I am trying to align a series of plots horizontally. They all share a vertical axis, but I only want to show the axis once on the leftmost plot. However, adding the vertical axis on one of the plots messes up the aspect ratio/scaling. For example, I can set it up this way
test = Reverse@Table[Table[i, {i, -1, 1, j}], {j, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1}];
len1 = Length@test[[All, 1]];
rule = {False, False};
Plot[test[[i]], {x, 0, .1}, ColorFunction -> "FallColors",
AspectRatio -> 3, Axes -> rule,
PlotLabel -> "N = " <> ToString[i]], {i, 1, len1}],
ImageSize -> Full]
The result looks like this:
However when I try to add the axis on the leftmost plot, by doing
test = Reverse@Table[Table[i, {i, -1, 1, j}], {j, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1}];
len1 = Length@test[[All, 1]];
Table[If[i == 1, rule = {False, True}, rule = {False, False}];
Plot[test[[i]], {x, 0, .1}, ColorFunction -> "FallColors",
AspectRatio -> 3, Axes -> rule,
PlotLabel -> "N = " <> ToString[i]], {i, 1, len1}],
ImageSize -> Full]
then the leftmost plot does gets compressed due to the fixed aspect ratio
any help appreciated, also I appreciate any suggestions for improving my plots. My plot looks like this:
GraphicsGrid[ Partition[Table[If[i == 1, style = Automatic, style = Opacity[0]]; Plot[test[[i]], {x, 0, .1}, ColorFunction -> "FallColors", AspectRatio -> 3, Axes -> {False, True}, AxesStyle -> style, PlotLabel -> "N = " <> ToString[i]], {i, 1, len1}], len1], ImageSize -> Full]
? $\endgroup$Grid[Partition[ Table[If[i == 1, style = Automatic, style = Opacity[0]]; LogLinearPlot[test[[i]], {x, 0, .1}, ColorFunction -> "FallColors", AspectRatio -> 3, Axes -> {False, True}, AxesStyle -> style, PlotLabel -> "N = " <> ToString[i], ImageSize -> Medium], {i, 1, len1}], len1], Spacings -> -0.5]