
I would like to draw a graph in circular layout but I would like to position the vertices in descending order on the circle. Can this be done in an easy way?


3 Answers 3


Sort the vertices first. Here is an example graph:

g = RandomGraph[{20,40}]

enter image description here

We can use DegreeCentrality to get all of the degrees:


{5, 4, 5, 4, 6, 2, 4, 3, 1, 4, 4, 3, 5, 4, 5, 2, 4, 3, 5, 7}

So, the following should do what you want:


enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Any reason you chose DegreeCentrality over VertexDegree? $\endgroup$
    – Greg Hurst
    Commented Jul 23, 2018 at 5:21

Suppose you already have some graph properties (such as edge or vertex weights) or some graph styling. The IGReorderVertices convenience function from IGraph/M makes it easy to preserve these properties during reordering.

Here's a styled graph:

g = RandomGraph[BarabasiAlbertGraphDistribution[20, 3], VertexSize -> Large, EdgeStyle -> Gray] // 
  IGVertexMap[ColorData["SolarColors"], VertexStyle -> Rescale@*VertexDegree]

enter image description here

And here it is with circular layout:

  VertexList[g][[ Ordering@VertexDegree[g] ]], 
  Graph[g, GraphLayout -> "CircularEmbedding"]

enter image description here



GraphComputation`GraphPropertyChart is an alternative way to visualize vertex degree centralities using a circular layout.

Using Carl Wolls' example:

g = RandomGraph[{20, 40}]; 
dc = DegreeCentrality[g];
ordering = Ordering[dc];

GraphComputation`GraphPropertyChart[g, Automatic -> dc[[ordering]],
  ChartLabels -> {Placed[{dc[[ordering]], ordering}, {"RadialCenter", "RadialCallout"}]},
  ChartStyle -> "SolarColors"] /. False -> True

enter image description here

Or, remove the annuli and disks from the callout lines:

GraphComputation`GraphPropertyChart[g, Automatic -> dc[[ordering]],
 ChartElementFunction -> None,
 ChartLabels -> {Placed[{dc[[ordering]], ordering}, {"RadialCenter", "RadialCallout"}]},
 ChartStyle -> "SolarColors"] /. False -> True /. _Disk:> {}

enter image description here

To order vertices by a property other than the default DegreeCentrality, say BetweennessCentrality, we use the desired ordering as the value of the option Automatic:

bc = BetweennessCentrality[g]; 
    Automatic -> Sort[bc], 
    ChartStyle -> "Rainbow", 
    ChartLabels -> {Placed[{Sort@bc, Ordering@bc}, 
      {"RadialCenter", "RadialCallout"}]}]  /. _Disk :> {}

enter image description here


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