I've recently come across these plots in this article (sorry for not posting the image directly, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do it) and couldn't reproduce many aspects of it. I'll list some of my attempts(using a Gaussian function instead of his):
Attempt 1: Lots of plotpoints + color data rainbow + rescale:
color[x_] := ColorData["Rainbow"][x]
test = Function[{x, y, z}, color[Rescale[z, {-0.4, 1.05}]]]
Plot3D[Abs@Exp[-(x^2 + y^2)], {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}, Mesh -> None,
PlotPoints -> 200, ColorFunction -> test, Boxed -> False,
PlotRange -> All, RegionFunction -> Function[{x, y, z}, x^2 + y^2 < 25]]
The output is not only duller, it also seems to skip some colors much quicker, I suppose the original plot color gradient is diferent, but I don't know how to get any closer to it.
Attempt 2: The same as above + blending(trying to get the colors to be brighter)
color[x_] := Blend[{GrayLevel[1], ColorData["Rainbow"][x]}]
No matter what graylevel I input, it either looks like pastel or duller than the previous attempt.
Another aspect I couldn't replicate was the shadow bellow the plot,which I suppose requires the use of the Graphics function, but I couldn't get it to work.
Could anyone give me some tips on how to get closer to the desired result?
. However, the plots in the linked article were probably produced by a raytracer. Mathematica does not have any native raytracing capabilities. But you can try to export your plots and use, e.g. POVray or blender for raytracing. $\endgroup$