demo this to me. much appreciated $\endgroup$
    – jrive
    Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 14:51

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