Need to find max and min values like on pic. I am wondering how I could determine max and min values of oscillations ? How could I find these values: My code:
<< PhysicalConstants`
<< Units`
Subscript[I, critical] = 10 *10^-3(*Milli Ampere*);
c = 1.2*10^-13 (*Farad*);
Subscript[R, N] = 50*10^-3 (*Milli Ohm*);
η = 1.2;
h = PlanckConstantReduced*1/(Joule Second);
e = ElectronCharge*1/Coulomb;
Subscript[t, 0] = 0;
Subscript[t, 1] = 1*10^-11;
Subscript[ω, c] = η*((2 e)/h)*Subscript[I, critical]*Subscript[R, N];
β = 2 e/h*Subscript[I, critical]*c*(Subscript[R, N])^2;
Subscript[I, dc] = Subscript[I, critical]*1.5;
b = Subscript[I, dc]/Subscript[I, critical];
eq = NDSolve[{N[β/Subscript[ω, c]^2]*φ''[t] +
N[1/Subscript[ω, c]]*φ'[t] + Sin[φ[t]] - b == 0,
φ'[0] == 0, φ[0] == Pi/2}, φ, {t, Subscript[t, 0], Subscript[t, 1]}];
Plot[N[h/(2 e)*Evaluate[φ'[t] /. eq][[1]]], {t, Subscript[t, 0],
Subscript[t, 1]}, PlotStyle -> Orange, PlotLegends -> {"V(t)"},
AxesLabel -> {"t,s", "V(t)"}]
so that the extrema are returned while you are solving your differential equation. $\endgroup$