
I have nested associations like this:

<|{"Country1","YEAR1"} -> {<|{"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"} -> 
 "Value1"|>, <|{"VARIABLE2", "MEASURE2"} -> "Value2"|>}, {"Country1",
"YEAR2"} -> {<|{"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"} -> 
 "Value1"|>, <|{"VARIABLE2", "MEASURE2"} -> "Value2"|>}, {"Country2", 
"YEAR1"} -> {<|{"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"} -> 
 "Value1"|>, <|{"VARIABLE2", "MEASURE2"} -> "Value2"|>},{"Country2", 
"YEAR2"} -> {<|{"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"} -> 
 "Value1"|>, <|{"VARIABLE2", "MEASURE2"} -> "Value2"|>}

and so on...Is there a way to select all Values e.g. for Country1 and for all Years but lets say only for the (sub)Key {"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"} for these Years? More specifically, the desired output would be a list like this

{Country1, YEAR1, Value1},{Country1, YEAR2, Value1}

Many thanks for you comments!


2 Answers 2


With the data form you provided this seems to work:

aData = <|{"Country1", 
     "YEAR1"} -> {<|{"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"} -> 
       "Value1"|>, <|{"VARIABLE2", "MEASURE2"} -> 
       "Value2"|>}, {"Country1", 
     "YEAR2"} -> {<|{"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"} -> 
       "Value1"|>, <|{"VARIABLE2", "MEASURE2"} -> 
       "Value2"|>}, {"Country2", 
     "YEAR1"} -> {<|{"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"} -> 
       "Value1"|>, <|{"VARIABLE2", "MEASURE2"} -> 
       "Value2"|>}, {"Country2", 
     "YEAR2"} -> {<|{"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"} -> 
       "Value1"|>, <|{"VARIABLE2", "MEASURE2"} -> "Value2"|>}|>;

m = {"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"};

c = "Country1";

Map[Append[#, Association[aData[#]][m]] &, Keys[KeySelect[aData, MemberQ[#, c] &]]]

(* {{"Country1", "YEAR1", "Value1"}, {"Country1", "YEAR2", "Value1"}} *)


I need to select the variables for five specific countries. Another point would be if it is possible to further select only specific years (e.g. only from Year 5 to Year 10)

We make an appropriate criteria for KeySelect.

c = {"Country1"};

y = {"YEAR1"};

Map[Append[#, Association[aData[#]][m]] &, 
   Length[Intersection[#, c]] > 0 && 
     Length[Intersection[#, y]] > 0 &]]]

(* {{"Country1", "YEAR1", "Value1"}} *)
  • $\begingroup$ Thats very nice - many thanks for that! But in your solution both countries are included. This was just an easy code to illustrate my problem. In reality I have 20 Countries for 15 Years or so. And I need to select the variables for five specific countries. Another point would be if it is possible to further select only specific years (e.g. only from Year 5 to Year 10) $\endgroup$
    – M.A.
    Commented Apr 19, 2018 at 20:52
  • $\begingroup$ @M.A. Ok I fixed the code. With KeySelect you make selection of the keys that have the countries and years you want to focus on. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 19, 2018 at 21:11
  • $\begingroup$ That is nearly perfect. But what if "m" is a list with multiple Variable-Measure combinations? I could solve this with a table but is there a more elegant way to obtain {"Country1", "YEAR1", "Value1", "Value2", "ValueX"} ? $\endgroup$
    – M.A.
    Commented Apr 22, 2018 at 19:47
  • $\begingroup$ @M.A. If m is a list of lists you can use Map or Table over m (as you say). "[...] but is there a more elegant way to obtain {"Country1", "YEAR1", "Value1", "Value2", "ValueX"} ?" -- I am not sure what do you mean by "more elegant" in the context of your data. You can always define a function for the extraction and your code will/can/might look elegant with it. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 22, 2018 at 20:17
  • $\begingroup$ When i am using a table like this: Table[Map[Append[#, Association[aData[#]][m[[i]]]] &, Keys[KeySelect[aData, Length[Intersection[#, c]] > 0 && Length[Intersection[#, y]] > 0 &]]],{i,1,Length[m]}] i will obtain {"Country1", "YEAR1", "Value1"},{"Country1", "YEAR1", "Value2"}, and so on... Now I could manipulate that output to obtain {"Country1", "YEAR1", "Value1", "Value2", "ValueX"} but maybe there is a way to obtain that directly? $\endgroup$
    – M.A.
    Commented Apr 23, 2018 at 7:52

Maybe you would benefit from a change of your data structure.

