I have this dynamical system
StreamPlot[{2 x - 8/5 x^2 - x*y, 5/2 y - y^2 - 2 x*y}, {x, 0, 2}, {y, -.5, .5}]
There is a stable fixed point at (1.25, 0) (I checked through the linearized matrix). It seems to be a very weak stable fixed point. However, I have a hard time seeing any steamline going directly to that fixed point. Can anyone please help me create one solution curve (make it in red please) that goes from any positive initial conditions x and y (let's just pick x = 10, y = .05) to the fixed point (1.25, 0)? Thank you so much!
RegionPlot[{2 x - 8/5 x^2 - x*y < 0, 5/2 y - y^2 - 2 x*y < 0}, {x, 1.22, 1.28}, {y, -.02, .02}]