I want to use concise code to generate a table of values that list the addition of a set of vectors. What I am looking for is essentially a Table of Tables.
I will show here the kind of lists I want, which I am able to generate individually.
First, let's define a set of say 6 vectors (an ordered pair):
H = Table[{Cos[n*Pi/3], Sin[n*Pi/3]}, {n, 0, 5, 1}];
This will be our first Table. Next, I want to get all vectors that result from adding any two vectors in H together:
H2 = Table[H[[i1]] + H[[i2]], {i1, 1, 6, 1}, {i2, 1, 6, 1}];
Now we create another Table, but this time with all vectors that result from choosing three vectors from the set H and adding them together:
H3 = Table[H[[i1]] + H[[i2]] + H[[i3]], {i1, 1, 6, 1}, {i2, 1, 6, 1}, {i3, 1, 6, 1}];
Suppose we were to continue creating tables like this with arbitrarily many sums of this type. How can I create one single Table that would combine them all?
I am aware that I can use some function like Append to join them all together after each one has been generated, but I am looking for something more efficient that can be done a single cell.
I have something in mind along the following lines (note that this is not properly functioning code, but I am writing it for illustrative purposes). It would be nice to be able to generalize these Tables using something like this, where I've attempted to index the variables (incorrectly?):
H[N_] =
Sum[ H[[i_j]] , {j, 1, N, 1}],
{i_1, 1, 6, 1}, {i_2, 1, 6, 1}, ... {i_N, 1, 6, 1}] ;
Then I could create a single table with say 10 iterations using:
Table[ H[N],{N,1,10,1}]
Unfortunately, I am unable to index variables in this way because Mathematica tells me the variable names are "Protected". How can I get around this?