1. A more nested association

Given your initial set:


let's turn it into:

newd = KeyValueMap[
   Association[#1[[1]] -> Association[#1[[2]] -> #2]] &, 
   Merge[#, Identity] & /@ aData] // Merge[#, Join @@ # &] &

<|"Country1" -> <|"YEAR1" -> <|{"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"} -> {"Value111"}, {"VARIABLE2", "MEASURE2"} -> {"Value112"}|>, "YEAR2" -> <|{"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"} -> {"Value121"}, {"VARIABLE2", "MEASURE2"} -> {"Value122"}|>|>, "Country2" -> <|"YEAR1" -> <|{"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"} -> {"Value211"}, {"VARIABLE2", "MEASURE2"} -> {"Value212"}|>, "YEAR2" -> <|{"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"} -> {"Value221"}, {"VARIABLE2", "MEASURE2"} -> {"Value222"}|>|>|>

then you can make more readable query like that:

res=newd[[{"Country2", "Country1"}, {"YEAR1", "YEAR2"}, Key@{"VARIABLE1", "MEASURE1"}]]

<|"Country2" -> <|"YEAR1" -> {"Value211"}, "YEAR2" -> {"Value221"}|>, "Country1" -> <|"YEAR1" -> {"Value111"}, "YEAR2" -> {"Value121"}|>|>

and to get the output you want:

Level[MapIndexed[Join /* RotateLeft, res, {2}], {2}] /. Key -> Identity

{{"Country2", "YEAR1", "Value211"}, {"Country2", "YEAR2", "Value221"}, {"Country1", "YEAR1", "Value111"}, {"Country1", "YEAR2", "Value121"}}

2. A Flat association

But why not try a flat association ?

flat = Flatten@
  Table[<|"Country" -> "C" <> ToString@i, 
    "Year" -> "Y" <> ToString@j, 
    "VarMeas" -> "VM" <> ToString@k|>, {i, 2}, {j, 2}, {k, 2}]

{ <|Country->C1,Year->Y1,VarMeas->VM1|>, <|Country->C1,Year->Y1,VarMeas->VM2|>, <|Country->C1,Year->Y2,VarMeas->VM1|>, <|Country->C1,Year->Y2,VarMeas->VM2|>, <|Country->C2,Year->Y1,VarMeas->VM1|>, <|Country->C2,Year->Y1,VarMeas->VM2|>, <|Country->C2,Year->Y2,VarMeas->VM1|>, <|Country->C2,Year->Y2,VarMeas->VM2|>}


(MemberQ[{"C1", "C2"}, #Country] && MemberQ[{"Y1"}, #Year]) &
{"Country", "Year", "VarMeas"}]@flat // Values

{{"C1", "Y1", "VM1"}, {"C1", "Y1", "VM2"}, {"C2", "Y1", "VM1"},{"C2","Y1", "VM2"}}

  • $\begingroup$ but it is not the output OP wanted. $\endgroup$
    – Kuba
    Commented Apr 20, 2018 at 10:14
  • $\begingroup$ @Kuba Right. I updated my answer. $\endgroup$
    – SquareOne
    Commented Apr 20, 2018 at 11:29
  • $\begingroup$ @SquareOne: Thats also very nice but for my purpose it is better to keep the "main" key in the form {CountryX, YearX}; So I can add new (unknown) variables with "Merge" if it is necessary. Its about adding specific country-year variables from different .xls lists so this form seems to me most apropriate $\endgroup$
    – M.A.
    Commented Apr 22, 2018 at 19:29

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