
I have this code:

Ind = 10; StrategiesCop = {"1DD", "1CD", "2DD", "2DC"};Populations = UndirectedGraph[Flatten[Table[i -> j, {i, 2, Ind}, {j, i - 1}]], 
VertexLabels -> Thread[Table[i, {i, 1, Ind}] -> 
 PadRight[StrategiesCop, Ind, StrategiesCop]]]

enter image description here

Then I want to make the list of EdgeWeight with the next conditions:

  1. The EdgeWeight between same labels is v+(1-v)f where f is the frequency of label, in example : 1DD-1DD -> v+(1-v)0.3

  2. v is a parametre that I can change

  3. The EdgeWeight between different labels is (1-v)

Can I make a adjacency matrix and then the lists of EdgeWeight? o How can I do it?


1 Answer 1


I would create a graph after EdgeWeight is constructed.

Ind = 10; StrategiesCop = {"1DD", "1CD", "2DD", "2DC"};
nodeLabel = 
  Thread[Table[i, {i, 1, Ind}] -> 
     PadRight[StrategiesCop, Ind, StrategiesCop]] // Association;
f = nodeLabel // Tally //  MapAt[ #/Ind &, {All, 2}] // 
    Map[  Apply[Rule]] // Association;
allPairs = Subsets[Range[Ind], {2}];
grouped = 
  allPairs // 
   GroupBy[  nodeLabel[# [[1 ]]] == nodeLabel[# [[2 ]]] &];
edges = grouped // Values // Catenate;
edgeWeight[v_] = Join[
   ConstantArray[ 1 - v, Length@grouped[False]]
   , grouped[True]  // Map[ (1 - v) f[ nodeLabel[# [[1 ]]]] + v &]

UndirectedGraph[ edges , EdgeWeight -> edgeWeight[v], 
 EdgeLabels -> "EdgeWeight", VertexLabels -> Normal@nodeLabel]

enter image description here


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