First, I would like to solve a coupled differential equations. For example:
A0 = {1, 1}; (* initial condition *)
T = 1; (* time T *)
{a[T], b[T]} /. sol[[1]] (* output *)
Then the solution at T is {4.91478, 2.17818}.
Next, I would like to scan the initial condition A0. For example, I would like
Scan theta from 0 to 2Pi by steps Pi/10, and calculate all the output a[T] and b[T] in a table or saved in other formats. It would be best that the data can be save in this form {{theta_1, a[T]_1,b[T]_1},{theta_2, a[T]_2,b[T]_2}...}. The final result can be plotted, for example, plot "theta - a[T]".
How to achieve this?